This is a clash subscription script base on linux.
This script starts clash with yacd panel, you may put this file inside yacd project, python3 yacd_start
to start both yacd panel and a new clash instance.
To configure your subscriptons, navigate into your clash working directory, and create a new YAML file called subscriptions.yaml
touch subscriptions.yaml
and then add your subscriptions like this:
sub1: url1
sub2: url2
now your clash directory would look like this:
├── config.yaml
├── sub1.yaml
├── Country.mmdb
├── sub2.yaml
└── subscriptions.yaml
finally, configure your subscriptons in the
17 questions = [List("clash_subscription", message="Which database? ", choices=[
18 "cordCloud", "speeder"]), # change the subscriptions to your own ones
19 Text('clash_directory',
20 message="Clash directory? ", default="/home/ryland/Documents/clash")] # change your directory to your own
Now you can run script with: