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Integrate new libraries

This document contains information about the different methods to integrate new libraries into your Kotlin Kernel for Jupyter notebooks. It also describes the supported integration features a library can provide when integrated into your Kotlin Kernel.

Click here to expand the table of contents.

Library integration methods

There are two main methods for integrating a new library into your Kotlin Kernel for notebooks:

  • Creating a JSON library descriptor: It's an easy-to-go solution that does not require you changing the library. You create a JSON file defining the most frequent library features, such as properties, renderers, and initial imports. The exact syntax depends on where the descriptor is located. You can make the new library available via the %use line magic.

  • Using the Kotlin API: This method requires modifying the library code to include integration logic. You can define an integration class in your library code, or create a separate project for integration if it's a library you don't maintain. The library is automatically integrated when ist JAR containing the META-INF/kotlin-jupyter-libraries/libraries.json file (with the integration class name) is added to the notebook classpath. You can add the integration class name with the @file:DependsOn annotation or with a descriptor (see above) that defines the corresponding dependency. Additionally, it is possible to write tests for this kind of integration.

    Once you have defined the integration class, you can use all available integration features.

Regardless of the integration method, library integrations can define dependencies and callbacks to interact with the notebook environment. The dependencies can contain Kotlin-API-based integrations, and the callbacks can contain the %use line magic, which means that library integrations can load other libraries, and so on. Don't hesitate to rely on this feature.

Supported integration features

Supported integration features are functionalities a library can provide when integrated into your Kotlin Kernel for notebooks.

To use the supported integration features, you can:

  • Use the descriptor API: If the feature is supported in the descriptor API, you can create a JSON file containing this feature description. This JSON file is loaded into the notebook via the %use line magic.

    If the feature is supported in the descriptor API, you can load the corresponding JSON string directly using the loadLibraryDescriptor method inside a notebook cell.

  • Use the JupyterIntegration API: You can add the feature directly from a notebook cell using the USE {} method and adding the feature method. Here's an example of the import method. For more feature methods, see the list of supported integration features.

    USE {
  • Use the LibraryDefinition API: You can add the feature directly from the notebook cell if you have a LibraryDefinition instance. This instance can be created using the libraryDefinition {} method. Use the following syntax:


Inside a Kotlin JVM library, you can create a class implementing the LibraryDefinition or LibraryDefinitionProducer interfaces in one of the following ways:

  • Create a direct implementor of LibraryDefinition. Override the properties defined in the "LibraryDefinition API" column from the following table.
  • Extend the LibraryDefinitionImpl interface. Set its properties defined in the "LibraryDefinition API" column from the following table.
  • Define a class that implements the JupyterIntegration interface. Override the Builder.onLoaded method and use methods from the "JupyterIntegration API" column. This class is loaded into the notebook via the %use line magic along with the whole library artifact. To let the notebook know about this class, adjust the build correspondingly. If you don't adjust the build, the class is not loaded. However, you can still load this class from the notebook using the loadLibraryDefinitions() or loadLibraryProducers() methods.

List of supported integration features

Here's a list of the supported integration features. See interactive examples in this API guide notebook.

Feature Descriptor API LibraryDefinition API JupyterIntegration API
Dependencies dependencies dependencies dependencies()
Repositories repositories repositories repositories()
Initial imports imports imports import()
Callbacks after library loading (called once) init init onLoaded{}
Callbacks before each cell execution initCell initCell beforeCellExecution{}
Callbacks after each cell execution - afterCellExecution afterCellExecution{}
Callbacks on cell execution interruption - interruptionCallbacks onInterrupt{}
Callbacks right before kernel shutdown shutdown shutdown onShutdown{}
Callbacks on color scheme change - colorSchemeChangedCallbacks onColorSchemeChange{}
Results renderers renderers renderers addRenderer()
Results text renderers - textRenderers addTextRenderer()
Throwables renderers - throwableRenderers addThrowableRenderer()
Variables handling - converters addTypeConverter()
Annotated classes handling - classAnnotations addClassAnnotationHandler()
File annotations handling - fileAnnotations addFileAnnotationHanlder()
Code preprocessing - codePreprocessors addCodePreprocessor()
Library static resources loading resources resources resource()
Internal variables markers - internalVariablesMarkers markVariableInternal()
Typename rules for transitively loaded integration classes integrationTypeNameRules integrationTypeNameRules addIntegrationTypeNameRule()
Minimal kernel version supported by the library minKernelVersion minKernelVersion setMinimalKernelVersion()
Library options properties options addOption()
Link to the library site, used to generate the README link website setWebsite()
Library description, used to generate the README description description setDescription()


