A license is a simple agreement or contract between two persons who agree their wills regards to the thing and the price. The two persons here are: “the licensor” (Charles Kocian as the author of the “license material” wich are the 94 questions and answers). The license is a contract between "the licensor" and the “the licensee”, (the person who is going to make a video and use the “license material” to make it).
The “license material”, here, is the text of 94 philosophical questions and answers. It is stored in the "94QuestionsAndAnswersText" document in the main.
The 94 questions and answers is the "license material". They are part of a book called Champion’s Renaissance. It is the book of answers of the "Exceptional Mind" philosophical-quiz-game. The book acts as the answers' book of the questions of the game. The book and game were (fictionally) created by the characters of Charles Kocian novel called "One Exceptional Mind". The novel, book and game are the context of the "license material", but are not under the CC BY-ND license. Only the text of the 94 questions and answers is the "license material", and it is the sole part under the CC BY-ND license. The novel, book and game rights are reserved to Charles Kocian under copyright © international laws. Again, and to be out of doubt, only the text of the 94 questions and answers stored in the "94QuestionsAndAnswersText" document in the main of this repository are under the CC BY-ND public license.
Being the novel, book and game the greater context of the “license material”, we strongly recommend “the licensees” to create their videos after reading them and playing the game. That will allow them a deeper understanding of the context, to enhance their videos creations and to avoid producing “adapted material”, something that is prohibited by the CC BY-ND license.
Each video is made of two-parts-text. Part 1 (given text of the 94 questions and answers), is under CC BY-ND license. Part 2 (new text), is under CC BY-SA license.
Part 1 text of each video is, as it was said, under the CC BY-ND license (Attribution-WithoutDerivatives). As Creative Commons website says: "This license lets others reuse the work for any purpose, including commercially; however, it cannot be shared with others in adapted form, and credit must be provided". This is the "license material" the legal code refers to. In our case the "license material" is the TEXT of the 94 questions and answers stored in the "94QuestionsAndAnswersText" document in the main. It says that the text of the questions and answers cannot be changed, but images and audio can be connected to it. This license requires attribution as well.
Part 2 of each video is, as it was said, under the CC BY-SA license (Attribution-ShareEqual). As Creative Commons website says: "This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to “copyleft” free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use." This license applies to part 2 of each video. It contains new TEXT in relation to the text question and answer to enrich its explanation and understanding. This new text is redacted by the person who is creating a video. Images and audio can be connected to it and attribution is required as well.
Each video must follow the luxury-aesthetics-conditions. In general this conditions points to high-quality-standards of art and production. It contemplates a classic elegant style matching the aesthetics of the game and the website. Read the details in the "LuxuryAestheticsConditions" document in the main.
The CC BY-ND license and the CC BY-SA license request attribution to the "licensor" in a reasonable manner. In this case, the reasonable manner is a picture of the game and a link where to download it at the end of each video. (Read how to do it in the "HowToContributeNow" document in the main).
In part 1 of each video, the text of the 94 questions and answers are under the Copyright © and Similar Rights held by “the licensor” (Charles Kocian). To comply this license, “the licensee” (the person who is going to make a video) must assure to maintain the “license material” unchanged, that is, the texts and sentences of the questions and answers cannot be adapted, change, altered, arranged, transformed, or modified without “the licensor” permission. The text of the questions and answers are in the "94QuestionsAndAnswersText" document.
In part 1 of each video, the contributor or "licensee” who is making a video is allowed to add images in connection to the text. (This accordingly of what says in https://certificates.creativecommons.org, in 2. Adaptations 5. There it says that, “as a legal matter, at times it is tricky to determine exactly what is and is not an adaptation”, and recommend some rules to keep in mind, “including an image in connection with text, as in a blog post, a powerpoint, or an article, does not create an adaptation unless the photo itself is adapted”). In part 1 of each video, any audiovisual can be connected to the text of the questions and answers, and that will not produce “adapted material”.
In part 2 of each video, the contributor or "licensee” who is making a video is allowed to create new text in relation to the text of part 1, and add audio and images in connection to the text as well.
The 94 questions and answers cannot be used to create videos as parts of other videos or inside a post, etc., or as part of a commercial, activists protests or political campaigns. The videos are whole totality art works from start to end. They are intellectual, artistic and non-political creations. Creating an unproper visual, sound or music or any other kind of improper context will distort the original text of the “license material” and will produce without doubt “adapted material”, something that is prohibited by the CC BY-ND license.