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Wabbajack Modlist Descriptions and Required Reading

This document will provide a short summary of each modlist, and what mods you should familiarize yourself with prior to playing the game.

Looking for a specific mod? Check the Archive Search! Check the box next to “Name” and click the Cloud, give it a few seconds to load, then search for whatever mod you want!

Skyrim Special Edition

Currently, the only official Skyrim VR list built for Wabbajack, UVRE’s primary goal is to provide users with a full visual overhaul tailored for Skyrim VR with all the adjustments and frameworks in place to serve as a base for further expansions and customizations, while also offering instant access to VR-centric mods like Spellsiphon and Weapon Throw VR.

Mods to get familiar with:

VRIK Player Avatar
Spellsiphon - Immersive Combat
Muken's Arcane Archery
Weapon Throw VR

There is also a handy dandy installation video!

NOIR is meant to serve two purposes: first, to introduce players to the world of Requiem inside of an environment full of enhanced graphics and new gameplay options; second, to serve as a potential base for veteran modders that wish to add various overhauls such as AZTweaks, 3Tweaks, and other complex mods.

Mods to get familiar with:

Requiem - Minor Arcana Reborn (R-MAR)
Requiem - Classic Food and Drink (R-CFD
Requiem - Classic Alchemy Overhaul (R-CAO)
Requiem - Immersive Abilities
Requiem - Immersive Divine Blessings
Requiem - Standing Stone Rebalance

TSO is a finely-tuned modlist based on Requiem v1.9.4 and AZ Tweaks. Almost everything has been modified by hand, and is meant to be a challenging experience unlike any you’ve had before. This is very much a game you are meant to experience for yourself without asking for a walkthrough, so be prepared to die a lot while you learn how best to handle the new mechanics.

TSO Gameplay Guide

Keizaal is a simple modlist that focuses on improving what is already presented to us in vanilla Skyrim without compromising Bethesda’s original vision that we all fell in love with back in 2011.

Keizaal also features a more in-depth overview of all its features that can be found here.

Mods to get familiar with:

Adamant - A Perk Overhaul
Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul
Blade and Blunt - A Combat Overhaul
Cities of the North
EpicCrab and Parapets mod suites

For those that have had enough of the “lore-friendly” lists and want something different, RGE boasts a massive 900+ mods, featuring items, characters, and references from both The Legend of Zelda and Star Wars universes.

Mods to get familiar with:

Relics of Hyrule
Invasion of Skyrim - The Force Awakens - Grand Admiral Thrawn
Rogue-like Encounters
Skyrim Redone

Automated installer for The Phoenix Flavour, this is a list that would be considered a Vanilla+ experience and focuses on greatly improved graphics and enhancing existing gameplay mechanics instead of outright replacing them.

Mods to get familiar with:

Blade and Blunt
Morrowloot Miscellania

From TitansBane, the author of Reliquary of Myth, comes Elysium: what started as a simple off-shoot of The Phoenix Flavour has grown into its own massive undertaking. Elysium has taken its predecessor and packed it full of more content, including mods like Legacy of the Dragonborn, Interesting NPCs, a full suite of EnaiSiaion’s mods, and an optional MO2 profile that supports all of your Creation Club content - all without sacrificing the stability that TPF is known for.

Mods to get familiar with:

Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim
Triumvirate - Mage Archetypes
Enemy (R)Evolution of Skyrim
Immersive World Encounters

Living Skyrim aims to breathe life to the familiar emptiness of Skyrim, bringing tons of new characters to meet and interact with. Pair this with the new quests and character options, and you get a roleplay-focused and immensely replayable list.

Mods to get familiar with:

Sustained Magic
SkyRem - GRACE
Enemy Releveler

Elder Souls is an attempt to bring some Soulsborne flavor to Skyrim. You should expect challenging but fair combat, an awesome dark fantasy vibe, and a plethora of new content.

Among this content you will find a variety of new hand-placed monster types, multiple player houses in each hold, and a multitude of new dungeons and quests. Leveling and death are modeled after the Dark Souls system, substituting Gold for Souls, meaning you must gain money and sleep in order to raise skills and level up.

Mods to get familiar with:

Adamant - A Perk Overhaul
Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul
Blade and Blunt - A Combat Overhaul
Legendary Skyrim Crossbows
Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim

The only Wabbajack list to focus solely on graphics. The vast majority of textures are 2K, with 4K textures being used sparingly on large objects where appropriate. The end result is a modlist that looks significantly better than vanilla while still getting great FPS on modern hardware.

No gameplay additions means there's no perk overhaul, no new quests, no new weapons or armor. This also makes it relatively easy to use as a base for your own additions, provided you know how to use tools such as zEdit and xEdit.

Mods to get familiar with:

Obscure's College of Winterhold
JK's Skyrim
Cities of the North - Dawnstar
Cities of the North - Morthal

Serenity is a Skyrim SE modlist that aims to bring a fresh Requiem Experience to the table. It uses Requiem 4.0.1 converted to Skyrim Special Edition and has minor and some major tweaks to the core Requiem experience that aims to enhance longevity and replayability while keeping the game fair, balanced and looking great. Serenity is targeted at new and veteran Requiem players and can offer new experiences to both sides of the playerbase. The list should run well on 1440p by utilizing 2K textures everywhere.

