The book list mainly contains economics, technology and psychology.
I've read them more or less.
They gave me different insights to the world, and how something works. So I'd like to share with others.
I'm not the one who sells knowledge. Knowledge is dead and everywhere.
Since the future is already here, I just wanna it to be distributed.
Hope you can find interests in the books.
[Macroeconomics NGregoryMankiw8th]( N.Gregory.Mankiw.8th.pdf)
[弗雷德里克·米什金:The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (第7版 扫描版)](弗雷德里克·米什金:The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (第7版 扫描版).pdf)
[聪明的投资者 第四版](聪明的投资者 第四版.pdf)
[bigtable-osdi06]( Papers/bigtable-osdi06.pdf)
[gfs-sosp2003]( Papers/gfs-sosp2003.pdf)
[Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg]( Papers/Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg.pdf)
[mapreduce-osdi04]( Papers/mapreduce-osdi04.pdf)
[Information Retrieval Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines]( Retrieval/Information Retrieval Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines.pdf)
[introduction to information retrieval Manning]( Retrieval/introduction to information retrieval Manning.pdf)
[SEIRiP]( Retrieval/SEIRiP.pdf)
[Bishop - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning]( Learning/Bishop - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.pdf)
[Machine Learning in Action]( Learning/Machine Learning in Action.pdf)
[MachineLearningAProbabilisticPerspective,KevinPMurphy,MITPress,2012]( Learning/Machine.Learning.A.Probabilistic.Perspective,.Kevin.P..Murphy,.MIT.Press,.2012.pdf)
[simple heuristics that make us smart]( heuristics that make us smart.pdf)
[安迪·格鲁夫:只有偏执狂才能生存 (扫描版)](安迪·格鲁夫:只有偏执狂才能生存 (扫描版).pdf)
[高斯 & 温伯格:你的灯亮着吗?——发现问题的真正所在](高斯 & 温伯格:你的灯亮着吗?——发现问题的真正所在.pdf)
[Computer Networks - A Tanenbaum - 5th edition]( Networks - A Tanenbaum - 5th edition.pdf)
[TCP-IP Illustrated Volume 1 The Protocols [第二版][英文版][文字版]]( Illustrated Volume 1 The Protocols [第二版][英文版][文字版].pdf)
[Compilers - Principles Techniques and Tools by Alfred Aho - Monica Lam- Ravi Sethi- Jeffrey Ullman - Second Edition]( - Principles Techniques and Tools by Alfred Aho - Monica Lam- Ravi Sethi- Jeffrey Ullman - Second Edition.pdf)
[Computer Systems - A Programmer's Perspective (2nd)]( Systems - A Programmer's Perspective (2nd).pdf)
[Principles of Distributed Computing]( of Distributed Computing.pdf)
[The Art Of Unix Programming]( Art Of Unix Programming.pdf)
[the c programming language%25282nd edition%2529]( c programming language%25282nd edition%2529.pdf)
[编码 隐匿在计算机软硬件背后的语言](编码 隐匿在计算机软硬件背后的语言.pdf)
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