We are always happy if people want to contribute to the tech radar!
Tech radar is a curated overview of the most important technologies that are currently relevant to the Haufe Group technology strategy and Haufe Group product development. The tech radar tends to focus on technology concepts like Blockchain or Machine Learning and not on specific technologies like JavaScript or No-SQL-databases. The reason for this is that the technology radar serves the purpose of informing everyone at Haufe Group about new technology that can enable their product - whether it be internal or customer-facing.
It's a good idea to keep this in mind when you decide that you want to contribute to the tech radar because, really, the idea behind the radar blips is to help start conversations - among all job roles at Haufe Group - about how new technology can be used to improve or create new products for Haufe Group.
The content for the tech radar is stored in a GitHub repository and edited in Git Markdown format. To be able to contribute, you must know how (or know someone) to edit in Git Markdown and make a pull request from a forked GitHub repository. Contributions are mostly reviewed through the Git contribution workflow.
Please follow these steps when you decide to make a contribution.
- Inform and agree to a contribution with the cell
- Contribute content
- Make your pull request
Since the tech radar is curated, the first step is to tell us what you wish to contribute. You can let us know in various ways
- E-mail to _kickstarter_customer_success_new_tech@haufe-lexware.com.
- Rocket chat in the "Tech Radar" channel.
- Jabber to us in the Jabber "Tech Radar" channel
- Make an "content-less" pull request - from your forked GitHub repository - and say you wish to contribute to https://github.com/Haufe-Lexware/aoe_technology_radar.
When we receive your request, we'll contact you to talk about it and to see if it's something the tech radar is ready for and how much content is needed for version 1.0.
There are various ways to to contribute content. For folks, who don't want to contribute over Git, there are German and English Microsoft Word templates that you can use to structure your content. Just ask for them.
If you are going to contribute over Git, the recommended workflow is for you to fork the https://github.com/Haufe-Lexware/aoe_technology_radar repository to your own GitHub account. Create and edit your content from your forked repository and make a pull request for the "PrepareContent" branch (Select the "PrepareContent" branch in your fork before you make a pull request.). Directly after you fork the Tech Radar, it is a good idea to change your default branch to "PrepareContent" from your repository settings.
Documentation for forking and pull requests is linked. But, if you have any questions about forking a repository or creating a pull request, please contact us.
Once it is decided that content should be added to the tech radar, you can start contributing. Go ahead and take a look at other tech radar content. Here you can get an idea of the scope and purpose of a tech radar article. All final tech radar content is created with Git Markdown.
There are several ways to edit Git Markdown documents. People, who work with Git and Markdown on a regular basis should feel free to use an IDE to contribute and edit Tech Radar content that has been agreed. Remember, if you are working as a contributer with a Git repo you always want to work from the "PrepareContent" branch and never from "master" branch!
Using Git from the Git Bash is not described here. If you want to use bash commands to manage your content with Git, we assume you know how to do it already.
For those of you, who don't want to work with Git at all, just request the English or German Microsoft Word templates and contribute your tech radar content in Microsoft Word format. Someone will enter the content in Git for you when editing is finished.
You can create and edit markdown file in your Git repository online.
To see instructions, click here.
For those you, who want to use Git but want a WYSIWYG editor, GitBook is an alternative. GitBook is the Git online Markdown WYSIWYG editor. From GitBook, you can log in to GitBook with your GitHub account and sync your forked Tech Radar repository and edit WYSIWYG online.
To see instructions, click here.
When you are done, you make a pull request to https://github.com/Haufe-Lexware/aoe_technology_radar to let us know you are ready for a review. Remember we advise you to fork the tech radar on your own GitHub account and to contribute by making pull requests from this forked repository. To create a pull request -
- Go to your forked tech radar repository
- Click "New Pull Request". A pull request with your changes is created and you changes will be reviewed.
- Add a comment that describes what you did and why you did it before submitting the pull request
- Your contribution is in now review. When your contribution is merged, it is a part of the tech radar.
Achtung: if you have an open pull request, new changes will be added to the open pull request until it is merged with the Haufe Group repository. Since you are normally contributing one tech radar article this should be ok. If you are editing in Microsoft Word or another not-Markdown WYSIWYG software just send your content to the network cell at the e-mail in "Inform and agree" section.
Finally, please don't hesitate to contact us, if you have any more questions.