Mods to get familiar with:

Legacy of the Dragonborn
Requiem - Mortal Enemies
Requiem - Immersive Divine Blessings

Tales from the Northern Lands is a list that focuses primarily on offering a stylized look similar to Borderlands, the Tales of/from … or the TellTale Walking Dead games. A very welcome side effect of this is that it will even run on older hardware like a GTX 950 and possibly lower. And for people that are only interested in the visual changes made by the list, there is a “Basics” profile included you can use customize to your liking*. This is for if the various gameplay tweaks make the game too much of an easy “power fantasy” for you.

Please note that Luca (the modlist author) does not support changes to the list, as this Basics profile was only made by request.

Mods to get familiar with:

SPERG - Skyrim Perk Enhancements and Rebalanced Gameplay
True Dragonborn - Uncapper Preset

QWEST! was born after a few friends were talking about how some of their friends couldn't enjoy cool quests in modded Skyrim, even with Wabbajack, due to the hardware requirements. This list has very few graphical enhancements which can be removed if you find you're struggling to run it. It is Legacy of the Dragonborn centered with additions like music, animations, many new lands, many vanilla quest enhancers, better looking NPCs, unique followers and much more, tested to be ran perfectly fine by people with 2GB of VRAM graphic cards. 2 Profiles exists so you can choose between EnaiRim and SimonRim. Survival mods such as The Frozen North, SunHelm and Campfire are toggleable.

Mods to get familiar with:

EnaiRim SimonRim Legacy of the Dragonborn Interesting NPCs
Enemy (R)Evolution of Skyrim Dynamic Dungeon Loot

Fallout 4

F4EE is a hardcore experience built around Horizon. Survival difficulty is a mainstay for this list. Ammo, food, and water will all be much harder to find, and you’ll have to really think on your feet and take things slow if you want to survive. Overcoming great challenges is the name of the game here. Settlement building is a core mechanic of F4EE, and you will have a much more difficult time without it.

Mods to get familiar with:

Better Locational Damage
Immersive Fallout
VAFS Redux - Bullet Time and Manual Critical

BCP sticks to a fairly “Vanilla+” experience, with the intention of adding only historically lore-friendly mods to Boston. If you’ve seen it in a previous Fallout game - or maybe even just read some obscure bit of Fallout lore on the wiki - odds are good you’ll find it somewhere in this list.

Mods to get familiar with:

SKK Combat Stalkers
Wasteland Ballistics
Workshop Plus

Currently the only Fallout VR modlist built for Wabbajack, This is a complete overhaul of the game built on a foundation of Stability, High FPS and Optimization, as well as streamlined Survival gameplay with a special focus on what works well for VR.

Mods to get familiar with:

Idle Hands
SKK Combat Stalkers
Sim Settlements
Sim Settlements - Conqueror

There is also a handy dandy installation video!

This list aims to greatly expand the content of Fallout 4 while keeping the original game fully intact. Featuring hundreds of new weapons and armors, dozens of quests and locations, tons of gameplay tweaks, and a custom sorting system, Magnum Opus will do its best to allow you to have fun in whatever way you want while still providing a moderate challenge.

Mods to get familiar with:

Buffout 4
Beantown Interiors
Subway Runner
This is Trash
Sim Settlements 2

All of the main quests have been replaced by zombies. And all of the NPCs. And creatures. And bugs. And most everything else. Has a nice custom-made perk system, though. Settlement building is a core mechanic in this list as well. Build your bases to defend yourself and your citizens from zombie hordes, and venture out into the wild when you need to find some more perks for yourself.

It goes without saying that this list is not lore-friendly, and has embraced that fact by also adding things like Deathstroke’s armor, Halo ODST armor, and a variety of other hand-placed oddities you can find throughout the land.

Mods to get familiar with:

Fallout 4-76 Open World
Zombie Walkers
Ferals After Dark
War Never Changes
Death Penalty

This modlist is created entirely by a member of the Sim Settlements team, and is meant to be a showcase for both the mod itself and its vast array of potential additions. Really great list to build on top of, provided you don’t want the fuss of sorting through all the SS expansions and prefer to have that section done for you.

Mods to get familiar with:

Sim Settlements
Sim Settlements - Conqueror
Workshop Plus
Sim Settlements - Mega Pack - Year One
Sim Settlements - Mega Pack - Year Two

Simply put, this list is what Fallout 4 should have been on release. Touting dozens of fixes, improved performance through rebuilt precombines, a custom expanded sorting overhaul, and a wide variety of customization options, Phoenix Flavour: Fallout is the definitive answer for someone that wants to experience the game as it was meant to be played.

Mods to get familiar with:

Workshop Rearranged
No Legendary Items From Creatures
True Storms
Power Armor Materials and Paints
Loot Logic and Reduction