Releases: Ks89/angular-modal-gallery
8.0.0 Beta 4
new modal-gallery CSS classes used to set the backdrop (BREAKING CHANGES)
To upgrade from all previous 8.0.0 beta releases, change your global styles.scss from:
.cdk-overlay-backdrop.cdk-overlay-backdrop-showing.dark-backdrop { background: #000; opacity: 0.85 !important; } .cdk-overlay-container { z-index: 90000 !important; }
to :
.ks-modal-gallery-backdrop { background: #000 !important;; opacity: 0.85 !important;; } .ks-modal-gallery-panel { z-index: 90000 !important; }
This is a beta version without documentation
If you want to try it, check examples/angular-cli-10 to get tons of working examples
8.0.0 Beta 3
- upgrade to Angular 10. (Breaking Change).
- remove Angular 8 support. (Breaking Change).
- update all examples with Angular 10, except for angular-cli-9
This is a beta version without documentation
If you want to try it, check examples/angular-cli-10 to get tons of working examples
8.0.0 Beta 2
- restore Server Side Rendering support with Universal #183. (Breaking Change).
- Carousel has a new input "[disableSsrWorkaround]="true"" to use modals in carousels with SystemJS (Breaking Change).
Also, every time you need to open modal gallery, you must pass to LibConfig this code:keyboardServiceConfig: { shortcuts: ['ctrl+s', 'meta+s'], disableSsrWorkaround: true }
- update all LibConfigs in SystemJS demo to prevent crashes. Because, now disableSsrWorkaround must be passed manually in every LibConfig. This is a
breaking change (see above).
This is a beta version, without documentation
If you want to try it, check examples/angular-cli-9 to get tons of working examples
8.0.0 Beta 1
- Migrate to angular/cdk to fix all issues with angular/material (Breaking Change) (fixes #137, #111, #95)
- Split plain-gallery and modal-gallery decoupling those components. Instead, define new APIs to open modal-gallery as a service (Breaking Change)
- upgrade to Angular 9 and angular-cli 9, removing support for both Angular 6 and 7 (Breaking Change)
- remove Module.forRoot() (Breaking Change)
- move keyboard configuration into libconfig (permits different configuration for every instance of the library). (Breaking Change)
- Add ability to set fallback image #194 (Breaking Change)
- Add a way to disable titles if requested by the user #179 (Breaking Change)
- upgrade all examples (except for universal, at the moment)
- remove angular-cli-6 example and add angular-cli-9
- upgrade systemjs example
Internal library changes
- remove npm's codeclimate coverage reporter to use the new version
- experiment with Angular IVY
Known issues
Still not working with universal (SSR), please be patient!
This is a beta version, with SSR support missing and no documentation at all
If you want to try it, check examples/angular-cli-9 to get tons of working examples
I won't release the new version until someone gives me feedbacks here #182
If I don't receive feedback, this version will be discarded and automatically included in 8.0.0 (probably during the summer). It should not create any breaking changes, but if you notice any problems, please let me know.
This is the right moment to try this release, because I'll create the next major release 8.0.0 entirely on top of 7.3.0. So any issue with version 7.3.0-rc1 will also be present with 8.0.0.
To install this version run: npm install --save @ks89/angular-modal-gallery@beta
- support image download also as base64
- add config.service to store and share library configuration (this is used only inside the library and it's a core feature for future releases like 8.0.0) #180
- if slideConfig is undefined, side previews should be visible, because they are enabled by default. Fixed thanks to the new configService and unit testing.
- fix some issues and update all examples
- fix example B23 to enable delete button
- update tests