According to the official documentation updated on August 2023, Jetpack Compose Accompanist library decided to deprecate the Web library with no replacement.
However, as a contributor to this library, I am still relying on it to provide WebView support in my App. Thus, I decided to fork that library and make future updates on it. This is a fork of the original library with the latest version 0.33.1-alpha.
For more information, visit the documentation:
To implement this wrapper there are two key APIs which are needed: WebView, which provides the layout, and rememberWebViewState(url) which provides some remembered state including the URL to display.
The basic usage is as follows:
val state = rememberWebViewState("")
This will display a WebView in your Compose layout that shows the URL provided.
There is a larger sample in the sample app which can be found here. This sample also shows how to show a loading state.
This library provides a WebViewState class as a state holder to hold the state for the WebView.
class WebViewState(webContent: WebContent) {
var lastLoadedUrl: String? by mutableStateOf(null)
internal set
* The content being loaded by the WebView
var content: WebContent by mutableStateOf(webContent)
* Whether the WebView is currently [LoadingState.Loading] data in its main frame (along with
* progress) or the data loading has [LoadingState.Finished]. See [LoadingState]
var loadingState: LoadingState by mutableStateOf(LoadingState.Initializing)
internal set
* Whether the webview is currently loading data in its main frame
val isLoading: Boolean
get() = loadingState !is LoadingState.Finished
* The title received from the loaded content of the current page
var pageTitle: String? by mutableStateOf(null)
internal set
* A list for errors captured in the last load. Reset when a new page is loaded.
* Errors could be from any resource (iframe, image, etc.), not just for the main page.
* For more fine grained control use the OnError callback of the WebView.
val errorsForCurrentRequest: SnapshotStateList<WebViewError> = mutableStateListOf()
// We need access to this in the state saver. An internal DisposableEffect or AndroidView
// onDestroy is called after the state saver and so can't be used.
internal var webView by mutableStateOf<IWebView?>(null)
It can be created using the rememberWebViewState function, which can be remembered across Compositions.
val state = rememberWebViewState("")
* Creates a WebView state that is remembered across Compositions.
* @param url The url to load in the WebView
* @param additionalHttpHeaders Optional, additional HTTP headers that are passed to [WebView.loadUrl].
* Note that these headers are used for all subsequent requests of the WebView.
fun rememberWebViewState(
url: String,
additionalHttpHeaders: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()
* Creates a WebView state that is remembered across Compositions.
* @param data The uri to load in the WebView
* @param baseUrl The URL to use as the page's base URL.
* @param encoding The encoding of the data in the string.
* @param mimeType The MIME type of the data in the string.
* @param historyUrl The history URL for the loaded HTML. Leave null to use about:blank.
fun rememberWebViewStateWithHTMLData(
data: String,
baseUrl: String? = null,
encoding: String = "utf-8",
mimeType: String? = null,
historyUrl: String? = null
Developers can use the WebViewState
to get the loading information of the WebView, such as the loading progress, the loading status, and the URL of the current page.
Column {
val state = rememberWebViewState("")
Text(text = "${state.pageTitle}")
val loadingState = state.loadingState
if (loadingState is LoadingState.Loading) {
progress = loadingState.progress,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
This library provides a WebViewNavigator class to control over the navigation of a WebView from outside the composable.
E.g.for performing a back navigation in response to the user clicking the "up" button in a TopAppBar.
It can be used to load a new URL, evaluate the JavaScript, and go back and forward in the history.
class WebViewNavigator(private val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope) {
* True when the web view is able to navigate backwards, false otherwise.
var canGoBack: Boolean by mutableStateOf(false)
internal set
* True when the web view is able to navigate forwards, false otherwise.
var canGoForward: Boolean by mutableStateOf(false)
internal set
fun loadUrl(url: String, additionalHttpHeaders: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()) {}
fun loadHtml(
html: String,
baseUrl: String? = null,
mimeType: String? = null,
encoding: String? = "utf-8",
historyUrl: String? = null
) {
fun postUrl(
url: String,
postData: ByteArray
) {
fun evaluateJavaScript(script: String, callback: ((String) -> Unit)? = null)
* Navigates the webview back to the previous page.
fun navigateBack() {}
* Navigates the webview forward after going back from a page.
fun navigateForward() {}
* Reloads the current page in the webview.
fun reload() {}
* Stops the current page load (if one is loading).
fun stopLoading() {}
It can be created using the rememberWebViewNavigator function, which can be remembered across Compositions.
val navigator = rememberWebViewNavigator()
fun rememberWebViewNavigator(
coroutineScope: CoroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
): WebViewNavigator = remember(coroutineScope) { WebViewNavigator(coroutineScope) }
Developers can use the WebViewNavigator to control the navigation of the WebView.
val navigator = rememberWebViewNavigator()
Column {
val state = rememberWebViewState("")
val navigator = rememberWebViewNavigator()
title = { Text(text = "WebView Sample") },
navigationIcon = {
if (navigator.canGoBack) {
IconButton(onClick = { navigator.navigateBack() }) {
imageVector = Icons.Default.ArrowBack,
contentDescription = "Back"
Text(text = "${state.pageTitle}")
val loadingState = state.loadingState
if (loadingState is LoadingState.Loading) {
progress = loadingState.progress,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
state = state,
navigator = navigator
By default, JavaScript is disabled in the WebView. To enable it or any other settings you can use the onCreated callback.
state = webViewState,
onCreated = { it.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true }
By default, the WebView will capture back presses/swipes when relevant and navigate the WebView back. This can be disabled via the parameter on the Composable.
captureBackPresses = false
If you want to use a subclass of WebView, or simply require more control over its instantiation, you can provide a factory.
factory = { context -> CustomWebView(context) }
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation "io.github.kevinnzou:compose-webview:0.33.6"
Compose WebView is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0). See the license for more information.