Regardless of the API you use for adding dependencies, notebook dependencies are expressed as Kotlin strings. The supported formats are:

  • Coordinates of Maven dependencies in form of <group>:<artifact>:<version>
  • Absolute paths to the local JAR files
  • Absolute paths to the local directories containing classes

Mind the following:

  • The compile and runtime scopes of dependencies are resolved transitively, but added to both compile and runtime classpath. That's why you may see undesired variants offered in completion.
  • In Kotlin Notebook, sources of the dependencies are resolved and included in the response metadata. In other clients, they do not. To control this behavior, use the SessionOptions.resolveSources option.
  • MPP libraries are usually not resolved by the Maven resolver. You should either use the jvm variants of these artifacts or enable experimental multiplatform resolution with the SessionOptions.resolveMpp option.
  • To show the current notebook classpath, use the :classpath command.

Descriptor API

Here's an example of how to use the dependencies feature via the Descriptor API:

    "dependencies": [

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use the dependencies feature via the JupyterIntegration API:

    dependencies("<dependency1>", "<dependency2>") 
    // or 
    dependencies { 


Repositories are strings describing where the dependencies come from:

  • Maven repositories containing URLs and credentials (if applicable)
  • Local directories, relatively to which local dependencies are resolved

Descriptor API

Here's an example of how to use the repositories feature via the Descriptor API:

    "repositories": [
            "path": "<repo2-url>", 
            "username": "auth-username", 
            "password": "auth-token"

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use the repositories feature via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    repositories("<repo1>", "<repo2>") 
    // or 
    repositories { 
        maven { 
            url = "<repo1-url>"
            credentials { 
                username = "auth-username"
                password = "auth-token" 

Initial imports

Imports are import declarations used by the rest of the following cells. The imports syntax can also be star-ended.

Descriptor API

Here's an example of how to use the imports feature via the Descriptor API:

    "imports": [

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use the imports feature via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    imports("my.package.*", "my.package.Clazz") 
    // or 

Callbacks after library loading (called once)

This callback type comprises code executed (or compiled in case of descriptor API) right after loading the library. In the Descriptor API, the code pieces are executed separately and not merged into one snippet.

Descriptor API

Here's an example of how to use this type of callback via the Descriptor API:

    "init": [
        "val x = 3", 
        "%use dataframe"

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use this type of callback via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    onLoaded { 
        println("Integration loaded") 
        // Makes the variable visible inside the notebook 
        scheduleExecution("val x = 3") 

Callbacks before each cell execution

This callback type comprises code executed (or compiled in case of the Descriptor API) right before each user-initiated cell execution. In the descriptor API, codes pieces are executed separately and not merged into one snippet.

Descriptor API

Here's an example of how to use this type of callback via the Descriptor API:

    "initCell": [
      "val y = x + 1",

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use this type of callback via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    beforeCellExecution { 
        println("Before cell execution") 
        // Variable x will be visible inside the notebook 
        scheduleExecution("val x = 3") 

Callbacks after each cell execution

This callback type comprises code executed right after each user-initiated cell execution.

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use this type of callback via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    afterCellExecution { snippetInstance, resultField -> 
        println("After cell execution: ${} = ${resultField.value}") 
        // Variable x will be visible inside the notebook 
        scheduleExecution("val x = 3") 

Callbacks on cell execution interruption

This callback type comprises code executed after the cell execution is interrupted by the user.

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use this type of callback via the JupyterIntegration API:

    onInterrupt {
        println("Execution was interrupted...")

Callbacks right before kernel shutdown

This callback type comprises code executed when the user initiates a kernel shutdown.

Descriptor API

Here's an example of how to use this type of callback via the Descriptor API:

    "shutdown": [
        "val y = x + 1", 

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use this type of callback via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    onShutdown { 

Callbacks on color scheme change

This callback type comprises code executed when the user changes the color scheme in the IDE with the notebook opened, and the session started. This callback doesn't work this way for clients other than Kotlin Notebook, but it's safe for any other client.

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use this type of callback via the JupyterIntegration API:

var isDark = notebook.currentColorScheme == ColorScheme.DARK
USE { 
    println("Dark? - $isDark")
    onColorSchemeChange { colorScheme -> 
        isDark = colorScheme == ColorScheme.DARK
        println("Color scheme is changed") 

Results renderers

Rendering is the procedure of transforming a value to a form that is appropriate for displaying it in the Jupyter client. The Kotlin Kernel for Jupyter notebooks supports various features and mechanisms for rendering values. For more information, see Rendering.

Descriptor API

Here's an example of how to use the renderers feature via the Descriptor API:

    "renderers": {
        "org.jetbrains.letsPlot.intern.Plot": "HTML(frontendContext.getHtml($it as org.jetbrains.letsPlot.intern.Plot))"

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use the render feature via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    render<Plot> { 

Results text renderers

Results text renderers are a feature used to customize how data structures from your library are displayed in a text format within the Kotlin Jupyter notebook. For more information, see Rendering.

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use text renderers via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    addTextRenderer { processor, table -> 
        (table as? Table)?.let { frontendContext.getPlainText(it) } 

Throwables renderers

Throwables renderers are a feature in Kotlin Jupyter that allows you to customize how exceptions (errors) thrown by your library code are displayed within the notebook. For more information, see Rendering.

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use throwables renderers via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    renderThrowable<NullPointerException> { npe -> 
        "Isn't Kotlin null-safe?" 

Variables handling

Variables handlers are run for each property of the executed snippets, if applicable. They also give access to the KotlinKernelHost object so that it's possible to execute code there.

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to handle variables via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    updateVariable<MyType> { value, kProperty -> 
        // MyWrapper class should be previously defined in the notebook 
    onVariable<MyType2> { value, kProperty -> 
        println("Variable ${}=$value executed!") 

Annotated classes handling

If you have an annotation with runtime retention, you can mark a cell's class with this annotation. Then, marked classes can be processed.

Annotation arguments are not available in this type of callback, but this API should become more consistent in future kernel versions.

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to handle annotated classes via the JupyterIntegration API:

// Should have runtime retention
annotation class MyAnnotation

USE { 
    onClassAnnotation<MyAnnotation> { classifiersList -> println("Annotated classes: $classifiersList") } 

class MyClass

File annotations handling

You can add file-level annotations to the code snippets. Examples of such annotations are @file:DependsOn() and @file:Repository(), which the kernel uses to add dependencies to the notebook.

In the callback, you have access to the file annotation object and assigned annotation properties.

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to handle file annotations via the JupyterIntegration API:

// Might have any retention, but files should be a valid target
annotation class MyAnnotation

USE { 
    onFileAnnotation<MyAnnotation> { 
        val myAnno = it.first() as MyAnnotation
        println("My annotation object: $myAnno") 

Code preprocessing

The user's code can be amended in any way before execution. One such transformation is magic preprocessing, which involves cutting off the code and specifically processing it. It's possible to write your own preprocessor: it gets the code and should return the amended code. Preprocessors are applied one after another, depending on their priority and order.

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use code preprocessors via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    preprocessCode { code -> generateRunBlocking(code) }

Library static resources loading

Static resources such as JS and CSS files can be used by the library producing an HTML file. Generally, some specific wrappers should be written to load resources correctly. You can do it yourself or let the kernel infrastructure do it for you. The resource bundles builder DSL is defined and documented here.

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use library static resources via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    resources { 
        js("plotly") { 

Variables reporting

You can see the variables defined in the notebook in both plain text and HTML formats.


Internal variables markers

To ignore some variables in the variable report, mark these variables as internal using the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    markVariableInternal { prop ->"_") 

Typename rules for transitively loaded integration classes

As mentioned before, libraries can load other libraries transitively, either by executing the %use line magic as a part of the initialization code or by including a dependency that contains an integration.

By default, all integration classes found in the dependencies are loaded. However, you can turn off the loading functionality of some integrations by using typename rules to skip them. At the same time, the library can load its integration class forcefully by specifying "accepting" as a typename rule. In this case, even if the typename is disabled by the loader library, the corresponding class will be loaded.

