A vector space
- Additive associativity:
$|u\rangle+(|v\rangle+|w\rangle)=(|u\rangle+|v\rangle)+|w\rangle$ - Multiplicative associativity:
$a\left(b|v\rangle\right)=(ab)|v\rangle$ - Additive commutativity:
$|v\rangle+|w\rangle=|w\rangle+|v\rangle$ - Existence of
$|0\rangle:|v\rangle+|0\rangle=|v\rangle,|v\rangle+(-1)|v\rangle=|0\rangle$ - Multiplicative identity:
$1|v\rangle=|v\rangle$ for all elements in$V$ - Scalar distributivity:
$a\left(|v\rangle+|w\rangle\right)=a|v\rangle+a|w\rangle$ - Vector distributivity:
The notation from the last animation is called a ket. It's a “wrapper” used to indicate that an object is a vector by writing "object" as $| \text{"object"}\rangle$. Waves wrapped in ket notation to emphasize their “vector” nature.
A Signal is the process and result of transmitting data over time. Generally real-valued function
All waves
TO approximate a signal we can ask. What
The plane is made up of all real number pairs
Lines that pass through the origin in the cartesian plane, is a Subspace of the Cartesian Plane
A Linear System is a collection of one or more linear equations in the same set of variables