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407 lines (406 loc) · 22.8 KB

File metadata and controls

407 lines (406 loc) · 22.8 KB



+ randomStatetest391.json                                         OK

OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1


+ BlockGasLimit2p63m1.json                                        OK
+ GasUsedHigherThanBlockGasLimitButNotWithRefundsSuicideFirst.jsonOK
+ GasUsedHigherThanBlockGasLimitButNotWithRefundsSuicideLast.json OK
+ SuicideTransaction.json                                         OK
+ TransactionGasHigherThanLimit2p63m1.json                        OK
+ TransactionGasHigherThanLimit2p63m1_2.json                      OK

OK: 6/6 Fail: 0/6 Skip: 0/6


+ ConstantinopleFixTransition.json                                OK

OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1


+ ByzantiumTransition.json                                        OK

OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1


  DelegateCallSpam.json                                           Skip
+ ShanghaiLove.json                                               OK
+ StrangeContractCreation.json                                    OK
  SuicideIssue.json                                               Skip

OK: 2/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 2/4


+ bcForkBlockTest.json                                            OK
+ bcForkUncle.json                                                OK
+ bcInvalidRLPTest.json                                           OK

OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3


+ AmIOnEIP150.json                                                OK
+ ForkStressTest.json                                             OK

OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2


+ CallContractThatCreateContractBeforeAndAfterSwitchover.json     OK
+ ContractCreationFailsOnHomestead.json                           OK
+ HomesteadOverrideFrontier.json                                  OK
+ UncleFromFrontierInHomestead.json                               OK
+ UnclePopulation.json                                            OK
+ blockChainFrontierWithLargerTDvsHomesteadBlockchain.json        OK
+ blockChainFrontierWithLargerTDvsHomesteadBlockchain2.json       OK

OK: 7/7 Fail: 0/7 Skip: 0/7


+ RPC_API_Test.json                                               OK
+ highGasUsage.json                                               OK
+ notxs.json                                                      OK

OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3


+ DaoTransactions.json                                            OK
+ DaoTransactions_EmptyTransactionAndForkBlocksAhead.json         OK
+ DaoTransactions_UncleExtradata.json                             OK
+ DaoTransactions_XBlockm1.json                                   OK

OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4


+ EIP150Transition.json                                           OK

OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1


+ DifferentExtraData1025.json                                     OK
+ DifficultyIsZero.json                                           OK
+ ExtraData1024.json                                              OK
+ ExtraData33.json                                                OK
+ GasLimitHigherThan2p63m1.json                                   OK
+ GasLimitIsZero.json                                             OK
+ log1_wrongBlockNumber.json                                      OK
+ log1_wrongBloom.json                                            OK
+ timeDiff0.json                                                  OK
+ wrongCoinbase.json                                              OK
+ wrongDifficulty.json                                            OK
+ wrongGasLimit.json                                              OK
+ wrongGasUsed.json                                               OK
+ wrongMixHash.json                                               OK
+ wrongNonce.json                                                 OK
+ wrongNumber.json                                                OK
+ wrongParentHash.json                                            OK
+ wrongParentHash2.json                                           OK
+ wrongReceiptTrie.json                                           OK
+ wrongStateRoot.json                                             OK
+ wrongTimestamp.json                                             OK
+ wrongTransactionsTrie.json                                      OK
+ wrongUncleHash.json                                             OK

OK: 23/23 Fail: 0/23 Skip: 0/23


+ CallContractFromNotBestBlock.json                               OK
+ ChainAtoChainB.json                                             OK
+ ChainAtoChainBCallContractFormA.json                            OK
+ ChainAtoChainB_BlockHash.json                                   OK
+ ChainAtoChainB_difficultyB.json                                 OK
+ ChainAtoChainBtoChainA.json                                     OK
+ ChainAtoChainBtoChainAtoChainB.json                             OK
+ UncleFromSideChain.json                                         OK

