Hi Viewer, I see that you are here in my code blocks repository. This is to entitle all the interesting Python codes hanging around concepts. Coding is interesting and Machine learning needs most of the coding to undestand. This is my belief and I will keep bringing up more codes where you can visit to see conceptual application using python.
Using this? It is a prerequisite that you know/aware of the python basic level coding and libraries capability.
Usage clause- The topic can either be in point of Concept/library & based on any of these can be the file name Example: Numpy Thrills is a code work inside the code block repository.Here, I included to involve most of the important numpy functions we use in Machine Learning.
Contribution/Contact: I am opening to collaborting with like minded statisticians/Data Scientists/Machine Learning Engineers/ any one who is interested in contributing or improving the already published understanding. Please contact me @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/vamsikrishnakolaparthi/
I am also open to receive ideas for my next python applications. However you need to connect with me through Linkedin. Please feel free to share this to anyone who might need this document. I would also appreciate postive feedback, comments and social media mentions for the hardwork put in.
Cheers, Have a great day. Vamsi Krishna Kolaparthi