- Strengthening royal finances from debt from French war from Henry VII
- Dealt with the war with France
- Made sure England was safe from invasion
- Dealt with religious divide
- Convinced people that a woman could rule
- Dealt with concerns about her legitimacy
- Dealt with expectations of marriage
- Created peace and prosperity
- Supported by th duke of Guise (France), Francis Throckmorton, King Phillip II, the Pope
- Aimed to invade England with an army financed by Spain and overthrow Elizabeth and put MQS on the throne
- Parliament was worried as there was a list of Catholics living in England who might rebel
- Passed act of preservation for queens safety stating if Elizabeth is assassinated, Mary won't be her heir
- Law passed making it illegal to hide a priest - execution
- Throckmorton - executed
- Mary Queen of Scots - no hard evidence of involvement