A Group is a set together with a binary operation denoted by $(G, )$ where $G$ is a set and $$ is a binary operation.
A Group has to satisfy the following 4 axioms
- Closure:
$\forall a,b \in G$ ,$a * b \in G$ - Identity:
$\exists$ $e$ s.t $ae = ea = a$ - Inverse:
$\forall a \in G$ ,$\exists a^{-1}$ s.t$a*a^{-1} = a^{-1}*a = e$ - Associativity:
$\forall a,b,c \in G$ , $(ab)c = a(bc)$
A Cayley Table fully describes a finite group by showing all possible products of elements in the group Example: $$ \begin{array}{c|cccc} \times_{10}& 1 & 3 & 7 & 9 \ \hline 1 & 1 & 3 & 7 & 9 \ 3 & 3 & 9 & 1 & 7 \ 7 & 7 & 1 & 9 & 3 \ 9 & 9 & 7 & 3 & 1 \ \end{array} $$
When a group's elements are displayed in a Cayley Table:
- All entries are
$\in G$ -
Every entry appears exactly once in each row and column - this due that for a fixed $a$, $ab$ maps
$b$ onto a unique$c$ so every element in a row is unique and since each row/column has$n$ different operations with a fixed$a$ and each$a*b$ is unique, there is$n$ unique elements in the row/column and since there is$n$ unique elements in the set each one appears exactly once * -
$e$ must appear in every row and column and it's position is symmetric about the leading diagonal - since $e = aa^{-1} = a^{-1}a$ (and can only be formed from this operation), when $e$ is in location $(x, y)$ it has to be in $(y, x)$ as $x$ or $y$ are $a$ or $a^{-1}$ so $xy = yx$
You can use modular arithmetic to define a finite group of integers.
The operation
A group of permutations is a group with a set of permutations of
The symmetric group
You can use 2 row notation to describe permutations like: $\begin{pmatrix} 1 & ... & n \ p_1 & ... & p_n \end{pmatrix}$
The top row shows the starting position and
For$a \circ b = c$,
Inverse To find the inverse swap top and bottom.
You can construct a group of symmetries denoted by
A cyclic group is a group that can be written where all elements can be written as
The order of group
Properties $$ \begin{aligned} &|G| < \infty \Rightarrow |a| \div |G| \in \mathbb{N}\ &G \text{ is cyclic } \Leftrightarrow \exists a \text{ s.t } |a| = |G| \ &|a| < \infty \Rightarrow (a^m = e \Leftrightarrow |a|\div m \in \mathbb{N})\ &|a| = \infty \Rightarrow (x \neq y \Rightarrow a^x \neq a^y)\ &(a^x = a^y \wedge x \neq y) \Rightarrow |a| < \infty \end{aligned} $$
If some subset of the underlying set of a group adheres to the group axioms then it is a subgroup. Every group $(G, *)$has at least 2 trivial subgroups $({e}, )$ and $(G,)$ - itself.
Finite Subgroups
Subgroup Generation
Lagrange's Theorem
2 groups
$f$ maps all elements of$G$ to$H$ -
$f$ is one to one -
$f$ preserves structure:$f(a*b) = f(a) \circ f(b)$
$f(e_G) = e_H$ $f(a^{-1}) = [f(a)]^{-1}$ $f(a^n) = [f(a)]^n$ $|G| = |H|$ - If
$G$ has$k$ elements of order$n$ then$H$ has$k$ elements of order$n$ - If
$G$ has$k$ subgroups of order$n$ ,$H$ has$k$ subgroups of order$n$ -
$J \subseteq G \Rightarrow \exists L \subseteq H$ such that$J \cong L$
You can easily find isomorphisms by classifying all possible groups of a given order and their properties
Order | Name | Examples | Properties |
1 | Trivial group | Only group of order 1 | |
2 |
Only group of order 2 | |
3 |
Only group of order 3 | |
4 |
Cyclic group of order 4 | |
4 | Klein four-group ( |
Symmetry group of a rectangle | Only non-cyclic group of order 4; Every element (except the identity) has order 2 |
5 |
Cyclic group of order 5 | |
6 |
Cyclic group of order 6 | |
6 |
Set of all possible permutations of 3 elements, symmetry group of an equilateral triangle | No element of order 6 |
7 |
Cyclic group of order 7 | |
8 |
Cyclic group of order 8 | |
8 | Symmetry group of a square | No element of order 8; Exactly 2 elements of order 4 | |
8 | No element of order 8; Exactly 4 elements of order 4 | ||
8 | No element of order 8; Every element (except the identity) has order 2 | ||
8 | Quaternion group | No element of order 8; Exactly 6 elements of order 4 |
The direct product of two groups
Underlying Set
The elements of
Group Operation
The operation on
Identity Element
The identity element of
The inverse of an element
#Maths/Topics/Groups, #z_Legacy/Maths/A-Levels/Further-Pure/Groups
What is a group of permutations?
