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V2 to V3 upgrade broken? #196

x418 opened this issue Jul 28, 2023 · 4 comments

V2 to V3 upgrade broken? #196

x418 opened this issue Jul 28, 2023 · 4 comments


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x418 commented Jul 28, 2023


I have been using the V2 branch ever since I got my keyboard and have had no issues. I only have minor changes in my keymap (plus two macros). Apart from the annoying merge conflicts every time I try syncing the fork, I have had no issues whatsoever.

However, I tried to migrate to the V3 branch by doing the following (also checked the

  1. Created a new fork from V3.0
  2. Carefully changed the keymap (adv360.keymap & keymap.json) to only remap the keys I changed (mostly first row of the thumb cluster). They are attached below
  3. Cleared existing profile via BT_CLR (In my keymap, Mod+Ctrl) & also remove it from devices (I am on NixOS, if that matters)
  4. Flashed the left & right half with the new firmware as per instructions
  5. Switched on the keyboard & tried pairing again
  6. Pairing fails. I switch off and switch on, try a different profile via (Mod+1 through 5). Same result. BT_CLR doesn't appear to do anything (and none of the LEDs work)
  7. So, I end up reverting to the V2 based firmware
#include <behaviors.dtsi>
#include <dt-bindings/zmk/keys.h>
#include <dt-bindings/zmk/bt.h>
#include <dt-bindings/zmk/rgb.h>
#include <dt-bindings/zmk/backlight.h>

#define AS(keycode) &as LS(keycode) keycode     // Autoshift Macro
#define AA(keycode) &aa LA(keycode) keycode     // AutoAlt Macro

/ {
    behaviors {
      #include "macros.dtsi"

      hm: homerow_mods {
          compatible = "zmk,behavior-hold-tap";
          label = "HOMEROW_MODS";
          #binding-cells = <2>;
          tapping-term-ms = <200>;
          quick_tap_ms = <175>;
          flavor = "tap-preferred";
          bindings = <&kp>, <&kp>;

      as: auto_shift {
          compatible = "zmk,behavior-hold-tap";
          label = "AUTO_SHIFT";
          #binding-cells = <2>;
          tapping_term_ms = <135>;
          quick_tap_ms = <0>;
          flavor = "tap-preferred";
          bindings = <&kp>, <&kp>;

      aa: auto_alt {
          compatible = "zmk,behavior-hold-tap";
          label = "AUTO_ALT";
          #binding-cells = <2>;
          tapping_term_ms = <135>;
          quick_tap_ms = <0>;
          flavor = "tap-preferred";
          bindings = <&kp>, <&kp>;

  keymap {
    compatible = "zmk,keymap";

    default_layer {
      bindings = <
        &kp EQUAL &kp N1    &kp N2   &kp N3   &kp N4     &kp N5 &tog 1                                                           &mo 3 &kp N6 &kp N7 &kp N8    &kp N9   &kp N0   &kp MINUS
        &kp TAB   &kp Q     &kp W    &kp E    &kp R      &kp T  &caps_word                                                       &kp INSERT &kp Y  &kp U  &kp I     &kp O    &kp P    &kp BSLH
        &kp ESC   &kp A     &kp S    &kp D    &kp F      &kp G  &none           &kp LEFT_WIN &kp LALT &kp RCTRL  &kp ESC         &kp PRINTSCREEN &kp H  &kp J  &kp K     &kp L    &kp SEMI &kp SQT
        &kp LSHFT &kp Z     &kp X    &kp C    &kp V      &kp B                            &kp HOME &kp PG_UP                           &kp N  &kp M  &kp COMMA &kp DOT  &kp FSLH &kp RSHFT
        &mo 2     &kp GRAVE &kp CAPS &kp LEFT &kp RIGHT                &kp BSPC &kp DEL   &kp END  &kp PG_DN &kp ENTER &kp SPACE              &kp UP &kp DOWN  &kp LBKT &kp RBKT &mo 2
    keypad {
      bindings = <
        &kp EQUAL &kp N1    &kp N2   &kp N3   &kp N4     &kp N5 &trans                                                           &mo 3 &kp N6 &kp KP_NUM &kp KP_EQUAL &kp KP_DIVIDE &kp KP_MULTIPLY &kp MINUS
        &kp TAB   &kp Q     &kp W    &kp E    &kp R      &kp T  &none                                                            &none &kp Y  &kp KP_N7  &kp KP_N8    &kp KP_N9     &kp KP_MINUS    &kp BSLH
        &kp ESC   &kp A     &kp S    &kp D    &kp F      &kp G  &none           &kp LCTRL &kp LALT &kp LGUI  &kp RCTRL           &none &kp H  &kp KP_N4  &kp KP_N5    &kp KP_N6     &kp KP_PLUS     &kp SQT
        &kp LSHFT &kp Z     &kp X    &kp C    &kp V      &kp B                            &kp HOME &kp PG_UP                           &kp N  &kp KP_N1  &kp KP_N2    &kp KP_N3     &kp KP_ENTER    &kp RSHFT
        &mo 2     &kp GRAVE &kp CAPS &kp LEFT &kp RIGHT                &kp BSPC &kp DEL   &kp END  &kp PG_DN &kp ENTER &kp KP_N0              &kp UP     &kp DOWN     &kp KP_DOT    &kp RBKT        &mo 2
    fn {
      bindings = <
        &kp F1 &kp F2 &kp F3 &kp F4 &kp F5 AS(F6) &tog 1                                           &mo 3 &kp F7 &kp F8 &kp F9 &kp F10 &kp F11 &kp F12
        &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans  &none                                           &none &trans &trans &trans &trans  &trans  &trans
        &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans  &none        &trans &trans &trans &trans        &none &trans &trans &trans &trans  &trans  &trans
        &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans                      &trans &trans                     &trans &trans &trans &trans  &trans  &trans
        &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans               &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans              &kp C_VOL_UP &kp C_VOLUME_DOWN &trans  &trans  &trans
    mod {
      bindings = <
        &none &bt BT_SEL 0 &bt BT_SEL 1 &bt BT_SEL 2 &bt BT_SEL 3 &bt BT_SEL 4 &none                                                                     &trans                 &none        &none        &none        &none &none &none
        &none &none        &none        &none        &none        &none        &bootloader                                                               &bootloader            &none        &none        &none        &none &none &none
        &none &none        &none        &none        &none        &none        &none                   &none &none &bt BT_CLR &none                      &rgb_ug RGB_MEFS_CMD 5 &none        &none        &none        &none &none &none
        &none &none        &none        &none        &none        &none                                      &none &none                                                        &none        &none        &none        &none &none &none
        &none &none        &none        &none        &none                                       &none &none &none &none      &bl BL_TOG &rgb_ug RGB_TOG                                     &bl BL_INC   &bl BL_DEC   &none &none &none