Descriptor API

Here's an example of how to use typename rules via the Descriptor API:

    "integrationTypeNameRules": [

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use typename rules via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    discardIntegrationTypeNameIf { 
    //    acceptIntegrationTypeNameIf {
    //        it.startsWith("org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dataframe.")
    //    }

Minimal kernel version supported by the library

You can define the minimal kernel version to be supported by the library integration. In the JupyterIntegration API, it's also possible to set notebook.kernelVersion.

Descriptor API

Here's an example of how to define the minimal kernel version via the Descriptor API:

    "minKernelVersion": ""

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to define the minimal kernel version via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 

Library options

Library options are useful for different purposes:

  • To extract some frequently updatable parts of the library descriptors (such as library versions).
  • To assist the Renovate GitHub app to update library versions.
  • To pass some values transitively in library loading so that libraries might know through what other libraries they were loaded.

Note: Give unique names for the options of your library because these options can override some other options, and it may lead to unexpected quirks.

Descriptor API

Here's an example of how to use library options via the Descriptor API. Options ending with -renovate-hint are ignored in descriptors and shouldn't be visible:

    "properties": [
            "name": "api", 
            "value": "4.4.1"
            "name": "api-renovate-hint", 
            "value": "update: package=org.jetbrains.lets-plot:lets-plot-kotlin-kernel"
    "dependencies": [

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of how to use library options via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    addOption("api", "4.4.1")

Options in JupyterIntegration API could be only used when this library loads some other integration transitively, and the integration class' constructor has two arguments, the second of which is of type Map<String, String>. All previously loaded options are put into the map and passed as an argument.

Link to the library site

The library integration can have a link to the library's site. These links are embedded into the README. Links can also be embedded into the :help command, but only for descriptors.

Descriptor API

Here's an example of adding links to the library site via the Descriptor API:

    "link": ""

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of adding links to the library site via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 

Library description

The library integration can have a description. The description is embedded into the README and the :help command, but only for descriptors.

Descriptor API

Here's an example of adding a library description via the Descriptor API:

    "description": "Kotlin plotting DSL for Lets-Plot"

JupyterIntegration API

Here's an example of adding a library description via the JupyterIntegration API:

USE { 
    setDescription("Kotlin plotting DSL for Lets-Plot")

Creating a library descriptor

To support a new JVM library for your Kotlin Kernel for notebooks and make it available via the %use line magic, you need to create a library descriptor for it.

For examples of library descriptors, see the libraries repository.

A library descriptor is a <libName>.json file with the following fields:

  • properties: a dictionary of properties that are used within the library descriptor. Library properties can be used in any part of the library descriptor as $property.
  • description: a short library description used to generate a library list in the README.
  • link: a link to the library website. This link will be displayed through the :help REPL command.
  • minKernelVersion: a minimal version of the Kotlin kernel to be used with this descriptor.
  • repositories: a list of Maven or Ivy repositories to search for dependencies.
  • dependencies: a list of library dependencies.
  • imports: a list of default imports for the library.
  • init: a list of code snippets to be executed when the library is included.
  • initCell: a list of code snippets to be executed before executing any cell.
  • shutdown: a list of code snippets to be executed on the kernel shutdown. Any cleanup code should be placed here.
  • renderers: a mapping from fully qualified names of types to be rendered to the Kotlin expression returning output value. The source object is referenced as $it.
  • resources: a list of JS/CSS resources. For examples, see this descriptor.
  • integrationTypeNameRules: a list of rules for integration classes that are about to be loaded transitively. Each rule has the form [+|-]:<pattern> where + or - denotes if this pattern is accepted or declined. The pattern may consist of any characters. Special combinations are allowed. For example: ?, any single character or no character; *, any character sequence excluding dot; **, any character sequence.

Note: All fields of the library descriptor are optional.

For the most relevant specification, see the org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.libraries.LibraryDescriptor class.

The name of the library JSON file should have the <name>.json syntax, where <name> is the argument for the %use line magic.

To register a new library descriptor:

  1. For private usage: create it anywhere on your computer and reference it using file syntax.
  2. Alternative way for private usage: create a descriptor in the .jupyter_kotlin/libraries folder and reference it using the default syntax.
  3. For sharing with the community: Commit it to the libraries repository and create a pull request.

