This repository contains the data used in the paper Identifying and Analyzing Researchers on Twitter (PDF). At the moment, this includes computer scientists, though an extension to other disciplines is planned.
- The data can be cited as follows: Asmelash Teka Hadgu and Robert Jäschke. 2014. Identifying and Analyzing Researchers on Twitter. In Proceedings of the 6th Annual ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci '14). 23-30. ACM, New York, NY, USA. DOI: 10.1145/2615569.2615676
- The data is also available on Zenodo:
- The data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The file features_reciprocity.tsv contains the data that was used in the paper S. Linek, A. Teka Hadgu, C.P. Hoffmann, R. Jäschke, C. Puschmann: It's all about information? The Following Behaviour of Professors and PhD Students on Twitter. The Journal of Web Science. 3, 2017. DOI: 10.1561/106.00000008 (PDF)
This is the processing pipeline. The data for each step is provided below.
We could find 170 Twitter accounts for 98 of the 268 conferences from the Wikipedia list of computer science conferences:
Area Acronym | Area | Conference Acronym | Conference Name | Twitter Screen Names |
AI | Artificial intelligence | AAMAS | International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems | aamas2012 |
AI | Artificial intelligence | BMVC | British Machine Vision Conference | bmvc2013, bmvc2014 |
AI | Artificial intelligence | COLT | Conference on Learning Theory | colt2010a |
AI | Artificial intelligence | CVPR | Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | cvpr |
AI | Artificial intelligence | EACL | Annual Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics | eacl2014 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
We could find 52678 candidates, i.e., users which follow, retweeted, or are followed by at least one of the seeds.
We could find a matching DBLP author profile for 9191 of the 52678 candidates.
ID | Screen Name | Real Name | DBLP URL |
1043459150 | 01Myers | Michael Myers | |
65845659 | 0xcharlie | Charlie Miller | |
55857505 | 10705013 | Nina Jeliazkova | |
293990161 | 113134180 | Wang Yao | |
171917048 | 123456qwertz | Anna Averbakh | |
... | ... | ... | ... |
In a manual check of a random sample of 150 matched candidates, 109 (73%) of them were correct matches, 21 (14%) of them were wrong, and for 20 (13%) of them the experts could neither confirm nor confute the match. Still, many of the 41 non-positive candidates turned out to be computer scientists.
Screen Name | Real Name | DBLP URL | Expert Judgement |
777VJ | Junghong Choi | | ✔️ true |
afsanehdoryab | Afsaneh Doryab | | nan |
akira | Akira Yokokawa | | ✔️ true |
albertobeta | Alberto Betella | | ✔️ true |
alexander_usoro | Alexander James | | nan |
... | ... | ... | ... |
Screen Name | Real Name | Type |
0127Kikki | あきひろー | random |
0127Syuu | 岩崎柊 | random |
02Ykss | 瀬野尚子 | random |
0308Penny | どぅー@たいち・8・ | random |
0555068668 | ♥عبدالرحمن بن سعود♥ | random |
... | ... | ... |
Feature ID | Type | Description |
location.exists | Boolean | true if location exists in user profile |
has.url | Boolean | true if URL exists in user profile |
url.has.tilde | Boolean | true if URL in user profile contains ~ (the tilde character).. |
url.has.academic.domain | Boolean | true if URL in user profile contains academic top-level domain .edu or country code second-level domain .ac (e.g., | | Boolean | true if user profile has bio |
bio.has.pattern | Boolean | true if user bio contains at least one of the keywords: architect, assistant, associate, author, candidate, co-founder, cs, designer, developer, director, engineer, fellow, founder, geek, graduate, lecturer, manager, phd, ph.d, prof, professor, programmer, researcher, scientist, senior |
language | Boolean | true if user language is English |
default.profile.image | Boolean | true if user has a non-default profile picture |
nof.tweets | Numeric | number of tweets in profile |
nof.followers | Numeric | number of followers in profile |
nof.friends | Numeric | number of friends in profile |
friend.follower.ratio | Numeric | nof.friends/(nof.followers ratio + 0.01) |
nof.self.tweets | Numeric | number of original tweets from the latest 3200 tweets at the time of crawl |
nof.retweets | Numeric | number of retweets of a user from the latest 3200 tweets at the time of crawl |
retweet.tweet.ratio | Numeric | nof.retweets to (nof.self.tweets + nof.retweets) ratio |
nof.tweets.with.url | Numeric | number of tweets with at least one URL from the latest 3200 tweets at the time of crawl |
fraction.of.tweets.with.url | Numeric | nof.tweets.with.url to (nof.self.tweets + nof.tweets.with.url) ratio |
nof.conf.hashtags | Numeric | number of tweets with at least one bootstraped hashtag from the latest 3200 tweets at the time of crawl |
nof.distinct.hashtags | Numeric | number of distinct hashtags used by the user in the latest 3200 tweets |
nof.overall.hashtags | Numeric | number of tweets with hashtag(s) from the latest 3200 tweets at the time of crawl |
fraction.of.distinct.hashtags | Numeric | nof.distinct.hashtags to nof.overall.hashtags ratio |
nof.conf.mentions | Numeric | number of bootstrapped users mentioned in the latest 3200 tweets |
- list of features for all candidates and negative examples
- list of scientific hashtags used for the feature nof.conf.hashtags
- list of stopword hashtags removed from the list of scientific hashtags
- list of scientific terms in the bio of a user profile used for feature bio.has.pattern
- list of stopword terms from the bio of a user profile removed from the list of scientific terms in the bio of a user profile
Screen Name | Real Name | class |
00002163 | maria guerrero parra | researcher |
000Foofn999 | Fofo000 000 | non-researcher |
001101110011001 | tyo | researcher |
005nd | andyr | researcher |
007Natty007 | Nat | researcher |
... | ... | ... |