  "keyboard": "adv360",
  "keymap": "default",
  "layout": "LAYOUT",
  "layer_names": [
  "layers": [
      "&kp EQUAL ", "&kp N1    ", "&kp N2   ", "&kp N3   ", "&kp N4     ", "&kp N5 ", "&tog 1                                                                            ", "&mo 3  ", "&kp N6 ", "&kp N7 ", "&kp N8    ", "&kp N9   ", "&kp N0   ", "&kp MINUS",
      "&kp TAB   ", "&kp Q     ", "&kp W    ", "&kp E    ", "&kp R      ", "&kp T  ", "&caps_word                                                                             ", "&kp INSERT  ", "&kp Y  ", "&kp U  ", "&kp I     ", "&kp O    ", "&kp P    ", "&kp BSLH",
      "&kp ESC   ", "&kp A     ", "&kp S    ", "&kp D    ", "&kp F      ", "&kp G  ", "&none           ", "&kp LEFT_WIN ", "&kp LALT ", "&kp RCTRL  ", "&kp ESC",             "&kp PRINTSCREEN  ", "&kp H  ", "&kp J  ", "&kp K     ", "&kp L    ", "&kp SEMI ", "&kp SQT",
      "&kp LSHFT ", "&kp Z     ", "&kp X    ", "&kp C    ", "&kp V      ", "&kp B   ",                                  "&kp HOME ", "&kp PG_UP ",                          "&kp N  ", "&kp M  ", "&kp COMMA ", "&kp DOT  ", "&kp FSLH ", "&kp RSHFT",
      "&mo 2     ", "&kp GRAVE ", "&kp CAPS ", "&kp LEFT ", "&kp RIGHT                   ", "&kp BSPC  ", "&kp DEL   ", "&kp END  ", "&kp PG_DN ", "&kp ENTER ", "&kp SPACE                    ", "&kp UP ", "&kp DOWN  ", "&kp LBKT ", "&kp RBKT ", "&mo 2"
    ], [
      "&kp EQUAL ", "&kp N1    ", "&kp N2   ", "&kp N3   ", "&kp N4     ", "&kp N5 ", "&trans                                                                          ", "&mo 3  ", "&kp N6 ", "&kp KP_NUM ", "&kp KP_EQUAL ", "&kp KP_DIVIDE ", "&kp KP_MULTIPLY ", "&kp MINUS",
      "&kp TAB   ", "&kp Q     ", "&kp W    ", "&kp E    ", "&kp R      ", "&kp T  ", "&none                                                                           ", "&none  ", "&kp Y  ", "&kp KP_N7  ", "&kp KP_N8    ", "&kp KP_N9     ", "&kp KP_MINUS    ", "&kp BSLH",
      "&kp ESC   ", "&kp A     ", "&kp S    ", "&kp D    ", "&kp F      ", "&kp G  ", "&none          ", "&kp LCTRL ", "&kp LALT ", "&kp LGUI  ", "&kp RCTRL           ", "&none  ", "&kp H  ", "&kp KP_N4  ", "&kp KP_N5    ", "&kp KP_N6     ", "&kp KP_PLUS     ", "&kp SQT",
      "&kp LSHFT ", "&kp Z     ", "&kp X    ", "&kp C    ", "&kp V      ", "&kp B        ",                            "&kp HOME ", "&kp PG_UP "                                   , "&kp N  ", "&kp KP_N1  ", "&kp KP_N2    ", "&kp KP_N3     ", "&kp KP_ENTER    ", "&kp RSHFT",
      "&mo 2     ", "&kp GRAVE ", "&kp CAPS ", "&kp LEFT ", "&kp RIGHT                   ", "&kp BSPC ", "&kp DEL   ", "&kp END  ", "&kp PG_DN ", "&kp ENTER ", "&kp KP_N0                    ", "&kp UP     ", "&kp DOWN     ", "&kp KP_DOT    ", "&kp RBKT        ", "&mo 2"
    ], [
      "&kp F1    ", "&kp F2    ", "&kp F3   ", "&kp F4   ", "&kp F5     ", "&kp F6 ", "&tog 1                                                                       ", "&mo 3  ", "&kp F7 ", "&kp F8 ", "&kp F9    ", "&kp F10  ", "&kp F11  ", "&kp F12",
      "&trans    ", "&trans    ", "&trans   ", "&trans   ", "&trans     ", "&trans ", "&none                                                                        ", "&none  ", "&trans ", "&trans ", "&trans    ", "&trans   ", "&trans   ", "&trans ",
      "&trans    ", "&trans    ", "&trans   ", "&trans   ", "&trans     ", "&trans ", "&none          ", "&trans    ", "&trans   ", "&trans    ", "&trans           ", "&none  ", "&trans ", "&trans ", "&trans    ", "&trans   ", "&trans   ", "&trans ",