If you are maintaining a library and want to update your library descriptor, create a pull request with your update. Once your request is accepted, the new version of your library will become available to all Kotlin Jupyter users upon their next kernel startup, provided they use the %useLatestDescriptors magic command. If they do not use this command, a kernel update will be necessary to access the updated library version.

Integration using the Kotlin API

You can also add a Kotlin kernel integration to your library using a Gradle plugin. To do so, you must add the plugin dependency to your build script.

For build.gradle:

plugins {
    id "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jupyter.api" version "<jupyterApiVersion>"

For build.gradle.kts:

plugins { 
    kotlin("jupyter.api") version "<jupyterApiVersion>"

From the snippets above, <jupyterApiVersion> is one of the published versions. It's preferred to use the latest stable version.

This Gradle plugin adds the following dependencies to your project:

Artifact Gradle option to exclude/include Enabled by default Dependency scope Method for adding dependency manually
kotlin-jupyter-api kotlin.jupyter.add.api yes compileOnly addApiDependency(version: String?)
kotlin-jupyter-api-annotations kotlin.jupyter.add.scanner no compileOnly addScannerDependency(version: String?)
kotlin-jupyter-test-kit kotlin.jupyter.add.testkit yes testImplementation addTestKitDependency(version: String?)

You can turn on and off the dependency with its default version (version of the plugin) by setting the corresponding Gradle option to true or false.

If the corresponding option is set to false (by default or in your setup), you can still add the dependency manually by using the method from the kotlinJupyter extension:

kotlinJupyter {
    // Uses the default version
    // Uses a custom artifact version

Adding library integration using the KSP plugin

If you use the KSP plugin, you can utilize annotations to mark integration classes:

  1. Enable kotlin-jupyter-api-annotations dependency by adding the following line to your

    kotlin.jupyter.add.scanner = true
  2. Add one of these implementations: org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.libraries.LibraryDefinitionProducer or org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.libraries.LibraryDefinition.

  3. Mark the implementation with the JupyterLibrary annotation:


import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.annotations.JupyterLibrary
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.libraries.*

internal class Integration : JupyterIntegration() { 
    override fun Builder.onLoaded() { 
        render<MyClass> { HTML(it.toHTML()) }

For more examples, see the integration of the DataFrame library.

For further information, see the docs for:

Adding library integration without annotation processor

You can also choose not to use the KSP plugin to detect implementations. In this scenario, you have to reference your implementations directly in your build script. Be aware that this approach does not include any existence checks, so you need to ensure that all referenced implementations are correctly defined.

The following example shows how to refer the Integration class in your buildscript (in this case, you shouldn't mark it with the JupyterLibrary annotation).

For build.gradle:

processJupyterApiResources {
    libraryProducers = [""]

For build.gradle.kts:

tasks.processJupyterApiResources { 
    libraryProducers = listOf("")

Integration testing for the integration logic

You can automatically check if your library integrates correctly into the kernel. To achieve this, inherit your test class from the org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.testkit.JupyterReplTestCase class and use its methods to execute cells.

Your library integration descriptors should be already in the classpath and will be loaded automatically by the test logic. You don't need to use the %use line magic or the DependsOn annotation to switch on your library.

The artifact containing test templates is included automatically into the testImplementation configuration if you use the Gradle plugin. You can turn this behavior off by setting the kotlin.jupyter.add.testkit Gradle property to false. If you want to manually include this artifact in your build, see the instructions here.

For examples of integration testing, see JupyterReplTestingTest in this repository or related tests in DataFrame.

Integration using other build systems

If you don't use Gradle as a build system, there is an alternative to integrate a library with the Kotlin Kernel for Jupyter notebooks:

  1. Add the org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlin-jupyter-api:<jupyterApiVersion> dependency as a compile dependency. For configuration instructions for different build systems, see the documentation.

  2. Add one or more integration classes. Integration classes are derived from the LibraryDefinitionProducer or LibraryDefinition interfaces. In this scenario, you don't need the @JupyterLibrary annotation.

  3. Add the file META-INF/kotlin-jupyter-libraries/libraries.json to the JAR resources. This file should contain FQNs of all integration classes in the JSON form:

    "definitions": [], 
    "producers": [
            "fqn": "org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.example.GettingStartedIntegration"

Classes derived from the LibraryDefinition interface should be added to the definitions array. Classes derived from the LibraryDefinitionProducer interface should be added to the producers array.

For more information, see: