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LX862 edited this page Dec 2, 2023 · 7 revisions


/btellraw - Root Command. (Permission: btw.main)
/btellraw about - Simple description for this mod. (Permission: btw.about)
/btellraw list (page) - View loaded tellraws. (Permission: btw.list)
/btellraw reload - Reload all tellraws. (Permission: btw.reload)
/btellraw send - Send a tellraw. (Permission: btw.send)
/btellraw modify - Modify a tellraw content. (Permission: btw.modify)
/btellraw add - Add a tellraw. (Permission: btw.add)

Adding a tellraw

/btellraw add <filename> <Normal ID> <Raw JSON Text/String>

Modifying a tellraw

/btellraw modify <Full ID> <Raw JSON Text/String>

Sending a tellraw

Send tellraw to players targeted with entity selector: /btellraw send entity @a <Raw JSON Text/Full ID/String> <Placeholders>
Send tellraw to player between 2 positions: /btellraw send pos x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 <Raw JSON Text/Full ID/String> <Placeholders>
Note: Using non-ASCII character or Spaces in ID requires you to put a quote around it "like this"

String formatting

You may use the Java string formatting syntax in your tellraws.
The syntax for the Placeholders argument is "placeholder1,placeholder2,placeholder3..."


1. Send tellraw ID example.example1 to a random player
/btellraw send entity @r example.example1

2. Send tellraw ID example.example2 to players in XYZ Position -2 256 -2 and 2, 0, 2
/btellraw send pos -2 256 -2 2 0 2 example.example2

3. Send the current TPS as a tellraw
/btellraw send entity @a "<aqua>Current TPS is: %server:tps%" -> Current TPS is 20.0

4. String formatting
/btellraw send entity @a "Server restarting in %s due to %s" "1 min,maintenance" -> Server restarting in 1 min due to maintenance

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