      "&trans    ", "&trans    ", "&trans   ", "&trans   ", "&trans     ", "&trans       ",                            "&trans   ", "&trans    ",                                 "&trans ", "&trans ", "&trans    ", "&trans   ", "&trans   ", "&trans ",
      "&trans    ", "&trans    ", "&trans   ", "&trans   ", "&trans                      ", "&trans   ", "&trans    ", "&trans   ", "&trans    ", "&trans    ", "&trans                   ", "&kp C_VOL_UP ", "&kp C_VOLUME_DOWN    ", "&trans   ", "&trans   ", "&trans"
    ], [
      "&none ", "&bt BT_SEL 0 ", "&bt BT_SEL 1 ", "&bt BT_SEL 2 ", "&bt BT_SEL 3 ", "&bt BT_SEL 4 ", "&none                                                                                        ", "&trans        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none",
      "&none ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&bootloader                                                                                  ", "&bootloader   ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none",
      "&none ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none                ", "&none", "&none ", "&bt BT_CLR ", "&none ",                             "&rgb_ug RGB_MEFS_CMD 5 ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none",
      "&none ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none                                          ", "&none ", "&none ",                                                              "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none",
      "&none ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none                                         ", "&none", "&none", "&none ", "&none      ", "&bl BL_TOG ", "&rgb_ug RGB_TOG                                ", "&bl BL_INC   ", "&bl BL_DEC   ", "&none        ", "&none        ", "&none"

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ReFil commented Jul 28, 2023

Can you please provide more information? What problems are you encountering, have you followed the upgrade guide in UPGRADE.MD?

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x418 commented Jul 28, 2023

Can you please provide more information? What problems are you encountering, have you followed the upgrade guide in UPGRADE.MD?

Ha! That was quick. Sorry, I accidentally hit enter and now updating the description with details. Bear with me.

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x418 commented Jul 28, 2023

Quick Update:

As I was composing this issue description, I thought of just using the V3 version of settings-reset.uf2 firmware to reset both halves of the keyboard (Since I am upgrading from V2 to V3). After doing that, I flashed with the V3 firmware.

This time, however, I started seeing more than 1 device when running scan on via bluetoothctl. However, after a few trial and error attempts, I was able to successfully pair with the first profile (Mod + 1). (Unlike in the past, where I just got the same device ID and didn't have to choose profiles).

That said, I am glad to say that I was able to fix the issue on my own. And leaving this issue for documentation. Feel free to close the issue. And thanks for the hard work you put in.

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ReFil commented Jul 28, 2023

Glad to hear it's all sorted, we are aware there exists a route for confusion with the multiple settings reset files, and shall be improving this in the future

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