- HTML Inline elements vs block elements
- HTML Semantics
- HTML Unrelated elements & HTML enitites
- HTML Tables
- HTML Forms
- Folder Structure external link
- HTML Form validation
- CSS Basics
- CSS Selectors
- CSS Cascade and CSS Specificity
- CSS Inheritance
- The Google Chrome Devtool
- CSS Box Model: content (box) ・ border ・ padding ・ margin
- CSS Box Model: display property
- CSS Box Model-Units -
- CSS Some useful properties - extra
- CSS Simple tricks and useful stuffs 🤓
- CSS Links and collections - reset your CSS
- CSS Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- CSS Responsive design - @media queries
- CSS BEM methodology
- OOCSS - Object Oriented CSS
- About CSS Modules external link
- Inspirationel sites for web design
JavaScript -basics
- JS: Primitive Types
- JS: Variables
- JS: Methods
- JS: Template Literals (template strings)
- JS: Math Object
- JS: Comparison Operators
- JS: console | alert() | prompt methods
- JS: Conditional statement - if • else if • else
- JS: Switch statement
- JS: Truthy and Falsy values
- JS: Conditional (ternary) operator
- JS: Logical operators
- JS: Arrays
- JS: Object Literals
- JS: Loops
- JS: Functions
- JS: Callback Functions & Array Methods
- JS: Other features
- JS: DOM manipulation
- JS: Attributes & Properties
- JS: DOM events
- JS: Asynchronous JavaScript
- JS: Object-Prototype - an introduction to OOP
- JS: OOP - Object-oriented Programming
Node JS -basics
- What is Node JS?
- How to run files in Node?
- File System Modulemodule.exports
- Require Directory
Terminal (command line) -basics
- Terminologies
- Basic Commands (
, etc.) - Absolute vs Relative path
- mkdir - Make new Directories
- man command - manual
- touch command - create/update file(s)
- rm & rmdir - delete file(s) and directories
These are my personal notes I can not guarantee that it's perfect, feel free to let me know if there is something that should or must be fiexd. Several parts are gathered from different sites and online/offline courses, no intention to harm any copyrights. Web is open, (or at least should be) free and should be accessible to everyone. ;)