A group of permutations is a set of permutations of
What is the symmetric group?
The symmetric group is a group on
How can permutations be represented using two-row notation?
Permutations can be represented using two-row notation as follows:
1 & \cdots & n \
p_1 & \cdots & p_n
The top row shows the starting position, and
How is composition performed in permutation groups?
To find
- Write
$c$ as $\begin{pmatrix} 1 \cdots n \ c_1 \cdots c_n \end{pmatrix}$ - For each
$i$ , find$b_i$ in the bottom row of$b$ - Find
$b_i$ in the top row of$a$ -
$c_i$ is the corresponding element in the bottom row of$a$
How is the inverse of a permutation found? ? To find the inverse of a permutation:
- Swap the top and bottom rows
- Rearrange the columns so that the new top row is in ascending order
What is a group of symmetries? ? A group of symmetries is constructed by considering all symmetrical transformations of an n-sided polygon, including n possible rotations and n possible reflections, coupled with the composition operation.
What is a cyclic group?
A cyclic group is a group where all elements can be written as
What is the relationship between the order of an element and the order of a finite group?
What do the following imply:
- If
$|a| \in \mathbb{N}$ , then$a^m = e \Leftrightarrow |a|\div m \in \mathbb{N}$ - If
$|a| = \infty$ , then$x \neq y \Rightarrow a^x \neq a^y$ - If
$a^x = a^y$ and$x \neq y$ , then$|a| \in \mathbb{N}$
What are the notations for subgroups and their meanings?
What is a Cayley Table and What are it’s properties? ? When a group's elements are displayed in a Cayley Table:
- All entries are
$\in G$ -
Every entry appears exactly once in each row and column - this due that for a fixed $a$, $ab$ maps
$b$ onto a unique$c$ so every element in a row is unique and since each row/column has$n$ different operations with a fixed$a$ and each$a*b$ is unique, there is$n$ unique elements in the row/column and since there is$n$ unique elements in the set each one appears exactly once * -
$e$ must appear in every row and column and it's position is symmetric about the leading diagonal - since $e = aa^{-1} = a^{-1}a$ (and can only be formed from this operation), when $e$ is in location $(x, y)$ it has to be in $(y, x)$ as $x$ or $y$ are $a$ or $a^{-1}$ so $xy = y*x$
What is the rule for finding subgroups of finite groups?
What does Lagrange's theorem state for finite groups?
For a finite group
What conditions must be satisfied for two groups to be isomorphic?
Two groups
$f$ maps all elements of$G$ to$H$ -
$f$ is one-to-one -
$f$ preserves structure:$f(a*b) = f(a) \circ f(b)$
What properties are preserved under group isomorphisms?
For isomorphic groups
$f(e_G) = e_H$ (identity elements map to each other) -
$f(a^{-1}) = [f(a)]^{-1}$ (inverses map to inverses) -
$f(a^n) = [f(a)]^n$ for all$n \in \mathbb{Z}$ -
$|G| = |H|$ (groups have the same order) - Number of elements of each order is preserved
- Number of subgroups of each order is preserved
- Subgroup structure is preserved:
$J \subseteq G \Rightarrow \exists L \subseteq H$ such that$J \cong L$