OK: 8/8 Fail: 0/8 Skip: 0/8


+ randomStatetest109BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest113BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest127BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest128BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest132BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest140BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest141BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest152BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest165BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest168BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest181BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest182BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest186BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest193BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest203BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest213BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest218BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest21BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest224BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest234BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest235BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest239BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest240BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest253BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest255BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest256BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest258BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest262BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest272BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest277BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest284BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest289BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest314BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest317BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest319BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest330BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest331BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest344BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest34BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest35BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest373BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest374BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest390BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest392BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest394BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest400BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest403BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest40BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest427BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest431BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest432BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest434BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest44BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest453BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest459BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest463BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest479BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest486BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest490BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest492BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest515BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest522BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest529BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest530BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest540BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest551BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest557BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest561BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest568BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest56BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest570BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest590BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest591BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest593BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest595BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest598BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest606BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest613BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest614BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest617BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest61BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest622BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest623BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest631BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest634BC.json                                       OK
+ randomStatetest65BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest68BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest70BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest71BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest76BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest79BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest86BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest8BC.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest91BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest93BC.json                                        OK
+ randomStatetest99BC.json                                        OK

OK: 96/96 Fail: 0/96 Skip: 0/96


+ BLOCKHASH_Bounds.json                                           OK
+ BadStateRootTxBC.json                                           OK
+ CreateTransactionReverted.json                                  OK
+ EmptyTransaction.json                                           OK
+ EmptyTransaction2.json                                          OK
+ NotEnoughCashContractCreation.json                              OK
+ OOGStateCopyContainingDeletedContract.json                      OK
+ OverflowGasRequire.json                                         OK
+ RefundOverflow.json                                             OK
+ RefundOverflow2.json                                            OK
+ SuicidesMixingCoinbase.json                                     OK
+ TransactionFromCoinbaseHittingBlockGasLimit1.json               OK
+ TransactionFromCoinbaseNotEnoughFounds.json                     OK
+ TransactionNonceCheck.json                                      OK
+ TransactionNonceCheck2.json                                     OK
+ TransactionToItselfNotEnoughFounds.json                         OK
+ UserTransactionGasLimitIsTooLowWhenZeroCost.json                OK
+ UserTransactionZeroCost.json                                    OK
+ UserTransactionZeroCost2.json                                   OK
+ UserTransactionZeroCostWithData.json                            OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_OOGRevert.json                        OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToEmpty_OOGRevert.json                OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToNonZeroBalance_OOGRevert.json       OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToOneStorageKey_OOGRevert.json        OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_OOGRevert.json                OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToEmpty_OOGRevert.json        OK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToNonZeroBalance_OOGRevert.jsonOK
+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToOneStorageKey_OOGRevert.jsonOK
+ blockhashNonConstArg.json                                       OK
+ blockhashTests.json                                             OK
+ callcodeOutput1.json                                            OK
+ callcodeOutput2.json                                            OK
+ callcodeOutput3partial.json                                     OK
+ create2collisionwithSelfdestructSameBlock.json                  OK
+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsNotEnoughGasAfter.json               OK
+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsNotEnoughGasAt.json                  OK
+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsNotEnoughGasBefore.json              OK
+ extCodeHashOfDeletedAccount.json                                OK
+ extCodeHashOfDeletedAccountDynamic.json                         OK
+ multimpleBalanceInstruction.json                                OK
+ randomStatetest123.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest136.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest160.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest170.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest223.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest229.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest241.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest324.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest328.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest375.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest377.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest38.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest441.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest46.json                                          OK
+ randomStatetest549.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest594.json                                         OK
+ randomStatetest619.json                                         OK
  randomStatetest94.json                                          Skip
+ simpleSuicide.json                                              OK
+ suicideCoinbase.json                                            OK
+ suicideCoinbaseState.json                                       OK
+ suicideStorageCheck.json                                        OK
+ suicideStorageCheckVCreate.json                                 OK
+ suicideStorageCheckVCreate2.json                                OK
+ suicideThenCheckBalance.json                                    OK
+ transactionFromNotExistingAccount.json                          OK
+ txCost-sec73.json                                               OK

OK: 66/67 Fail: 0/67 Skip: 1/67


+ lotsOfBranchesOverrideAtTheEnd.json                             OK
+ lotsOfBranchesOverrideAtTheMiddle.json                          OK
+ lotsOfLeafs.json                                                OK
+ newChainFrom4Block.json                                         OK
+ newChainFrom5Block.json                                         OK
+ newChainFrom6Block.json                                         OK
+ sideChainWithMoreTransactions.json                              OK
+ sideChainWithMoreTransactions2.json                             OK
+ sideChainWithNewMaxDifficultyStartingFromBlock3AfterBlock4.json OK
+ uncleBlockAtBlock3AfterBlock3.json                              OK
+ uncleBlockAtBlock3afterBlock4.json                              OK

