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ADR-16: ReTLA - Relational TLA

author revision
Jure Kukovec 1

Table of Contents


We propose introducing support for a severely restricted fragment of TLA+, named Relational TLA (reTLA for short), which covers uninterpreted first-order logic. The simplicity of this fragment should allow Apalache to use a more straightforward encoding, both in SMT, as well as potentially in languages suited for alternative backend solvers.

Running Apalache with this encoding would skip the model-checking pass and instead produce a standalone file containing all of the generated constraints, which could be consumed by other tools.


Apalache currently supports almost the full suite of TLA+ operators. Consequently, the standard encoding of TLA+ into SMT is very general, and a lot of effort is spent on encoding data structures, such as sets or records, and their evolution across the states. Additionally, we need to track arenas; bookkeeping auxiliary constructions, which are a byproduct of our encoding approach, not TLA+ logic itself.

However, it is often the case that, with significant effort on the part of the specification author, expressions can be rewritten in a way that avoids using the more complex structures of TLA+. For example, consider the following snippet of a message-passing system:

VARIABLE messages

SendT1(v) == messages \union { [ type |-> "t1", x |-> v ] }

ReadT1 == 
  \E msg \in messages:
    /\ msg.type = "t1"
    /\ F(msg.x) \* some action

Next ==
  \/ \E v \in Values: SendT1(v)
  \/ ReadT1

The central object is the set messages, which is modified at each step, and contains records. This makes it one of the more expensive expressions, in terms of the underlying SMT encodings in Apalache. However, as far as the use of messages goes, there is a major insight to be had: it is not necessary to model messages explicitly for ReadT1, we only need to specify the property that certain messages of type "t1" with given payloads have been sent. Naturally, modeling messages explicitly is sufficient for this purpose, but if one wanted to avoid the use of sets and records, one could write the following specification instead:

VARIABLE T1messages

SendT1(v) == [T1messages EXCEPT ![v] = TRUE]

ReadT1 ==
  \E v \in Values:
    /\ T1messages[v]
    /\ F(v) \* some action

Next ==
  \/ \E v \in Values: SendT1(v)
  \/ ReadT1

By encoding, for example, set membership checks as predicate evaluations, one can write some specifications in a fragment of TLA+ that avoids all complex data structures, sets-of-sets, records, sequences, and so on, and replaces them with predicates (functions). Rewriting specifications in this way is nontrivial, and shouldn't be expected of engineers, however, should a specification author undertake such a transformation, we should be able to provide some payoff. If we only limit ourselves to specifications in this restricted fragment (defined explicitly below), the current SMT encoding is needlessly complex. We can implement a specialized encoding, which does not use arena logic of any kind, but is much more direct and even lends itself well to multiple kinds of solvers (e.g. IVy or VMT, in addition to standard SMT).


  1. Reuse most of the existing implementation and encoding, with a modified language watchdog, then output an SMT file from the context, instead of solving.

    • Pros:

      • Little work
    • Cons:

      • Locked to the SMT format
      • Unnecessary additional SMT constraints produced
  2. Write custom rewriting rules that generate constraints symbolically

    • Pros:

      • Fewer constraints
      • Higher level of abstraction
      • Can support multiple output formats
    • Cons:

      • More work


We propose option (2), and give the following categorization of the reTLA fragment:

  • Boolean, integer and uninterpreted literals (including strings)
  • Restricted sets:
    • Int, Nat or BOOLEAN, or
    • CONSTANT-declared and has a type Set(T), for some uninterpreted type T, or
  • Boolean operators (/\, \/, =>, <=>, ~)
  • Quantified expressions (\E x \in S: P, \A x \in S: P), on the condition that P is in reTLA and S is a restricted set.
  • Functions:
    • Definitions ([x1 \in S1, ..., xn \in Sn |-> e]), on the condition that:
      • e is in reTLA and has an Int, Bool or uninterpreted type
      • All Si are restricted sets.
    • Updates ([f EXCEPT ![x] = y]), if y is in reTLA
    • Applications (f[x])
  • (In)equality and assignments:
    • a = b and a /= b if both a and b are in reTLA
    • x' = v if x is a VARIABLE and v is in reTLA
  • Control flow:
    • IF p THEN a ELSE b if p,a,b are all in reTLA

In potential future versions we are likely to also support:

  • Standard integer operators (+, -, u-, *, %, <, >, <=, >=)
  • ranges a..b, where both a and b are in reTLA.
  • Tuples


Reserved for the future.