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Eleventy Plugin OG Image npm

This plugin helps to create Open Graph images in Eleventy using a template language of your choice12 and CSS3 via satori. No headless browser will be harmed 😉.



This is the documentation for eleventy-plugin-og-image ^2.0.0. If your project already uses @11ty/eleventy >=3.0.0-alpha.1 and switched to ESM it's recommended to use the current beta of this plugin.

Install the package:

npm install eleventy-plugin-og-image --save-dev

Add the plugin to your .eleventy.js:

const EleventyPluginOgImage = require('eleventy-plugin-og-image');

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(EleventyPluginOgImage, {
    satoriOptions: {
      fonts: [
          name: 'Inter',
          data: fs.readFileSync('../path/to/font-file/inter.woff'),
          weight: 700,
          style: 'normal',

Create an OG-image-template, using the supported HTML elements2 and CSS properties3. CSS in <style> tags will be inlined, remote images fetched. This is an example og-image.og.njk:

    .root {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        align-items: center;
        background: linear-gradient(135deg, #ef629f, #eecda3);

    .title {
        color: white;
        font-size: 80px;
        margin: auto 0;

<div class="root">
    <h1 class="title">{{ title }}</h1>

Call the ogImage shortcode inside the <head> in a template. The first argument is the filePath of the OG-image-template (required, relative to the location from where you execute the eleventy command), second argument is for data (optional). Usage example in Nunjucks, e.g. example-page.njk:

{% ogImage "./og-image.og.njk", { title: "Hello World!" } %}


Generated OG image _site/og-images/s0m3h4sh.png:

Generated OG image

HTML output generated by the shortcode in _site/example-page/index.html (can be modified via the generateHTML option):

<meta property="og:image" content="/og-images/s0m3h4sh.png" />

For applied usage see the example.

Note The template language of the page and OG-image-template can be mixed and matched.1


The following options can be passed when adding the plugin:

Property Type Default
inputFileGlob glob **/*.og.* This must match the OG-image-templates to prevent HTML compilation.
getOutputFileSlug function See source Generation of the output file slug. Return must be url safe and exclude the file extension.
outputFileExtension sharp output file formats png
outputDir string _site/og-images/ Directory into which OG images will be emitted. Relative to the location from where you execute the eleventy command. Change urlPath accordingly.
urlPath string /og-images/ URL-prefix which will be used in returned meta-tags. Change outputDir accordingly.
generateHTML function See source Change the rendered HTML in pages.
satoriOptions satori options { width: 1200, height: 630, fonts: [] } If an OG-image-template contains text, it's required to load a font (example).
sharpOptions sharp output options undefined Options must be corresponding to chosen outputFileExtension.

Development Mode

During development the OG image file name is the url slug of the page it's generated from. In production builds, a hash of the content will be used. You'll have to handle this yourself, if you pass a custom getOutputFileSlug.

Advanced Usage

Custom Shortcode

If you would like to build your own shortcode, you can directly use the renderOgImage function.

const { renderOgImage } = require('eleventy-plugin-og-image/render');

const { html, svg, pngBuffer } = await renderOgImage({ inputPath, data, satoriOptions, templateConfig });

Capture Output URL

If you don't want to directly generate HTML with the shortcode, you can modify the generateHTML option to directly return the outputUrl:

eleventyConfig.addPlugin(EleventyPluginOgImage, {
  generateHTML: (outputUrl) => outputUrl,

Now you can capture the outputUrl in your page, e.g. in Nunjucks:

{% setAsync "ogOutputUrl" -%}
    {% ogImage "./og-image.og.njk", { title: "Hello World!" } %}
{%- endsetAsync %}

And use it anywhere below with {{ ogOutputUrl }}.

Acknowledgements & Attributions

This plugin is deeply inspired by @vercel/og.

Furthermore, it would not be possible without:


  1. Handlebars doesn't support async shortcodes and therefore can't use the ogImage shortcode. Nevertheless, an OG-image-template can use Handlebars (.og.hbs). 2

  2. Only a subset of HTML elements is supported by satori. 2

  3. Only a subset of CSS properties are supported by yoga-layout, which is used by satori. 2