OK: 11/11 Fail: 0/11 Skip: 0/11


+ correct.json                                                    OK
+ diffTooHigh.json                                                OK
+ diffTooLow.json                                                 OK
+ diffTooLow2.json                                                OK
+ gasLimitLTGasUsageUncle.json                                    OK
+ gasLimitTooHigh.json                                            OK
+ gasLimitTooHighExactBound.json                                  OK
+ gasLimitTooLow.json                                             OK
+ gasLimitTooLowExactBound.json                                   OK
+ incorrectUncleNumber0.json                                      OK
+ incorrectUncleNumber1.json                                      OK
+ incorrectUncleNumber500.json                                    OK
+ incorrectUncleTimestamp.json                                    OK
+ incorrectUncleTimestamp2.json                                   OK
+ nonceWrong.json                                                 OK
+ pastUncleTimestamp.json                                         OK
+ timestampTooHigh.json                                           OK
+ timestampTooLow.json                                            OK
+ unknownUncleParentHash.json                                     OK
+ wrongMixHash.json                                               OK
+ wrongParentHash.json                                            OK
+ wrongStateRoot.json                                             OK

OK: 22/22 Fail: 0/22 Skip: 0/22


+ futureUncleTimestamp2.json                                      OK
+ futureUncleTimestamp3.json                                      OK
+ futureUncleTimestampDifficultyDrop.json                         OK
+ futureUncleTimestampDifficultyDrop2.json                        OK
+ futureUncleTimestampDifficultyDrop3.json                        OK
+ futureUncleTimestampDifficultyDrop4.json                        OK
+ uncleBloomNot0.json                                             OK
+ uncleBloomNot0_2.json                                           OK
+ uncleBloomNot0_3.json                                           OK

OK: 9/9 Fail: 0/9 Skip: 0/9


+ EqualUncleInTwoDifferentBlocks.json                             OK
+ InChainUncle.json                                               OK
+ InChainUncleFather.json                                         OK
+ InChainUncleGrandPa.json                                        OK
+ InChainUncleGreatGrandPa.json                                   OK
+ InChainUncleGreatGreatGrandPa.json                              OK
+ InChainUncleGreatGreatGreatGrandPa.json                         OK
+ InChainUncleGreatGreatGreatGreatGrandPa.json                    OK
+ UncleIsBrother.json                                             OK
+ oneUncle.json                                                   OK
+ oneUncleGeneration2.json                                        OK
+ oneUncleGeneration3.json                                        OK
+ oneUncleGeneration4.json                                        OK
+ oneUncleGeneration5.json                                        OK
+ oneUncleGeneration6.json                                        OK
+ oneUncleGeneration7.json                                        OK
+ threeUncle.json                                                 OK
+ twoEqualUncle.json                                              OK
+ twoUncle.json                                                   OK
+ uncleHeaderAtBlock2.json                                        OK
+ uncleHeaderAtBlock2Byzantium.json                               OK
+ uncleHeaderAtBlock2Constantinople.json                          OK
+ uncleHeaderWithGeneration0.json                                 OK
+ uncleWithSameBlockNumber.json                                   OK

OK: 24/24 Fail: 0/24 Skip: 0/24


+ ExtraData32.json                                                OK
+ RecallSuicidedContract.json                                     OK
+ RecallSuicidedContractInOneBlock.json                           OK
+ SimpleTx.json                                                   OK
+ SimpleTx3.json                                                  OK
+ SimpleTx3LowS.json                                              OK
+ callRevert.json                                                 OK
+ createRevert.json                                               OK
+ dataTx.json                                                     OK
+ dataTx2.json                                                    OK
+ diff1024.json                                                   OK
+ gasLimitTooHigh.json                                            OK
+ gasLimitTooHigh2.json                                           OK
+ gasPrice0.json                                                  OK
+ log1_correct.json                                               OK
+ timeDiff12.json                                                 OK
+ timeDiff13.json                                                 OK
+ timeDiff14.json                                                 OK
+ txEqualValue.json                                               OK
+ txOrder.json                                                    OK

OK: 20/20 Fail: 0/20 Skip: 0/20


+ wallet2outOf3txs.json                                           OK
+ wallet2outOf3txs2.json                                          OK
+ wallet2outOf3txsRevoke.json                                     OK
+ wallet2outOf3txsRevokeAndConfirmAgain.json                      OK
+ walletReorganizeOwners.json                                     OK

OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5

---TOTAL--- OK: 315/318 Fail: 0/318 Skip: 3/318