- What is Version Control System aka VCS?
- Git as VCS and Its advantages.
- GIt installation and initial setup
- Git lifecycle.
- Basic operations-I - Initialize new repo, create files, add changes, commit changes, add remote, push changes to local git repo.
- Basic Operations-II - Clone existing repo, Create branch, Checkout, update files, add/revert files, Review Changes, Stage/Unstage files, Commit changes, Ammend Commit, Push new branch.
- Basic Operations-III - Pull, Fetch, History
- Git Tools/Onine Repositories - GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab IDE(VS Code), GitHub Desktop
- Advance Operations-I - Checkout Commit, Make changes, Revert Changes, Checkout single file
- Advance Operations-II - Stash, Unstash, Revert a commit, Merge operations, Rebase.
- Advance Operations-III - Branch operations: Create, Switch, Delete, Rename, Merge, Rebase.
- Advance Operations-IV - Conflicts, Create Conflicts, Resolve Conflicts, Abort Merge
- Branching Models -