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KiraLT edited this page Nov 2, 2021 · 6 revisions


You can pass JSON config file to any run command with -c option (e.g. npm run start -c config.json).

All config parameters are optional, so you add only necessary parameters to your configurations.

     * Server host.
     * Default:  ``
    "host": ""
     * Server port.
     * Default:  3000
    "port": 3000,
     * Project environment- `development` or `production'`
     * Default:  `production`
    "environment": "production",
     * Logging configuration.
    "logging": {
        * Logging transports.
        * Default: `console`
        "transports": [
                "type": "console"
                * Enables logging
                "type": "loggly",
                * Loggly subdomain
                "subdomain": "my-loggly-subdomain",
                * Loggly token
                "token": "my token",
                * Loggly tags, can be used to filter logs
                "tags": ["torrent-stream-server"]
         * Logging level, one of `debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error`.
         * Default:  `info`
        "level": "info",
         * How many latest logs should be stored and retrieved by API or shown in the dashboard.
         * Default: `100`
        storeLimit: 100
     * Torrent client settings
    "torrents": {
        * Where to store downloaded torrents
        * Default: `/tmp/torrent-stream-server`
        "path": "/tmp/torrent-stream-server",
         * Delete torrent data if it is inactive for X seconds.
         * Default:  `3600`
        "ttl": 3600,
         * Load default trackers list & use it for each torrents.
         * Default:  `true`
        "useDefaultTrackers": true,
         * Additional trackers (`tr` parameter) which will be appended to each torrent.
         * Default:  []
        "announce": [],
         * Web Seed (`ws` parameter) which will be appended to each torrent.
         * Default:  []
        "urlList": [],
         * Peer addresses (`` parameter).
         * Default:  []
        "peerAddresses": [],
         * Max download speed (bytes/sec) over all torrents
         * Default: `5242880`
        "downloadLimit": 5242880,
         * Max upload speed (bytes/sec) over all torrents
         * Default: `0`
        "uploadLimit": 0,
     * Security settings
    "security": {
         * Stream API (`/stream/:torrent`) settings
        "streamApi": {
             * Protect stream API with JSON Web Token (check
             * If `apiKey` is not set, it can also be used as API key (`authorization`: `bearer ${apiKey}`).
             * Default:  undefined
            "key": "my random key",
             * The maximum allowed age for tokens to still be valid.
             * It is expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span (check
             * Default:  `6h`
            "maxAge": "6h"
         * Serve frontend static files
         * Default: true if production environment
        "frontendEnabled": true,
         * Enable API
         * Default:  true
        "apiEnabled": true,
         * Protect API with key. It should be passed to headers to access the API (`authorization`: `bearer ${apiKey}`).
         * If `streamApi` doesn't have a separate key, `apiKey` can be used as JSON Web Token.
         * Default:  undefined
        "apiKey": "my random key",
         * Limit requests per minute for single IP
         * Default: 100
        "rpm": 100
     * Get IP from `X-Forwarded-*` header.
     * Default:  true if inside App Engine or Heroku else false
    "trustProxy": true

ENV variables

Config uses common-stuff/convertToNested parser, so you can specify any parameter from config by passing the ENV variable with config prefix (separate different levels with __).

You can also pass JSON values for these ENV variables. Keys are automatically converted to camelCase.


  • CONFIG='{"port": 80}' - overwrite port by passing JSON config
  • CONFIG__PORT='80' - overwrite port by providing exact parameter
  • CONFIG__LOGGING__TRANSPORTS='[{"type": "loggly", "subdomain": "loggly-subdomain", "token": "my token"}]' - add loggly logging


Some config parameters have ENV variable shortcuts:

Env Variable Shortcut to
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