diff --git a/common/helpers/navigation_helpers/src/navigation_helpers/__init__.py b/common/helpers/navigation_helpers/src/navigation_helpers/__init__.py
index 969833b49..e04e20881 100644
--- a/common/helpers/navigation_helpers/src/navigation_helpers/__init__.py
+++ b/common/helpers/navigation_helpers/src/navigation_helpers/__init__.py
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
+import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import (
+ PoseStamped,
+ Quaternion,
+from nav_msgs.srv import GetPlan
+from nav_msgs.msg import Path
import numpy as np
+import math
+from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
from itertools import permutations
from typing import Union, List
@@ -27,3 +36,49 @@ def min_hamiltonian_path(start: Pose, poses: List[Pose]) -> Union[None, List[Pos
best_order = list(perm)
return best_order
+def get_pose_on_path(
+ p1: PoseStamped, p2: PoseStamped, dist_to_goal: float = 1.0, tolerance: float = 0.5
+) -> Union[None, PoseStamped]:
+ make_plan: rospy.ServiceProxy = rospy.ServiceProxy("/move_base/make_plan", GetPlan)
+ chosen_pose: Union[None, PoseStamped] = None
+ rospy.loginfo(f"Getting plan from {p1} to {p2}.")
+ if p1.header.frame_id != p2.header.frame_id != "map":
+ rospy.loginfo(
+ f"Frames of reference are not 'map' ({p1.header.frame_id} and {p2.header.frame_id})."
+ )
+ return chosen_pose
+ try:
+ make_plan.wait_for_service(timeout=rospy.Duration.from_sec(10.0))
+ except rospy.ROSException:
+ rospy.loginfo("Service /move_base/make_plan not available.")
+ return chosen_pose
+ try:
+ plan: Path = make_plan(p1, p2, tolerance).plan
+ except rospy.ServiceException as e:
+ rospy.loginfo(e)
+ return chosen_pose
+ rospy.loginfo(f"Got plan with {len(plan.poses)} poses.")
+ if len(plan.poses) > 0:
+ for pose in reversed(plan.poses):
+ if euclidian_distance(pose.pose.position, p2.pose.position) >= dist_to_goal:
+ chosen_pose = pose
+ break
+ return chosen_pose
+def compute_face_quat(p1: Pose, p2: Pose) -> Quaternion:
+ dx: float = p2.position.x - p1.position.x
+ dy: float = p2.position.y - p1.position.y
+ theta_deg = np.degrees(math.atan2(dy, dx))
+ x, y, z, w = R.from_euler("z", theta_deg, degrees=True).as_quat()
+ return Quaternion(x, y, z, w)
diff --git a/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/nodes/transcribe_microphone_server b/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/nodes/transcribe_microphone_server
index 0cfa544af..ced0ac5aa 100644
--- a/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/nodes/transcribe_microphone_server
+++ b/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/nodes/transcribe_microphone_server
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ class TranscribeSpeechAction(object):
self._listening = False
+ rospy.loginfo(f"Speech Action server {self._action_name} started")
def _configure_microphone(self) -> sr.Microphone:
"""Configures the microphone for listening to speech based on the
@@ -332,8 +333,8 @@ def configure_model_params(config: dict) -> speech_model_params:
model_params.mic_device = config["mic_device"]
if config["no_warmup"]:
model_params.warmup = False
- if config["energy_threshold"]:
- model_params.energy_threshold = config["energy_threshold"]
+ # if config["energy_threshold"]:
+ # model_params.energy_threshold = config["energy_threshold"]
if config["pause_threshold"]:
model_params.pause_threshold = config["pause_threshold"]
diff --git a/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/scripts/microphone_tuning_test.py b/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/scripts/microphone_tuning_test.py
index 806e801d0..13211e95b 100644
--- a/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/scripts/microphone_tuning_test.py
+++ b/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/scripts/microphone_tuning_test.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ def main():
args = parse_args()
recognizer = sr.Recognizer()
+ recognizer.pause_threshold = 2
microphone = sr.Microphone(device_index=args["device_index"], sample_rate=16000)
threshold = 100
recognizer.dynamic_energy_threshold = False
@@ -39,7 +40,9 @@ def main():
while transcription_result != "":
with microphone as source:
- wav_data = recognizer.listen(source).get_wav_data()
+ wav_data = recognizer.listen(
+ source, phrase_time_limit=10, timeout=5
+ ).get_wav_data()
# Magic number 32768.0 is the maximum value of a 16-bit signed integer
float_data = (
diff --git a/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/scripts/repeat_after_me.py b/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/scripts/repeat_after_me.py
index 2e6b20622..cd401b9b7 100644
--- a/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/scripts/repeat_after_me.py
+++ b/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/scripts/repeat_after_me.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("transcribe_speech", TranscribeSpeechAction)
+ rospy.loginfo("Waiting for server...")
repeating = False
rospy.loginfo("Done waiting")
diff --git a/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/scripts/test_microphones.py b/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/scripts/test_microphones.py
index 921097691..2ce910f56 100644
--- a/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/scripts/test_microphones.py
+++ b/common/speech/lasr_speech_recognition_whisper/scripts/test_microphones.py
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ def main(args: dict) -> None:
output_dir = args["output_dir"]
r = sr.Recognizer()
- with sr.Microphone(device_index=13, sample_rate=16000) as source:
+ r.pause_threshold = 2
+ with sr.Microphone(device_index=9, sample_rate=16000) as source:
print("Say something!")
- audio = r.listen(source, timeout=5, phrase_time_limit=5)
+ audio = r.listen(source, timeout=5, phrase_time_limit=10)
print("Finished listening")
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "microphone.raw"), "wb") as f:
diff --git a/common/vision/lasr_vision_cropped_detection/src/lasr_vision_cropped_detection/cropped_detection.py b/common/vision/lasr_vision_cropped_detection/src/lasr_vision_cropped_detection/cropped_detection.py
index e9360cc57..ad3c09f46 100644
--- a/common/vision/lasr_vision_cropped_detection/src/lasr_vision_cropped_detection/cropped_detection.py
+++ b/common/vision/lasr_vision_cropped_detection/src/lasr_vision_cropped_detection/cropped_detection.py
@@ -171,10 +171,10 @@ def _3d_bbox_crop(
for det in detections
if crop_method == "closest":
detections = [det for _, det in sorted(zip(distances, detections))]
elif crop_method == "furthest":
detections = [
det for _, det in sorted(zip(distances, detections), reverse=True)
diff --git a/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/nodes/service b/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/nodes/service
index ede18a38d..7a70f7868 100644
--- a/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/nodes/service
+++ b/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/nodes/service
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ from lasr_vision_msgs.srv import (
from lasr_vision_feature_extraction.categories_and_attributes import (
- CategoriesAndAttributes,
- CelebAMaskHQCategoriesAndAttributes,
+ # CategoriesAndAttributes,
+ # CelebAMaskHQCategoriesAndAttributes,
diff --git a/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/src/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/__init__.py b/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/src/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/__init__.py
index 65602b818..afe15fd11 100644
--- a/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/src/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/__init__.py
+++ b/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/src/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import json
from os import path
import cv2
import numpy as np
import rospkg
@@ -11,12 +10,10 @@
import torchvision.models as models
from lasr_vision_feature_extraction.categories_and_attributes import (
- CelebAMaskHQCategoriesAndAttributes,
from lasr_vision_feature_extraction.image_with_masks_and_attributes import (
- ImageOfPerson,
from lasr_vision_msgs.srv import Vqa, VqaRequest
@@ -55,129 +52,6 @@ def forward(self, x_copy, x):
return x
-class UNetWithResnetEncoder(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, num_classes, in_channels=3, freeze_bn=False, sigmoid=True):
- super(UNetWithResnetEncoder, self).__init__()
- self.sigmoid = sigmoid
- self.resnet = models.resnet34(
- pretrained=False
- ) # Initialize with a ResNet model
- if in_channels != 3:
- self.resnet.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(
- in_channels, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3, bias=False
- )
- self.encoder1 = nn.Sequential(
- self.resnet.conv1, self.resnet.bn1, self.resnet.relu
- )
- self.encoder2 = self.resnet.layer1
- self.encoder3 = self.resnet.layer2
- self.encoder4 = self.resnet.layer3
- self.encoder5 = self.resnet.layer4
- self.up1 = Decoder(512, 256, 256)
- self.up2 = Decoder(256, 128, 128)
- self.up3 = Decoder(128, 64, 64)
- self.up4 = Decoder(64, 64, 64)
- self.final_conv = nn.Conv2d(64, num_classes, kernel_size=1)
- self._initialize_weights()
- if freeze_bn:
- self.freeze_bn()
- def _initialize_weights(self):
- for module in self.modules():
- if isinstance(module, nn.Conv2d) or isinstance(module, nn.ConvTranspose2d):
- nn.init.kaiming_normal_(module.weight)
- if module.bias is not None:
- module.bias.data.zero_()
- elif isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d):
- module.weight.data.fill_(1)
- module.bias.data.zero_()
- def forward(self, x):
- x1 = self.encoder1(x)
- x2 = self.encoder2(x1)
- x3 = self.encoder3(x2)
- x4 = self.encoder4(x3)
- x5 = self.encoder5(x4)
- x = self.up1(x4, x5)
- x = self.up2(x3, x)
- x = self.up3(x2, x)
- x = self.up4(x1, x)
- x = F.interpolate(
- x, size=(x.size(2) * 2, x.size(3) * 2), mode="bilinear", align_corners=True
- )
- x = self.final_conv(x)
- if self.sigmoid:
- x = torch.sigmoid(x)
- return x
- def freeze_bn(self):
- for module in self.modules():
- if isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d):
- module.eval()
- def unfreeze_bn(self):
- for module in self.modules():
- if isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d):
- module.train()
-class MultiLabelResNet(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, num_labels, input_channels=3, sigmoid=True):
- super(MultiLabelResNet, self).__init__()
- self.model = models.resnet34(pretrained=False)
- self.sigmoid = sigmoid
- if input_channels != 3:
- self.model.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(
- input_channels, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3, bias=False
- )
- num_ftrs = self.model.fc.in_features
- self.model.fc = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, num_labels)
- def forward(self, x):
- x = self.model(x)
- if self.sigmoid:
- x = torch.sigmoid(x)
- return x
-class CombinedModel(nn.Module):
- def __init__(
- self, segment_model: nn.Module, predict_model: nn.Module, cat_layers: int = None
- ):
- super(CombinedModel, self).__init__()
- self.segment_model = segment_model
- self.predict_model = predict_model
- self.cat_layers = cat_layers
- self.freeze_seg = False
- def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
- seg_masks = self.segment_model(x)
- seg_masks_ = seg_masks.detach()
- if self.cat_layers:
- seg_masks_ = seg_masks_[:, 0 : self.cat_layers]
- x = torch.cat((x, seg_masks_), dim=1)
- else:
- x = torch.cat((x, seg_masks_), dim=1)
- logic_outputs = self.predict_model(x)
- return seg_masks, logic_outputs
- def freeze_segment_model(self):
- self.segment_model.eval()
- def unfreeze_segment_model(self):
- self.segment_model.train()
class SegmentPredictor(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_masks, num_labels, in_channels=3, sigmoid=True):
super(SegmentPredictor, self).__init__()
@@ -445,32 +319,6 @@ def predict(self, rgb_image: np.ndarray) -> ImageWithMasksAndAttributes:
return image_obj
-def load_face_classifier_model():
- cat_layers = CelebAMaskHQCategoriesAndAttributes.merged_categories.keys().__len__()
- segment_model = UNetWithResnetEncoder(num_classes=cat_layers)
- predictions = (
- len(CelebAMaskHQCategoriesAndAttributes.attributes)
- - len(CelebAMaskHQCategoriesAndAttributes.avoided_attributes)
- + len(CelebAMaskHQCategoriesAndAttributes.mask_labels)
- )
- predict_model = MultiLabelResNet(
- num_labels=predictions, input_channels=cat_layers + 3
- )
- model = CombinedModel(segment_model, predict_model, cat_layers=cat_layers)
- model.eval()
- r = rospkg.RosPack()
- model, _, _, _ = load_torch_model(
- model,
- None,
- path=path.join(
- r.get_path("lasr_vision_feature_extraction"), "models", "face_model.pth"
- ),
- cpu_only=True,
- )
- return model
def load_cloth_classifier_model():
num_classes = len(DeepFashion2GeneralizedCategoriesAndAttributes.attributes)
model = SegmentPredictorBbox(
@@ -597,7 +445,12 @@ def predict_frame(
rst_person["hair_shape"] = "long hair"
result = {
- **rst_person,
+ "has_hair": 0.0,
+ "hair_colour": "Not used.",
+ "hair_shape": "Not used.",
+ "facial_hair": 0.0,
+ "glasses": 0.0,
+ "hat": 0.0,
diff --git a/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/src/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/categories_and_attributes.py b/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/src/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/categories_and_attributes.py
index 87980c3e2..2b3663915 100644
--- a/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/src/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/categories_and_attributes.py
+++ b/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/src/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/categories_and_attributes.py
@@ -10,166 +10,6 @@ class CategoriesAndAttributes:
thresholds_pred: dict[str, float] = {}
-class CelebAMaskHQCategoriesAndAttributes(CategoriesAndAttributes):
- mask_categories = [
- "cloth",
- "r_ear",
- "hair",
- "l_brow",
- "l_eye",
- "l_lip",
- "mouth",
- "neck",
- "nose",
- "r_brow",
- "r_ear",
- "r_eye",
- "skin",
- "u_lip",
- "hat",
- "l_ear",
- "neck_l",
- "eye_g",
- ]
- merged_categories = {
- "ear": [
- "l_ear",
- "r_ear",
- ],
- "brow": [
- "l_brow",
- "r_brow",
- ],
- "eye": [
- "l_eye",
- "r_eye",
- ],
- "mouth": [
- "l_lip",
- "u_lip",
- "mouth",
- ],
- }
- _categories_to_merge = []
- for key in sorted(list(merged_categories.keys())):
- for cat in merged_categories[key]:
- _categories_to_merge.append(cat)
- for key in mask_categories:
- if key not in _categories_to_merge:
- merged_categories[key] = [key]
- mask_labels = ["hair"]
- selective_attributes = {
- "facial_hair": [
- "5_o_Clock_Shadow",
- "Goatee",
- "Mustache",
- "No_Beard",
- "Sideburns",
- ],
- "hair_colour": [
- "Black_Hair",
- "Blond_Hair",
- "Brown_Hair",
- "Gray_Hair",
- ],
- "hair_shape": [
- "Straight_Hair",
- "Wavy_Hair",
- ],
- }
- plane_attributes = [
- "Bangs",
- "Eyeglasses",
- "Wearing_Earrings",
- "Wearing_Hat",
- "Wearing_Necklace",
- "Wearing_Necktie",
- "Male",
- ]
- avoided_attributes = [
- "Arched_Eyebrows",
- "Bags_Under_Eyes",
- "Big_Lips",
- "Big_Nose",
- "Bushy_Eyebrows",
- "Chubby",
- "Double_Chin",
- "High_Cheekbones",
- "Narrow_Eyes",
- "Oval_Face",
- "Pointy_Nose",
- "Receding_Hairline",
- "Rosy_Cheeks",
- "Heavy_Makeup",
- "Wearing_Lipstick",
- "Attractive",
- "Blurry",
- "Mouth_Slightly_Open",
- "Pale_Skin",
- "Smiling",
- "Young",
- ]
- attributes = [
- "5_o_Clock_Shadow",
- "Arched_Eyebrows",
- "Attractive",
- "Bags_Under_Eyes",
- "Bald",
- "Bangs",
- "Big_Lips",
- "Big_Nose",
- "Black_Hair",
- "Blond_Hair",
- "Blurry",
- "Brown_Hair",
- "Bushy_Eyebrows",
- "Chubby",
- "Double_Chin",
- "Eyeglasses",
- "Goatee",
- "Gray_Hair",
- "Heavy_Makeup",
- "High_Cheekbones",
- "Male",
- "Mouth_Slightly_Open",
- "Mustache",
- "Narrow_Eyes",
- "No_Beard",
- "Oval_Face",
- "Pale_Skin",
- "Pointy_Nose",
- "Receding_Hairline",
- "Rosy_Cheeks",
- "Sideburns",
- "Smiling",
- "Straight_Hair",
- "Wavy_Hair",
- "Wearing_Earrings",
- "Wearing_Hat",
- "Wearing_Lipstick",
- "Wearing_Necklace",
- "Wearing_Necktie",
- "Young",
- ]
- thresholds_mask: dict[str, float] = {}
- thresholds_pred: dict[str, float] = {}
- # set default thresholds:
- for key in sorted(merged_categories.keys()):
- thresholds_mask[key] = 0.5
- for key in attributes + mask_labels:
- if key not in avoided_attributes:
- thresholds_pred[key] = 0.5
- # set specific thresholds:
- thresholds_mask["eye_g"] = 0.5
- thresholds_pred["Eyeglasses"] = 0.5
- thresholds_pred["Wearing_Earrings"] = 0.5
- thresholds_pred["Wearing_Necklace"] = 0.5
- thresholds_pred["Wearing_Necktie"] = 0.5
class DeepFashion2GeneralizedCategoriesAndAttributes(CategoriesAndAttributes):
mask_categories = [
"short sleeve top",
diff --git a/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/src/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/image_with_masks_and_attributes.py b/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/src/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/image_with_masks_and_attributes.py
index 235ba7a4c..acac6d7a1 100644
--- a/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/src/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/image_with_masks_and_attributes.py
+++ b/common/vision/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/src/lasr_vision_feature_extraction/image_with_masks_and_attributes.py
@@ -3,6 +3,120 @@
+reference_colours = {
+ "blue_very_light": np.array([240, 248, 255]), # Alice blue
+ "blue_light": np.array([173, 216, 230]), # Light blue
+ "blue_sky": np.array([135, 206, 235]), # Sky blue
+ "blue_powder": np.array([176, 224, 230]), # Powder blue
+ "blue_celeste": np.array([178, 255, 255]), # Celeste, very pale blue shade
+ "blue_periwinkle": np.array(
+ [204, 204, 255]
+ ), # Periwinkle, a mix of light blue and lavender
+ "blue_cadet": np.array([95, 158, 160]), # Cadet blue, a muted blue-green
+ "blue": np.array([0, 0, 255]), # Standard blue
+ "blue_royal": np.array([65, 105, 225]), # Royal blue
+ "blue_deep": np.array([0, 0, 139]), # Deep blue
+ "blue_dark": np.array([0, 0, 128]), # Dark blue
+ # "blue_navy": np.array([0, 0, 80]), # Navy blue
+ "yellow_very_light": np.array([255, 255, 204]), # Very light yellow
+ "yellow_light": np.array([255, 255, 224]), # Light yellow
+ "yellow": np.array([255, 255, 0]), # Standard yellow
+ "yellow_gold": np.array([255, 215, 0]), # Gold yellow
+ "yellow_dark": np.array([204, 204, 0]), # Dark yellow
+ "yellow_mustard": np.array([255, 219, 88]), # Mustard yellow
+ "red_very_light": np.array([255, 204, 204]), # Very light red
+ "red_light": np.array([255, 102, 102]), # Light red
+ "red": np.array([255, 0, 0]), # Standard red
+ "red_dark": np.array([139, 0, 0]), # Dark red
+ "red_maroon": np.array([128, 0, 0]), # Maroon
+ "orange_very_light": np.array([255, 229, 180]), # Very light orange
+ "orange_light": np.array([255, 179, 71]), # Light orange
+ "orange": np.array([255, 165, 0]), # Standard orange
+ "orange_dark": np.array([255, 140, 0]), # Dark orange
+ "orange_burnt": np.array([204, 85, 0]), # Burnt orange
+ "black": np.array([30, 30, 30]), # Black
+ "white": np.array([255, 255, 255]), # White
+ "gray": np.array([160, 160, 160]), # Gray
+colour_group_map = {
+ "blue_very_light": "blue",
+ "blue_light": "blue",
+ "blue_sky": "blue",
+ "blue_powder": "blue",
+ "blue_celeste": "blue",
+ "blue_periwinkle": "blue",
+ "blue_cadet": "blue",
+ "blue": "blue",
+ "blue_royal": "blue",
+ "blue_deep": "blue",
+ "blue_dark": "blue",
+ "yellow_very_light": "yellow",
+ "yellow_light": "yellow",
+ "yellow": "yellow",
+ "yellow_gold": "yellow",
+ "yellow_dark": "yellow",
+ "yellow_mustard": "yellow",
+ "red_very_light": "red",
+ "red_light": "red",
+ "red": "red",
+ "red_dark": "red",
+ "red_maroon": "red",
+ "orange_very_light": "orange",
+ "orange_light": "orange",
+ "orange": "orange",
+ "orange_dark": "orange",
+ "orange_burnt": "orange",
+ "black": "black",
+ "white": "white",
+ "gray": "gray",
+possible_colours = ["blue", "yellow", "red", "orange", "black", "white", "gray"]
+def estimate_colour(rgb_array):
+ # Calculate distances to each reference colour
+ # distances = {colour: cie76_distance(rgb_array, ref_rgb) for colour, ref_rgb in reference_colours.items()}
+ distances = {
+ colour: np.linalg.norm(rgb_array - ref_rgb)
+ for colour, ref_rgb in reference_colours.items()
+ }
+ # Find the colour with the smallest distance
+ estimated_colour = min(distances, key=distances.get)
+ return estimated_colour
+def split_and_sample_colours(image, mask, square_size):
+ height, width, _ = image.shape
+ squares_colours = {}
+ valid_squares = set()
+ square_index = 0
+ for y in range(0, height, square_size):
+ for x in range(0, width, square_size):
+ square = image[y : y + square_size, x : x + square_size]
+ mask_square = mask[y : y + square_size, x : x + square_size]
+ # Calculate the average colour
+ average_colour = square.mean(axis=(0, 1))
+ # Save the average colour in the dictionary
+ squares_colours[square_index] = estimate_colour(average_colour)
+ # squares_colours[square_index] = average_colour # estimate_colour(average_colour)
+ # Check the mask condition
+ a = np.sum(mask_square)
+ if np.sum(mask_square) > 0.5 * square_size * square_size:
+ valid_squares.add(square_index)
+ square_index += 1
+ return squares_colours, valid_squares
def _softmax(x: list[float]) -> list[float]:
"""Compute softmax values for each set of scores in x without using NumPy."""
@@ -60,56 +174,6 @@ def describe(self) -> str:
-def _max_value_tuple(some_dict: dict[str, float]) -> tuple[str, float]:
- max_key = max(some_dict, key=some_dict.get)
- return max_key, some_dict[max_key]
-class ImageOfPerson(ImageWithMasksAndAttributes):
- def __init__(
- self,
- image: np.ndarray,
- masks: dict[str, np.ndarray],
- attributes: dict[str, float],
- categories_and_attributes: CategoriesAndAttributes,
- ):
- super().__init__(image, masks, attributes, categories_and_attributes)
- @classmethod
- def from_parent_instance(
- cls, parent_instance: ImageWithMasksAndAttributes
- ) -> "ImageOfPerson":
- """
- Creates an instance of ImageOfPerson using the properties of an
- instance of ImageWithMasksAndAttributes.
- """
- return cls(
- image=parent_instance.image,
- masks=parent_instance.masks,
- attributes=parent_instance.attributes,
- categories_and_attributes=parent_instance.categories_and_attributes,
- )
- def describe(self) -> dict:
- has_hair = self.attributes["hair"] - 0.5
- hair_colour = _max_value_tuple(self.selective_attribute_dict["hair_colour"])[0]
- hair_shape = _max_value_tuple(self.selective_attribute_dict["hair_shape"])[0]
- facial_hair = 1 - self.attributes["No_Beard"] - 0.5
- glasses = self.attributes["Eyeglasses"] - 0.5
- hat = self.attributes["Wearing_Hat"] - 0.5
- result = {
- "has_hair": has_hair,
- "hair_colour": hair_colour,
- "hair_shape": hair_shape,
- "facial_hair": facial_hair,
- "glasses": glasses,
- "hat": hat,
- }
- return result
class ImageOfCloth(ImageWithMasksAndAttributes):
def __init__(
@@ -136,6 +200,8 @@ def from_parent_instance(
def describe(self) -> dict:
+ # Maybe not keep ‘sleeveless’ anymore but might do this in the actual environment.
result = {
"top": self.attributes["top"] / 2,
"outwear": self.attributes["outwear"] / 2,
@@ -178,4 +244,38 @@ def describe(self) -> dict:
max_attribute = "sleeveless dress"
result["max_dress"] = max_attribute
+ # QUICK FIX that won't break the code but not returning dress anymore.
+ result["dress"] = 0.0
+ # ========= colour estimation below: =========
+ # blurred_imagge kept here so that we can quickly make it work if we need.
+ # blurred_image = gaussian_blur(self.image, kernel_size=13, rep=3)
+ blurred_image = self.image
+ for cloth in ["top", "outwear", "dress"]: # "down",
+ mask = self.masks[cloth]
+ squares_colours, valid_squares = split_and_sample_colours(
+ blurred_image, mask, 20
+ )
+ _squares_colours = {}
+ for k in squares_colours.keys():
+ if k in valid_squares:
+ _squares_colours[k] = squares_colours[k]
+ squares_colours = {
+ k: colour_group_map[colour] for k, colour in _squares_colours.items()
+ }
+ squares_colours_count = {}
+ for k, colour in squares_colours.items():
+ if colour not in squares_colours_count.keys():
+ squares_colours_count[colour] = 1
+ else:
+ squares_colours_count[colour] += 1
+ print(squares_colours_count)
+ tag = cloth + "_colour"
+ result[tag] = {}
+ for k in possible_colours:
+ if k in squares_colours_count.keys():
+ result[tag][k] = squares_colours_count[k] / len(squares_colours)
+ else:
+ result[tag][k] = 0.0
return result
diff --git a/common/vision/lasr_vision_msgs/srv/Vqa.srv b/common/vision/lasr_vision_msgs/srv/Vqa.srv
index f1894242b..5675240f7 100644
--- a/common/vision/lasr_vision_msgs/srv/Vqa.srv
+++ b/common/vision/lasr_vision_msgs/srv/Vqa.srv
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+sensor_msgs/Image image
string[] possible_answers
sensor_msgs/Image image_raw
diff --git a/skills/config/motions.yaml b/skills/config/motions.yaml
index 9409d156b..8af6ac21f 100644
--- a/skills/config/motions.yaml
+++ b/skills/config/motions.yaml
@@ -84,33 +84,33 @@ play_motion:
joints: [torso_lift_joint, head_1_joint, head_2_joint]
- - positions: [0.4, 0.35, 0.15]
+ - positions: [0.4, 0.35, 0.1]
time_from_start: 0.0
joints: [torso_lift_joint, head_1_joint, head_2_joint]
- - positions: [0.4, 0.0, 0.15]
+ - positions: [0.4, 0.0, 0.1]
time_from_start: 0.0
joints: [torso_lift_joint, head_1_joint, head_2_joint]
- - positions: [0.4, -0.35, 0.15]
+ - positions: [0.4, -0.35, 0.1]
time_from_start: 0.0
joints: [torso_lift_joint, head_1_joint, head_2_joint]
- - positions: [0.4, 0.35, 0.05]
+ - positions: [0.35, 0.35, 0.05]
time_from_start: 0.0
joints: [torso_lift_joint, head_1_joint, head_2_joint]
- - positions: [0.4, 0.0, 0.05]
+ - positions: [0.35, 0.0, 0.05]
time_from_start: 0.0
joints: [torso_lift_joint, head_1_joint, head_2_joint]
- - positions: [0.4, -0.35, 0.05]
+ - positions: [0.35, -0.35, 0.05]
time_from_start: 0.0
joints: [torso_lift_joint, head_1_joint, head_2_joint]
diff --git a/skills/launch/unit_test_describe_people.launch b/skills/launch/unit_test_describe_people.launch
index f1b76530e..29427f35b 100644
--- a/skills/launch/unit_test_describe_people.launch
+++ b/skills/launch/unit_test_describe_people.launch
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
diff --git a/skills/package.xml b/skills/package.xml
index 053a2c85b..834ad7fc2 100644
--- a/skills/package.xml
+++ b/skills/package.xml
@@ -58,6 +58,6 @@
diff --git a/skills/scripts/unit_test_adjust_camera.py b/skills/scripts/unit_test_adjust_camera.py
index 51fe74251..3fcd68d91 100644
--- a/skills/scripts/unit_test_adjust_camera.py
+++ b/skills/scripts/unit_test_adjust_camera.py
@@ -11,7 +11,11 @@
with sm:
- AdjustCamera(debug=True),
+ AdjustCamera(
+ max_attempts=3,
+ debug=False,
+ init_state="u1m",
+ ),
transitions={"finished": "end", "failed": "end", "truncated": "end"},
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/__init__.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/__init__.py
index ce4f199ce..56f0619c3 100755
--- a/skills/src/lasr_skills/__init__.py
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/__init__.py
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
from .listen import Listen
from .listen_for import ListenFor
from .ask_and_listen import AskAndListen
-from .find_person import FindPerson
-from .find_named_person import FindNamedPerson
from .receive_object import ReceiveObject
from .handover_object import HandoverObject
from .ask_and_listen import AskAndListen
@@ -22,5 +20,11 @@
from .recognise import Recognise
from .detect_gesture import DetectGesture
from .look_at_person import LookAtPerson
-from .find_gesture_person import FindGesturePerson
+# from .find_gesture_person import FindGesturePerson
from .adjust_camera import AdjustCamera
+from .guide import Guide
+from .detect_clothing import DetectClothing
+from .detect_pose import DetectPose
+from .find_person import FindPerson
+from .xml_question_answer import XmlQuestionAnswer
+from .find_person_and_tell import FindPersonAndTell
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/adjust_camera.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/adjust_camera.py
index c885398ae..46057e4ff 100644
--- a/skills/src/lasr_skills/adjust_camera.py
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/adjust_camera.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
import rospkg
import rosparam
import os
+import math
LEFT = {
@@ -77,14 +78,17 @@
(0, 1): "mr",
+inverse_position_dict = {value: key for key, value in position_dict.items()}
class AdjustCamera(smach.StateMachine):
def __init__(
bodypix_model: str = "resnet50",
bodypix_confidence: float = 0.7,
- max_attempts=1000,
+ max_attempts=5,
+ init_state="u1m",
@@ -105,8 +109,8 @@ def __init__(
with self:
- "init_u2m",
- PlayMotion(motion_name="u2m"),
+ "init",
+ PlayMotion(motion_name=init_state),
"succeeded": "GET_IMAGE",
"aborted": "GET_IMAGE",
@@ -122,7 +126,7 @@ def __init__(
_transitions = {
"succeeded": "DECIDE_ADJUST_CAMERA",
- "failed": "failed",
+ "failed": "GET_IMAGE",
@@ -131,10 +135,7 @@ def __init__(
- transitions={
- "succeeded": "DECIDE_ADJUST_CAMERA",
- "failed": "failed",
- },
+ transitions=_transitions,
if debug:
@@ -158,6 +159,7 @@ def __init__(
+ init_state=init_state,
@@ -176,10 +178,10 @@ def __init__(
class DecideAdjustCamera(smach.State):
def __init__(
- # keypoints_to_detect: List[str] = ALL_KEYS,
bodypix_model: str = "resnet50",
bodypix_confidence: float = 0.7,
- max_attempts=1000,
+ max_attempts=5,
+ init_state="u1m",
@@ -195,18 +197,17 @@ def __init__(
self.max_attempts = max_attempts
- # self._keypoints_to_detect = keypoints_to_detect
self._bodypix_model = bodypix_model
self._bodypix_confidence = bodypix_confidence
self._bodypix_client = rospy.ServiceProxy(
"/bodypix/keypoint_detection", BodyPixKeypointDetection
- self.position = [2, 0]
+ self.position = [i for i in inverse_position_dict[init_state]]
self.counter = 0
def execute(self, userdata):
+ rospy.logwarn(f"Start attempt number {self.counter}.")
req = BodyPixKeypointDetectionRequest()
req.image_raw = userdata.img_msg
req.dataset = self._bodypix_model
@@ -243,10 +244,15 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
f"missing shoulders: {missing_keypoints.intersection(MIDDLE)}, missing eyes: {missing_keypoints.intersection(HEAD)}"
- # has_torso = len(missing_keypoints.intersection(TORSO)) <= 1
if not has_more_than_one_shoulder and not has_more_than_one_one_eye:
- # 'Try recovery behaviour or give up, need a bit polish
+ # This is the case that not any centre points can be used,
+ # In this case most likely it is the guest standing either too close or not in the camera at all.
+ # However we may still try to get this person back into the frame if some part of them are detected.
+ # Otherwise we say something like "Please stand in front of me but keep a bit distance.".
+ rospy.logwarn(
+ "The person might not actually be in the frame, trying to recover."
+ )
miss_head = len(missing_keypoints.intersection(HEAD)) >= 2
miss_middle = len(missing_keypoints.intersection(MIDDLE)) >= 2
miss_torso = len(missing_keypoints.intersection(TORSO)) >= 4
@@ -263,14 +269,7 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
f"Needs to move up: {needs_to_move_up}, down: {needs_to_move_down}, left: {needs_to_move_left}, right: {needs_to_move_right}."
- # if counter > maxmum, check if head is in, if not, move up to get head, otherwise return finished.
- if self.counter > self.max_attempts:
- if not miss_head or self.counter > self.max_attempts + 2:
- return "truncated"
- # self.counter += 1
if not (needs_to_move_left and needs_to_move_right):
- # return "failed"
if needs_to_move_left:
self.position = (
@@ -280,8 +279,7 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
else self.position[1]
- return position_dict[self.position]
- if needs_to_move_right:
+ elif needs_to_move_right:
self.position = (
@@ -290,32 +288,28 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
else self.position[1]
- return position_dict[self.position]
- if needs_to_move_up and needs_to_move_down:
- return "failed"
- if needs_to_move_up:
- self.position = (
- (
- self.position[0] + 1
- if self.position[0] < 3
- else self.position[0]
- ),
- self.position[1],
- )
- return position_dict[userdata.position]
- if needs_to_move_down:
- self.position = (
- (
- self.position[0] - 1
- if self.position[0] > 0
- else self.position[0]
- ),
- self.position[1],
- )
- return position_dict[userdata.position]
- return "finished"
+ if not needs_to_move_up and needs_to_move_down:
+ if needs_to_move_up:
+ self.position = (
+ (
+ self.position[0] + 1
+ if self.position[0] < 3
+ else self.position[0]
+ ),
+ self.position[1],
+ )
+ elif needs_to_move_down:
+ self.position = (
+ (
+ self.position[0] - 1
+ if self.position[0] > 0
+ else self.position[0]
+ ),
+ self.position[1],
+ )
elif has_both_eyes and not has_both_shoulders:
- # in this case try to make eyes into the upper 1/3 of the frame,
+ # in this case try to make eyes into the upper 1/5 of the frame,
eyes_middle = (
(keypoint_info["leftEye"][0] + keypoint_info["rightEye"][0]) / 2,
(keypoint_info["leftEye"][1] + keypoint_info["rightEye"][1]) / 2,
@@ -329,13 +323,14 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
# if y at upper 1/3: wonder why no shoulders but never mind in this case
- # if x at left 1/3 or left shoulder dissappear, move left 1 step
- if eyes_middle[0] <= 1 / 3:
+ # if x at left 2/7 or left shoulder dissappear, move left 1 step
+ if eyes_middle[0] <= 2 / 7:
self.position[1] -= 1
- # if x at right 1/3 or right shoulder dissappear, move right 1 step
- elif eyes_middle[0] >= 2 / 3:
+ # if x at right 2/7 or right shoulder dissappear, move right 1 step
+ elif eyes_middle[0] >= 5 / 7:
self.position[1] += 1
elif not has_both_eyes and has_both_shoulders:
shoulders_middle = (
@@ -351,13 +346,14 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
# if y at upper 1/4: up move 1 step
elif shoulders_middle[1] <= 1 / 4:
self.position[0] += 1
- # if x at left 1/3, move left 1 step
- if shoulders_middle[0] <= 1 / 3:
+ # if x at left 2/7, move left 1 step
+ if shoulders_middle[0] <= 2 / 7:
self.position[1] -= 1
- # if x at right 1/3, move right 1 step
- elif shoulders_middle[0] >= 2 / 3:
+ # if x at right 2/7, move right 1 step
+ elif shoulders_middle[0] >= 5 / 7:
self.position[1] += 1
elif has_both_eyes and has_both_shoulders:
eyes_middle = (
(keypoint_info["leftEye"][0] + keypoint_info["rightEye"][0]) / 2,
@@ -376,63 +372,71 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
(eyes_middle[1] + shoulders_middle[1]) / 2,
rospy.logwarn(f"very middle {very_middle}")
- # if y at upper 1/5 for eyes: move up 1 step
- if eyes_middle[1] <= 1 / 5:
- self.position[0] += 1
- print("if y at upper 1/5 for eyes: move up 1 step")
+ eyes_to_shoulders_distance = math.sqrt(
+ (eyes_middle[0] - shoulders_middle[0]) ** 2
+ + (eyes_middle[1] - shoulders_middle[1])
+ )
+ rospy.logwarn(f"eyes to shoulder distance {eyes_to_shoulders_distance}")
+ if eyes_to_shoulders_distance > 0.14:
+ # person is kind of close to the camera,
+ if eyes_to_shoulders_distance >= 0.24:
+ # person if very close to the camera.
+ # ACTUALLY, maybe should just tell person to stand back?
+ # if y at upper 1/5 for eyes: move up 1 step
+ if eyes_middle[1] <= 1 / 5:
+ self.position[0] += 1
+ print("if y at upper 1/4 for eyes: move up 1 step")
+ else:
+ # if y at down 1/5: down move 1 step
+ if very_middle[1] >= 4 / 5:
+ self.position[0] -= 1
+ print("if y at down 1/5: down move 1 step.")
+ else:
+ # if y at upper 1/7 for eyes: move up 1 step
+ if eyes_middle[1] <= 1 / 7:
+ self.position[0] += 1
+ print("if y at upper 1/7 for eyes: move up 1 step")
+ elif eyes_middle[1] >= 2 / 9:
+ self.position[0] -= 1
+ print(
+ "if y lower than upper 2/9 for eyes: move down 1 step"
+ )
+ else:
+ if (
+ 1 / 4 <= very_middle[1] <= 1 / 2
+ and 2 / 7 <= very_middle[0] <= 5 / 7
+ ):
+ print("finished.")
+ return "finished"
+ # if y at down 3/7: down move 1 step
+ if very_middle[1] >= 4 / 7:
+ self.position[0] -= 1
+ print("if y at down 3/7: down move 1 step.")
+ # if y at upper 1/4: up move 1 step
+ elif very_middle[1] <= 1 / 4:
+ self.position[0] += 1
+ print("if y at upper 1/4: up move 1 step.")
- if (
- 1 / 4 <= very_middle[1] <= 2 / 3
- and 1 / 3 <= very_middle[0] <= 2 / 3
- ):
- print("finished.")
- return "finished"
- # if y at down 1/3: down move 1 step
- if very_middle[1] >= 2 / 3:
+ # person is kind of far from the camera.
+ # in this case simply try to the middle-point of the shoulder to the centre up
+ if shoulders_middle[1] >= 1 / 2:
self.position[0] -= 1
- print("if y at down 1/3: down move 1 step.")
- # if y at upper 1/4: up move 1 step
- elif very_middle[1] <= 1 / 4:
+ elif shoulders_middle[1] <= 1 / 2 - 2 / 7:
self.position[0] += 1
- print("if y at upper 1/3: up move 1 step.")
- # if x at left 1/3, move left 1 step
- if very_middle[0] <= 1 / 3:
+ elif 2 / 7 <= very_middle[0] <= 5 / 7:
+ print("finished.")
+ return "finished"
+ # if x at left 2/7, move left 1 step
+ if very_middle[0] <= 2 / 7:
self.position[1] -= 1
- print("if x at left 1/3, move left 1 step.")
- # if x at right 1/3, move right 1 step
- elif very_middle[0] >= 2 / 3:
+ print("if x at left 2/7, move left 1 step.")
+ # if x at right 2/7, move right 1 step
+ elif very_middle[0] >= 5 / 7:
self.position[1] += 1
- print("if x at right 1/3, move right 1 step.")
- pass
- elif has_more_than_one_shoulder: # but not both
- # shoulders_middle = ((keypoint_info["leftShoulder"][0] + keypoint_info["rightShoulder"][0]) / 2, (keypoint_info["leftEye"][1] + keypoint_info["rightEye"][1]) / 2)
- # # move one step opposite left or right
- # # if x at left 1/3, move left 1 step
- # if shoulders_middle[0] <= 1/3:
- # position[1] -= 1
- # # if x at right 1/3, move right 1 step
- # elif shoulders_middle[0] >= 2/3:
- # position[1] += 1
- # pass
- # if not has_more_than_one_one_eye:
- # # move up!
- # position[0] += 1
- # pass
- pass
- else: # has_more_than_one_one_eye:
- # eyes_middle = ((keypoint_info["leftEye"][0] + keypoint_info["rightEye"][0]) / 2, (keypoint_info["leftEye"][1] + keypoint_info["rightEye"][1]) / 2)
- # # move one step opposite,
- # # if x at left 1/3, move left 1 step
- # if eyes_middle[0] <= 1/3:
- # position[1] += 1
- # # if x at right 1/3, move right 1 step
- # elif eyes_middle[0] >= 2/3:
- # position[1] -= 1
- # # probably move down
- # position[0] -= 1
- # pass
+ print("if x at right 2/7, move right 1 step.")
+ # keep the position in the range.
if self.position[0] < 0:
self.position[0] = 0
elif self.position[0] > 3:
@@ -442,4 +446,9 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
elif self.position[1] > 1:
self.position[1] = 1
+ # if counter > maxmum.
+ if self.counter > self.max_attempts:
+ return "truncated"
+ self.counter += 1
return position_dict[(self.position[0], self.position[1])]
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/clip_vqa.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/clip_vqa.py
index ad95ad302..b0722f99a 100755
--- a/skills/src/lasr_skills/clip_vqa.py
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/clip_vqa.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import smach
import smach_ros
from lasr_vision_msgs.srv import Vqa, VqaRequest
@@ -6,17 +7,24 @@
class QueryImage(smach_ros.ServiceState):
def __init__(self, possible_answers: Union[None, List[str]] = None):
if possible_answers is not None:
- super(QueryImage, self).__init__(
- "/clip_vqa/query_service",
- Vqa,
- request=VqaRequest(possible_answers=possible_answers),
- response_slots=["answer", "similarity"],
- )
+ @smach.cb_interface(input_keys=["img_msg"])
+ def request_cb(userdata, request):
+ return VqaRequest(
+ possible_answers=possible_answers, image=userdata.img_msg
+ )
- super(QueryImage, self).__init__(
- "/clip_vqa/query_service",
- Vqa,
- request_slots=["possible_answers"],
- response_slots=["answer", "similarity"],
- )
+ @smach.cb_interface(input_keys=["img_msg"])
+ def request_cb(userdata, request):
+ return VqaRequest(image=userdata.img_msg)
+ super(QueryImage, self).__init__(
+ "/clip_vqa/query_service",
+ Vqa,
+ request_cb=request_cb,
+ response_slots=["answer", "similarity"],
+ )
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_clothing.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_clothing.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c599905b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_clothing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import smach
+from typing import Optional
+class DetectClothing(smach.State):
+ _clothing_to_detect: Optional[str]
+ def __init__(self, clothing_to_detect: Optional[str] = None):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self, outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"], input_keys=["img_msg"]
+ )
+ self._clothing_to_detect = clothing_to_detect
+ def execute(self, userdata):
+ return "succeeded"
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_gesture.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_gesture.py
index 62e348342..58240690d 100755
--- a/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_gesture.py
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_gesture.py
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-from typing import Optional, List
import smach
import rospy
import cv2
import cv2_img
-from lasr_skills.vision import GetCroppedImage, GetImage
from lasr_vision_msgs.srv import (
@@ -16,6 +13,7 @@
import tf2_ros as tf
from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker
from markers import create_and_publish_marker
+from typing import Tuple, Union
class DetectGesture(smach.State):
@@ -25,13 +23,12 @@ class DetectGesture(smach.State):
def __init__(
- gesture_to_detect: Optional[str] = None,
+ gesture_to_detect: Union[str, None] = None,
bodypix_model: str = "resnet50",
bodypix_confidence: float = 0.1,
buffer_width: int = 50,
debug_publisher: str = "/skills/gesture_detection/debug",
- """Optionally stores the gesture to detect. If None, it will infer the gesture from the keypoints."""
outcomes=["succeeded", "missing_keypoints", "failed"],
@@ -71,6 +68,8 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
detected_keypoints = res.keypoints
+ detected_gesture = "none"
keypoint_info = {
keypoint.keypoint_name: {"x": keypoint.x, "y": keypoint.y}
for keypoint in detected_keypoints
@@ -169,43 +168,9 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
# Publish the image
- return "succeeded"
-### For example usage:
-class GestureDetectionSM(smach.StateMachine):
- """
- State machine for detecting gestures.
- """
- def __init__(self, gesture_to_detect: Optional[str] = None):
- smach.StateMachine.__init__(self, outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"])
- self.gesture_to_detect = gesture_to_detect
- with self:
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- GetCroppedImage(
- "person", "centered", use_mask=True, rgb_topic="/usb_cam/image_raw"
- ),
- transitions={"succeeded": "BODY_PIX_DETECTION", "failed": "failed"},
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- DetectGesture(gesture_to_detect=self.gesture_to_detect),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": "succeeded",
- "failed": "failed",
- "missing_keypoints": "failed",
- },
+ if self.gesture_to_detect is not None:
+ return (
+ "succeeded" if detected_gesture == self.gesture_to_detect else "failed"
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- rospy.init_node("gesture_detection_sm")
- ### Example usage:
- while not rospy.is_shutdown():
- sm = GestureDetectionSM()
- sm.execute()
- rospy.spin()
+ else:
+ return "succeeded"
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_pose.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_pose.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5d2c4f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/detect_pose.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import smach
+from typing import Optional, List, Dict
+from lasr_skills import QueryImage
+class DetectPose(smach.StateMachine):
+ _pose_dict: Dict[str, str] = {
+ "a person standing": "standing",
+ "a person sitting": "sitting",
+ "a person laying down": "lying_down",
+ }
+ _possible_answers: List[str] = [
+ "a person standing",
+ "a person sitting",
+ "a person laying down",
+ ]
+ _pose_to_detect: Optional[str]
+ class HandleResponse(smach.State):
+ _pose_dict: Dict[str, str]
+ _pose_to_detect: Optional[str]
+ def __init__(
+ self, pose_dict: Dict[str, str], pose_to_detect: Optional[str] = None
+ ):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["answer"],
+ output_keys=[] if pose_to_detect is None else ["detected_pose"],
+ )
+ self._pose_dict = pose_dict
+ self._pose_to_detect = pose_to_detect
+ def execute(self, userdata):
+ if self._pose_to_detect is None:
+ userdata.detected_pose = self._pose_dict[userdata.answer]
+ return "succeeded"
+ else:
+ if self._pose_dict[userdata.answer] == self._pose_to_detect:
+ return "succeeded"
+ return "failed"
+ def __init__(self, pose_to_detect: Optional[str] = None):
+ smach.StateMachine.__init__(
+ self, outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"], input_keys=["img_msg"]
+ )
+ self._pose_to_detect = pose_to_detect
+ with self:
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ QueryImage(possible_answers=self._possible_answers),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "HANDLE_RESPONSE", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.HandleResponse(self._pose_dict, self._pose_to_detect),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "succeeded", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_gesture_person.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_gesture_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ae195494a..000000000
--- a/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_gesture_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-import smach
-import rospy
-from lasr_skills import Detect3D, GoToLocation, DetectGesture, PlayMotion
-from lasr_skills.vision import GetImage
-import navigation_helpers
-from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, PoseWithCovarianceStamped, Point, Quaternion
-from typing import List, Union
-class FindGesturePerson(smach.StateMachine):
- class GetLocation(smach.State):
- def __init__(self):
- smach.State.__init__(
- self,
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- input_keys=["location_index", "waypoints"],
- output_keys=["location"],
- )
- def execute(self, userdata):
- userdata.location = userdata.waypoints[userdata.location_index]
- return "succeeded"
- class GetPose(smach.State):
- def __init__(self):
- smach.State.__init__(
- self,
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- output_keys=["current_pose"],
- )
- def execute(self, userdata):
- userdata.current_pose = rospy.wait_for_message(
- "/amcl_pose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped
- ).pose.pose
- return "succeeded"
- class ComputePath(smach.State):
- def __init__(self, waypoints: List[Pose]):
- smach.State.__init__(
- self,
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- input_keys=["current_pose"],
- output_keys=["waypoints"],
- )
- self._waypoints = waypoints
- def execute(self, userdata):
- userdata.waypoints = navigation_helpers.min_hamiltonian_path(
- userdata.current_pose, self._waypoints
- )
- return "succeeded"
- class HandleDetections(smach.State):
- def __init__(self):
- smach.State.__init__(
- self,
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- input_keys=["detections_3d"],
- output_keys=["person_point"],
- )
- def execute(self, userdata):
- if len(userdata.detections_3d.detected_objects) == 0:
- rospy.logwarn("No person detected, returning failed.")
- return "failed"
- userdata.person_point = userdata.detections_3d.detected_objects[0].point
- return "succeeded"
- class HandleResponse(smach.State):
- def __init__(self):
- smach.State.__init__(
- self,
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- input_keys=["gesture_detected"],
- )
- def execute(self, userdata):
- if userdata.gesture_detected:
- return "succeeded"
- return "failed"
- def __init__(
- self,
- gesture: str,
- waypoints: Union[List[Pose], None] = None,
- location_param: Union[str, None] = None,
- ):
- smach.StateMachine.__init__(
- self, outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"], output_keys=["person_point"]
- )
- if waypoints is None and location_param is None:
- raise ValueError("Either waypoints or location_param must be provided")
- if gesture == "person raising their left arm":
- self.gesture = "raising_left_arm"
- elif gesture == "person raising their right arm":
- self.gesture = "raising_right_arm"
- elif gesture == "person pointing to the right":
- self.gesture == "pointing_to_the_right"
- elif gesture == "person pointing to the left":
- self.gesture == "pointing_to_the_left"
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"Gesture {gesture} not recognized")
- if waypoints is None:
- waypoints_to_iterate: List[Pose] = []
- room = rospy.get_param(location_param)
- beacons = room["beacons"]
- for beacon in beacons:
- waypoint: Pose = Pose(
- position=Point(**beacons[beacon]["near_pose"]["position"]),
- orientation=Quaternion(
- **beacons[beacon]["near_pose"]["orientation"]
- ),
- )
- waypoints_to_iterate.append(waypoint)
- else:
- waypoints_to_iterate: List[Pose] = waypoints
- with self:
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- self.GetPose(),
- transitions={"succeeded": "COMPUTE_PATH", "failed": "failed"},
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- self.ComputePath(waypoints_to_iterate),
- transitions={"succeeded": "WAYPOINT_ITERATOR", "failed": "failed"},
- )
- waypoint_iterator = smach.Iterator(
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- it=lambda: range(len(waypoints_to_iterate)),
- it_label="location_index",
- input_keys=["waypoints"],
- output_keys=["person_point"],
- exhausted_outcome="failed",
- )
- with waypoint_iterator:
- container_sm = smach.StateMachine(
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed", "continue"],
- input_keys=["location_index", "waypoints"],
- output_keys=["person_point"],
- )
- with container_sm:
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- self.GetLocation(),
- transitions={"succeeded": "GO_TO_LOCATION", "failed": "failed"},
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- GoToLocation(),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": "DETECT3D",
- "failed": "failed",
- },
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- Detect3D(filter=["person"]),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": "HANDLE_DETECTIONS",
- "failed": "failed",
- },
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- self.HandleDetections(),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": "PLAY_MOTION",
- "failed": "continue",
- },
- ),
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- PlayMotion(motion_name="raise_torso"),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": "GET_IMAGE",
- "aborted": "failed",
- "preempted": "failed",
- },
- ),
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- GetImage(),
- transitions={"succeeded": "CHECK_GESTURE", "failed": "failed"},
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- DetectGesture(self.gesture),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": "HANDLE_RESPONSE",
- "failed": "failed",
- },
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- self.HandleResponse(),
- transitions={"succeeded": "succeeded", "failed": "continue"},
- )
- waypoint_iterator.set_contained_state(
- "CONTAINER_STATE", container_sm, loop_outcomes=["continue"]
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- waypoint_iterator,
- {"succeeded": "succeeded", "failed": "failed"},
- )
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_named_person.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_named_person.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0631bbc57..000000000
--- a/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_named_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-import smach
-import rospy
-from lasr_skills import Detect3D, GoToLocation, AskAndListen
-import navigation_helpers
-from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, PoseWithCovarianceStamped, Point, Quaternion
-from typing import List, Union
-class FindNamedPerson(smach.StateMachine):
- class GetLocation(smach.State):
- def __init__(self):
- smach.State.__init__(
- self,
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- input_keys=["location_index", "waypoints"],
- output_keys=["location"],
- )
- def execute(self, userdata):
- userdata.location = userdata.waypoints[userdata.location_index]
- return "succeeded"
- class GetPose(smach.State):
- def __init__(self):
- smach.State.__init__(
- self,
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- output_keys=["current_pose"],
- )
- def execute(self, userdata):
- userdata.current_pose = rospy.wait_for_message(
- "/amcl_pose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped
- ).pose.pose
- return "succeeded"
- class ComputePath(smach.State):
- def __init__(self, waypoints: List[Pose]):
- smach.State.__init__(
- self,
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- input_keys=["current_pose"],
- output_keys=["waypoints"],
- )
- self._waypoints = waypoints
- def execute(self, userdata):
- userdata.waypoints = navigation_helpers.min_hamiltonian_path(
- userdata.current_pose, self._waypoints
- )
- return "succeeded"
- class HandleDetections(smach.State):
- def __init__(self):
- smach.State.__init__(
- self,
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- input_keys=["detections_3d"],
- output_keys=["person_point"],
- )
- def execute(self, userdata):
- if len(userdata.detections_3d.detected_objects) == 0:
- rospy.logwarn("No person detected, returning failed.")
- return "failed"
- userdata.person_point = userdata.detections_3d.detected_objects[0].point
- return "succeeded"
- class HandleResponse(smach.State):
- def __init__(self):
- smach.State.__init__(
- self,
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- input_keys=["transcribed_speech"],
- )
- def execute(self, userdata):
- # TODO: make this smarter,e.g. levenshtein distance
- if "yes" in userdata.transcribed_speech.lower():
- return "succeeded"
- return "failed"
- def __init__(
- self,
- name: str,
- waypoints: Union[List[Pose], None] = None,
- location_param: Union[str, None] = None,
- ):
- smach.StateMachine.__init__(
- self, outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"], output_keys=["person_point"]
- )
- if waypoints is None and location_param is None:
- raise ValueError("Either waypoints or location_param must be provided")
- if waypoints is None:
- waypoints_to_iterate: List[Pose] = []
- room = rospy.get_param(location_param)
- beacons = room["beacons"]
- for beacon in beacons:
- waypoint: Pose = Pose(
- position=Point(**beacons[beacon]["near_pose"]["position"]),
- orientation=Quaternion(
- **beacons[beacon]["near_pose"]["orientation"]
- ),
- )
- waypoints_to_iterate.append(waypoint)
- else:
- waypoints_to_iterate: List[Pose] = waypoints
- with self:
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- self.GetPose(),
- transitions={"succeeded": "COMPUTE_PATH", "failed": "failed"},
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- self.ComputePath(waypoints_to_iterate),
- transitions={"succeeded": "WAYPOINT_ITERATOR", "failed": "failed"},
- )
- waypoint_iterator = smach.Iterator(
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- it=lambda: range(len(waypoints_to_iterate)),
- it_label="location_index",
- input_keys=["waypoints"],
- output_keys=["person_point"],
- exhausted_outcome="failed",
- )
- with waypoint_iterator:
- container_sm = smach.StateMachine(
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed", "continue"],
- input_keys=["location_index", "waypoints"],
- output_keys=["person_point"],
- )
- with container_sm:
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- self.GetLocation(),
- transitions={"succeeded": "GO_TO_LOCATION", "failed": "failed"},
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- GoToLocation(),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": "DETECT3D",
- "failed": "failed",
- },
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- Detect3D(filter=["person"]),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": "HANDLE_DETECTIONS",
- "failed": "failed",
- },
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- self.HandleDetections(),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": "CHECK_NAME",
- "failed": "continue",
- },
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- AskAndListen(f"I'm looking for {name}. Are you {name}?"),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": "HANDLE_RESPONSE",
- "failed": "failed",
- },
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- self.HandleResponse(),
- transitions={"succeeded": "succeeded", "failed": "continue"},
- )
- waypoint_iterator.set_contained_state(
- "CONTAINER_STATE", container_sm, loop_outcomes=["continue"]
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- waypoint_iterator,
- {"succeeded": "succeeded", "failed": "failed"},
- )
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_person.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_person.py
index e975f25d5..59c452275 100755
--- a/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_person.py
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_person.py
@@ -1,15 +1,38 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
import smach
+import smach_ros
import rospy
-from lasr_skills import Detect3D, GoToLocation
+from lasr_skills import (
+ GoToLocation,
+ AskAndListen,
+ DetectGesture,
+ DetectClothing,
+ DetectPose,
import navigation_helpers
-from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, PoseWithCovarianceStamped
+from geometry_msgs.msg import (
+ Pose,
+ PoseWithCovarianceStamped,
+ Polygon,
+ PoseStamped,
+ Point,
+ Quaternion,
+from lasr_vision_msgs.msg import CDRequest, CDResponse
+from lasr_vision_msgs.srv import (
+ CroppedDetectionRequest,
+ CroppedDetection,
-from typing import List
+from typing import List, Literal
+import itertools
class FindPerson(smach.StateMachine):
class GetLocation(smach.State):
def __init__(self):
@@ -19,24 +42,10 @@ def __init__(self):
- def execute(self, userdata):
+ def execute(self, userdata) -> str:
userdata.location = userdata.waypoints[userdata.location_index]
return "succeeded"
- class GetPose(smach.State):
- def __init__(self):
- smach.State.__init__(
- self,
- outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- output_keys=["current_pose"],
- )
- def execute(self, userdata):
- userdata.current_pose = rospy.wait_for_message(
- "/amcl_pose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped
- ).pose.pose
- return "succeeded"
class ComputePath(smach.State):
def __init__(self, waypoints: List[Pose]):
@@ -47,39 +56,322 @@ def __init__(self, waypoints: List[Pose]):
self._waypoints = waypoints
- def execute(self, userdata):
+ def execute(self, userdata) -> str:
+ current_pose: Pose = rospy.wait_for_message(
+ "/robot_pose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped
+ ).pose.pose
userdata.waypoints = navigation_helpers.min_hamiltonian_path(
- userdata.current_pose, self._waypoints
+ current_pose, self._waypoints
return "succeeded"
- class HandleDetections(smach.State):
- def __init__(self):
- smach.State.__init__(
+ class HandleDetections(smach.StateMachine):
+ class GetResponse(smach.State):
+ def __init__(self):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["responses"],
+ output_keys=[
+ "response",
+ "responses",
+ "person_point",
+ "cropped_image",
+ ],
+ )
+ def execute(self, userdata):
+ if len(userdata.responses[0].detections_3d) == 0:
+ rospy.logwarn("No response available, returning failed.")
+ return "failed"
+ response = userdata.responses[0].detections_3d.pop(0)
+ userdata.response = response
+ userdata.cropped_image = userdata.responses[0].cropped_imgs.pop(0)
+ userdata.person_point = response.point
+ return "succeeded"
+ class ApproachPerson(smach.StateMachine):
+ class ComputeApproachPose(smach.State):
+ def __init__(self):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["person_point"],
+ output_keys=["approach_pose"],
+ )
+ def execute(self, userdata):
+ robot_pose_with_covariance = rospy.wait_for_message(
+ "/robot_pose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped
+ )
+ robot_pose = PoseStamped(
+ pose=robot_pose_with_covariance.pose.pose,
+ header=robot_pose_with_covariance.header,
+ )
+ person_pose = PoseStamped(
+ pose=Pose(
+ position=userdata.person_point,
+ orientation=robot_pose.pose.orientation,
+ ),
+ header=robot_pose.header,
+ )
+ approach_pose = navigation_helpers.get_pose_on_path(
+ robot_pose,
+ person_pose,
+ )
+ rospy.loginfo(approach_pose)
+ if approach_pose is None:
+ return "failed"
+ approach_pose.pose.orientation = (
+ navigation_helpers.compute_face_quat(
+ approach_pose.pose,
+ person_pose.pose,
+ )
+ )
+ userdata.approach_pose = approach_pose.pose
+ return "succeeded"
+ def __init__(self):
+ smach.StateMachine.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["person_point"],
+ )
+ with self:
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.ComputeApproachPose(),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "GO_TO_PERSON", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ GoToLocation(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ remapping={"location": "approach_pose"},
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ criteria: Literal["name", "pose", "gesture", "clothes"],
+ criteria_value: str,
+ ):
+ smach.StateMachine.__init__(
outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- input_keys=["detections_3d"],
- output_keys=["person_point"],
+ input_keys=["responses"],
+ output_keys=["responses", "person_point"],
- def execute(self, userdata):
- if len(userdata.detections_3d.detected_objects) == 0:
- rospy.logwarn("No person detected, returning failed.")
- return "failed"
- userdata.person_point = userdata.detections_3d.detected_objects[0].point
- return "succeeded"
+ with self:
+ if criteria == "name":
+ class HandleSpeechResponse(smach.State):
+ def __init__(self):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["transcribed_speech"],
+ )
+ def execute(self, userdata):
+ # TODO: make this smarter,e.g. levenshtein distance
+ if "yes" in userdata.transcribed_speech.lower():
+ return "succeeded"
+ return "failed"
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.GetResponse(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "GO_TO_PERSON",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ remapping={"img_msg": "cropped_image"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.ApproachPerson(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "CHECK_NAME",
+ "failed": "GET_RESPONSE",
+ },
+ remapping={"location": "approach_pose"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ AskAndListen(
+ f"I'm looking for {criteria_value}. Are you {criteria_value}?"
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "HANDLE_SPEECH_RESPONSE",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ HandleSpeechResponse(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "failed": "GET_RESPONSE",
+ },
+ )
+ elif criteria == "gesture":
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.GetResponse(),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "DETECT_GESTURE", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ DetectGesture(criteria_value),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "GO_TO_PERSON",
+ "missing_keypoints": "GET_RESPONSE",
+ "failed": "GET_RESPONSE",
+ },
+ remapping={"img_msg": "cropped_image"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.ApproachPerson(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "failed": "GET_RESPONSE",
+ },
+ remapping={"location": "approach_pose"},
+ )
+ elif criteria == "pose":
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.GetResponse(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "DETECT_POSE",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ DetectPose(criteria_value),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "GO_TO_PERSON",
+ "failed": "GET_RESPONSE",
+ },
+ remapping={"img_msg": "cropped_image"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.ApproachPerson(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "failed": "GET_RESPONSE",
+ },
+ remapping={"location": "approach_pose"},
+ )
+ elif criteria == "clothes":
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.GetResponse(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "DETECT_CLOTHING",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
- def __init__(self, waypoints: List[Pose]):
- smach.StateMachine.__init__(
- self, outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"], output_keys=["person_point"]
- )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ DetectClothing(criteria_value),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "GO_TO_PERSON",
+ "failed": "GET_RESPONSE",
+ },
+ remapping={"img_msg": "cropped_image"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.ApproachPerson(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "failed": "GET_RESPONSE",
+ },
+ remapping={"location": "approach_pose"},
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ waypoints: List[Pose],
+ polygon: Polygon,
+ criteria: Literal["name", "pose", "gesture", "clothes"],
+ criteria_value: str,
+ ):
+ assert criteria in ["name", "pose", "gesture", "clothes"], "Invalid criteria"
+ if criteria == "gesture":
+ assert criteria_value in [
+ "raising_left_arm",
+ "raising_right_arm",
+ "pointing_to_the_right",
+ "pointing_to_the_left",
+ "waving",
+ ], "Invalid gesture"
+ elif criteria == "pose":
+ assert criteria_value in [
+ "sitting",
+ "standing",
+ "lying_down",
+ ], "Invalid pose"
+ elif criteria == "clothes":
+ color_list = ["blue", "yellow", "black", "white", "red", "orange", "gray"]
+ clothe_list = ["t shirt", "shirt", "blouse", "sweater", "coat", "jacket"]
+ clothes_list = [
+ "t shirts",
+ "shirts",
+ "blouses",
+ "sweaters",
+ "coats",
+ "jackets",
+ ]
+ color_clothe_list: List[str] = []
+ for a, b in list(itertools.product(color_list, clothe_list)):
+ color_clothe_list = color_clothe_list + [a + " " + b]
+ color_clothes_list: List[str] = []
+ for a, b in list(itertools.product(color_list, clothes_list)):
+ color_clothes_list = color_clothes_list + [a + " " + b]
+ assert (
+ criteria_value in color_clothe_list + color_clothes_list
+ ), "Invalid clothing"
+ smach.StateMachine.__init__(self, outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"])
with self:
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- self.GetPose(),
- transitions={"succeeded": "COMPUTE_PATH", "failed": "failed"},
- )
@@ -114,27 +406,48 @@ def __init__(self, waypoints: List[Pose]):
- "succeeded": "DETECT3D",
+ "succeeded": "DETECT",
"failed": "failed",
- Detect3D(filter=["person"]),
+ smach_ros.ServiceState(
+ "/vision/cropped_detection",
+ CroppedDetection,
+ request=CroppedDetectionRequest(
+ requests=[
+ CDRequest(
+ method="closest",
+ use_mask=True,
+ yolo_model="yolov8x-seg.pt",
+ yolo_model_confidence=0.5,
+ yolo_nms_threshold=0.3,
+ return_sensor_reading=False,
+ object_names=["person"],
+ polygons=[polygon],
+ )
+ ]
+ ),
+ output_keys=["responses"],
+ response_slots=["responses"],
+ ),
"succeeded": "HANDLE_DETECTIONS",
- "failed": "failed",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ "preempted": "failed",
- self.HandleDetections(),
+ self.HandleDetections(criteria, criteria_value),
"succeeded": "succeeded",
"failed": "continue",
"CONTAINER_STATE", container_sm, loop_outcomes=["continue"]
@@ -143,3 +456,42 @@ def __init__(self, waypoints: List[Pose]):
{"succeeded": "succeeded", "failed": "failed"},
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import rospy
+ from geometry_msgs.msg import Point, Quaternion, Pose
+ rospy.init_node("find_person")
+ waypoints = [
+ Pose(
+ position=Point(x=2.46, y=-2.15, z=0),
+ orientation=Quaternion(x=0, y=0, z=-0.993, w=0.116),
+ ),
+ Pose(
+ position=Point(x=0.88, y=1.04, z=0),
+ orientation=Quaternion(x=0, y=0, z=0.125, w=0.992),
+ ),
+ Pose(
+ position=Point(x=4.05, y=-2.16, z=0),
+ orientation=Quaternion(x=0, y=0, z=-0.995, w=0.090),
+ ),
+ ]
+ polygon = Polygon(
+ [
+ Point(x=-0.4806538224220276, y=-5.140193462371826, z=0.002532958984375),
+ Point(x=6.777748107910156, y=-5.0068678855896, z=0.002532958984375),
+ Point(x=7.11236047744751, y=2.4408864974975586, z=-0.001434326171875),
+ Point(x=-4.766469955444336, y=2.666473627090454, z=-0.005340576171875),
+ ]
+ )
+ find_person = FindPerson(
+ waypoints=waypoints,
+ polygon=polygon,
+ criteria="name",
+ criteria_value="jared",
+ )
+ print(find_person.execute())
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_person_and_tell.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_person_and_tell.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e3fc2764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/find_person_and_tell.py
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import smach
+import smach_ros
+import rospy
+from lasr_skills import (
+ GoToLocation,
+ AskAndListen,
+ DetectGesture,
+ DetectClothing,
+ DetectPose,
+import navigation_helpers
+from geometry_msgs.msg import (
+ Pose,
+ PoseWithCovarianceStamped,
+ Polygon,
+ PoseStamped,
+ Point,
+ Quaternion,
+from lasr_vision_msgs.msg import CDRequest, CDResponse
+from lasr_vision_msgs.srv import (
+ CroppedDetectionRequest,
+ CroppedDetection,
+from typing import List, Literal
+class FindPersonAndTell(smach.StateMachine):
+ class GetLocation(smach.State):
+ def __init__(self):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["location_index", "waypoints"],
+ output_keys=["location"],
+ )
+ def execute(self, userdata) -> str:
+ userdata.location = userdata.waypoints[userdata.location_index]
+ return "succeeded"
+ class ComputePath(smach.State):
+ def __init__(self, waypoints: List[Pose]):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["current_pose"],
+ output_keys=["waypoints"],
+ )
+ self._waypoints = waypoints
+ def execute(self, userdata) -> str:
+ current_pose: Pose = rospy.wait_for_message(
+ "/robot_pose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped
+ ).pose.pose
+ userdata.waypoints = navigation_helpers.min_hamiltonian_path(
+ current_pose, self._waypoints
+ )
+ return "succeeded"
+ class HandleDetections(smach.StateMachine):
+ class GetResponse(smach.State):
+ def __init__(self):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["responses"],
+ output_keys=[
+ "response",
+ "responses",
+ "person_point",
+ "cropped_image",
+ ],
+ )
+ def execute(self, userdata):
+ if len(userdata.responses[0].detections_3d) == 0:
+ rospy.logwarn("No response available, returning failed.")
+ return "failed"
+ response = userdata.responses[0].detections_3d.pop(0)
+ userdata.response = response
+ userdata.cropped_image = userdata.responses[0].cropped_imgs.pop(0)
+ userdata.person_point = response.point
+ return "succeeded"
+ class ApproachPerson(smach.StateMachine):
+ class ComputeApproachPose(smach.State):
+ def __init__(self):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["person_point"],
+ output_keys=["approach_pose"],
+ )
+ def execute(self, userdata):
+ robot_pose_with_covariance = rospy.wait_for_message(
+ "/robot_pose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped
+ )
+ robot_pose = PoseStamped(
+ pose=robot_pose_with_covariance.pose.pose,
+ header=robot_pose_with_covariance.header,
+ )
+ person_pose = PoseStamped(
+ pose=Pose(
+ position=userdata.person_point,
+ orientation=robot_pose.pose.orientation,
+ ),
+ header=robot_pose.header,
+ )
+ approach_pose = navigation_helpers.get_pose_on_path(
+ robot_pose,
+ person_pose,
+ )
+ rospy.loginfo(approach_pose)
+ if approach_pose is None:
+ return "failed"
+ approach_pose.pose.orientation = (
+ navigation_helpers.compute_face_quat(
+ approach_pose.pose,
+ person_pose.pose,
+ )
+ )
+ userdata.approach_pose = approach_pose.pose
+ return "succeeded"
+ def __init__(self):
+ smach.StateMachine.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["person_point"],
+ )
+ with self:
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.ComputeApproachPose(),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "GO_TO_PERSON", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ GoToLocation(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ remapping={"location": "approach_pose"},
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ query: Literal["name", "pose", "gesture", "clothes"],
+ ):
+ smach.StateMachine.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["responses"],
+ output_keys=["responses", "query_result"],
+ )
+ with self:
+ if query == "name":
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.GetResponse(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "GO_TO_PERSON",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ remapping={"img_msg": "cropped_image"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.ApproachPerson(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "ASK_NAME",
+ "failed": "GET_RESPONSE",
+ },
+ remapping={"location": "approach_pose"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ AskAndListen(
+ "What is your name?",
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ remapping={"transcribed_speceh": "query_result"},
+ )
+ elif query == "gesture":
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.GetResponse(),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "DETECT_GESTURE", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ DetectGesture(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "failed": "GET_RESPONSE",
+ },
+ remapping={
+ "img_msg": "cropped_image",
+ "detected_gesture": "query_result",
+ },
+ )
+ elif query == "pose":
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.GetResponse(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "DETECT_POSE",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ DetectPose(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "GO_TO_PERSON",
+ "failed": "GET_RESPONSE",
+ },
+ remapping={
+ "img_msg": "cropped_image",
+ "detected_pose": "query_result",
+ },
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ waypoints: List[Pose],
+ polygon: Polygon,
+ query: Literal["name", "pose", "gesture"],
+ ):
+ assert query in ["name", "pose", "gesture"], "Invalid query"
+ smach.StateMachine.__init__(
+ self, outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"], output_keys=["query_result"]
+ )
+ with self:
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.ComputePath(waypoints),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "WAYPOINT_ITERATOR", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+ waypoint_iterator = smach.Iterator(
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ it=lambda: range(len(waypoints)),
+ it_label="location_index",
+ input_keys=["waypoints"],
+ output_keys=["person_point"],
+ exhausted_outcome="failed",
+ )
+ with waypoint_iterator:
+ container_sm = smach.StateMachine(
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed", "continue"],
+ input_keys=["location_index", "waypoints"],
+ output_keys=["person_point"],
+ )
+ with container_sm:
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.GetLocation(),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "GO_TO_LOCATION", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ GoToLocation(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "DETECT",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ smach_ros.ServiceState(
+ "/vision/cropped_detection",
+ CroppedDetection,
+ request=CroppedDetectionRequest(
+ requests=[
+ CDRequest(
+ method="closest",
+ use_mask=True,
+ yolo_model="yolov8x-seg.pt",
+ yolo_model_confidence=0.5,
+ yolo_nms_threshold=0.3,
+ return_sensor_reading=False,
+ object_names=["person"],
+ polygons=[polygon],
+ )
+ ]
+ ),
+ output_keys=["responses"],
+ response_slots=["responses"],
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "HANDLE_DETECTIONS",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ "preempted": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.HandleDetections(query),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "failed": "continue",
+ },
+ )
+ waypoint_iterator.set_contained_state(
+ "CONTAINER_STATE", container_sm, loop_outcomes=["continue"]
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ waypoint_iterator,
+ {"succeeded": "succeeded", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/go_to_location.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/go_to_location.py
index 3d30129e8..881a2535f 100755
--- a/skills/src/lasr_skills/go_to_location.py
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/go_to_location.py
@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@
from lasr_skills import PlayMotion
+import rospkg
+import rosparam
+import os
@@ -36,6 +41,13 @@ def __init__(
outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"], input_keys=["location"]
+ r = rospkg.RosPack()
+ els = rosparam.load_file(
+ os.path.join(r.get_path("lasr_skills"), "config", "motions.yaml")
+ )
+ for param, ns in els:
+ rosparam.upload_params(ns, param)
"/pal_startup_control/start" not in rosservice.get_service_list()
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/guide.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/guide.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8eb912b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/guide.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import smach
+from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose
+from lasr_skills import GoToLocation, Say
+class Guide(smach.StateMachine):
+ def __init__(self, location_name: str, location_pose: Pose):
+ smach.StateMachine.__init__(self, outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"])
+ with self:
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ Say(text=f"Please follow me, I will guide you to the {location_name}"),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "GO_TO_LOCATION",
+ "aborted": "GO_TO_LOCATION",
+ "preempted": "GO_TO_LOCATION",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ GoToLocation(location_pose),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "SAY_DONE",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ Say(text=f"We have arrived at the {location_name}."),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ "preempted": "failed",
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/skills/src/lasr_skills/vision/get_cropped_image.py b/skills/src/lasr_skills/vision/get_cropped_image.py
index 0a03771f2..fc0b1f5f1 100755
--- a/skills/src/lasr_skills/vision/get_cropped_image.py
+++ b/skills/src/lasr_skills/vision/get_cropped_image.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class GetCroppedImage(smach.State):
def __init__(
object_name: str,
- method: str = "centered",
+ method: str = "closest",
use_mask: bool = True,
yolo_model: str = "yolov8x-seg.pt",
yolo_model_confidence: float = 0.5,
diff --git a/tasks/gpsr/config/floor_6.yaml b/tasks/gpsr/config/floor_6.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc5f14a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/gpsr/config/floor_6.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+ polygon:
+ # TODO: this is a dummy polygon, replace it with the actual polygon
+ - x: -1.7358531951904297
+ y: 1.9025657176971436
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: -0.7934322357177734
+ y: -1.303222417831421
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: 6.543567180633545
+ y: -4.914205074310303
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: 5.1799726486206055
+ y: -0.0733039379119873
+ z: 0.0
+ rooms:
+ bedroom:
+ pose:
+ position:
+ x: 2.367072562284141
+ y: -2.1529118634999143
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: -0.6141410947219685
+ w: 0.7891962466799384
+ people_search_poses:
+ - position:
+ x: 0.11676260559392795
+ y: -1.6380017166320768
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: -0.33460244331795674
+ w: 0.9423593820436307
+ - position:
+ x: 4.462289676930589
+ y: -0.5284883202773818
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: -0.8599135222234082
+ w: 0.5104397460007714
+ room_polygon:
+ - x: -0.9275723695755005
+ y: -1.6387131214141846
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: -0.043175578117370605
+ y: -5.141121864318848
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: 6.543567180633545
+ y: -4.914205074310303
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: 5.1799726486206055
+ y: -0.0733039379119873
+ z: 0.0
+ beacons:
+ bed:
+ placeable: true
+ object_category: all
+ object_detection_pose:
+ position:
+ x: 2.562624240536362
+ y: -3.1575592820569067
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: -0.6357181444855956
+ w: 0.771921265914984
+ object_detection_point:
+ x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -4.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ object_detection_polygon:
+ # TODO: this is a dummy polygon, replace it with the actual polygon
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -4.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -3.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -2.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -1.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ person_detection_pose:
+ position:
+ x: 2.1915819264044605
+ y: -1.849978880570599
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: -0.6104570104528535
+ w: 0.7920493913822324
+ person_detection_polygon:
+ - x: 3.733201026916504
+ y: -4.791120529174805
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: 2.2753207683563232
+ y: -5.15361213684082
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: 0.8193349242210388
+ y: -3.415123701095581
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: 3.4637396335601807
+ y: -2.8448991775512695
+ z: 0.0
+ bedside_table:
+ placeable: true
+ object_category: all
+ object_detection_pose:
+ position:
+ x: 0.46844828109331477
+ y: -2.7787364857911587
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: -0.5940872852706002
+ w: 0.8044005827197097
+ object_detection_point:
+ x: 0.7542681694030762
+ y: -3.81427001953125
+ z: 0.5
+ object_detection_polygon:
+ # TODO: this is a dummy polygon, replace it with the actual polygon
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -4.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -3.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -2.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -1.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ person_detection_pose:
+ position:
+ x: 1.466431032745179
+ y: -2.110786589677801
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: -0.8783946915245289
+ w: 0.477935943303627
+ person_detection_polygon:
+ # TODO: this is a dummy polygon, replace it with the actual polygon
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -4.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -3.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -2.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -1.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ shelf:
+ placeable: true
+ object_category: cleaning_supplies
+ object_detection_pose:
+ position:
+ x: 1.1910431437118454
+ y: -1.4156583938830964
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: -0.9895964310973278
+ w: 0.14387113525454617
+ object_detection_point:
+ x: -0.2082158327102661
+ y: -1.8019976615905762
+ z: 1.0
+ object_detection_polygon:
+ # TODO: this is a dummy polygon, replace it with the actual polygon
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -4.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -3.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -2.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -1.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ person_detection_pose:
+ position:
+ x: 1.2790687447617268
+ y: -1.8264770041619776
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: -0.9999274005163251
+ w: 0.012049634710841183
+ person_detection_polygon:
+ # TODO: this is a dummy polygon, replace it with the actual polygon
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -4.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -3.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -2.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -1.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ living_room:
+ pose:
+ position:
+ x: 1.5507337906536043
+ y: 1.1521238898558481
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: -0.6061077408064555
+ w: 0.7953825535768902
+ people_search_poses:
+ - position:
+ x: 4.410522430463428
+ y: 0.15863509537529977
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: 0.9586891958958602
+ w: 0.2844556655659172
+ - position:
+ x: -0.44435292073486515
+ y: -0.2827648285579283
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: 0.23620648127419586
+ w: 0.9717028857650176
+ room_polygon:
+ - x: -0.7934322357177734
+ y: -1.303222417831421
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: -1.7358531951904297
+ y: 1.9025657176971436
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: 4.142002105712891
+ y: 3.2640256881713867
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: 4.7735161781311035
+ y: -0.06541615724563599
+ z: 0.0
+ beacons:
+ sofa:
+ placeable: true
+ object_category: "any"
+ object_detection_pose:
+ position:
+ x: 1.1086318163079976
+ y: 1.375791007054298
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: 0.7888655924246054
+ w: 0.6145657630299431
+ object_detection_point:
+ x: 0.7934732437133789
+ y: 2.2658238410949707
+ z: 0.5
+ object_detection_polygon:
+ # TODO: this is a dummy polygon, replace it with the actual polygon
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -4.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -3.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -2.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -1.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ person_detection_pose:
+ position:
+ x: 1.6487950425937603
+ y: -0.7383865655062152
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: 0.7984934210067214
+ w: 0.6020035353791394
+ person_detection_polygon:
+ - x: 3.733201026916504
+ y: -4.791120529174805
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: 2.2753207683563232
+ y: -5.15361213684082
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: 0.8193349242210388
+ y: -3.415123701095581
+ z: 0.0
+ - x: 3.4637396335601807
+ y: -2.8448991775512695
+ z: 0.0
+ bookshelf:
+ placeable: true
+ object_category: toys
+ object_detection_pose:
+ position:
+ x: 3.1121494229032702
+ y: 2.1099085797580597
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: 0.43746361630651703
+ w: 0.8992361116014105
+ object_detection_point:
+ x: 3.399003744125366
+ y: 2.6125359535217285
+ z: 0.5
+ object_detection_polygon:
+ # TODO: this is a dummy polygon, replace it with the actual polygon
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -4.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -3.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -2.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -1.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ person_detection_pose:
+ position:
+ x: 2.442729631618631
+ y: 1.0970585856117665
+ z: 0.0
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: 0.4160179084935318
+ w: 0.9093564206694026
+ person_detection_polygon:
+ # TODO: this is a dummy polygon, replace it with the actual polygon
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -4.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -3.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -2.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
+ - x: 2.8841753005981445
+ y: -1.464163780212402
+ z: 0.5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tasks/gpsr/launch/setup.launch b/tasks/gpsr/launch/setup.launch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48ae7cb34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/gpsr/launch/setup.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tasks/gpsr/scripts/main.py b/tasks/gpsr/scripts/main.py
index 780b91a4e..c9222d626 100644
--- a/tasks/gpsr/scripts/main.py
+++ b/tasks/gpsr/scripts/main.py
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
import smach
import rospy
+import rospkg
import sys
from typing import Dict
from gpsr.load_known_data import GPSRDataLoader
-from gpsr.state_machine_factory import GPSRStateMachineFactory
+from gpsr.state_machine_factory import build_state_machine
from gpsr.regex_command_parser import Configuration
from gpsr.states import CommandParserStateMachine
def load_gpsr_configuration() -> Configuration:
- gpsr_data_dir = sys.argv[1]
+ gpsr_data_dir = os.path.join(rospkg.RosPack().get_path("gpsr"), "data", "mock_data")
"""Loads the configuration for the GPSR command parser"""
data_loader = GPSRDataLoader(data_dir=gpsr_data_dir)
gpsr_known_data: Dict = data_loader.load_data()
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ def main():
parsed_command: Dict = command_parser_sm.userdata.parsed_command
rospy.loginfo(f"Parsed command: {parsed_command}")
- sm = GPSRStateMachineFactory(parsed_command).build_state_machine()
+ sm = build_state_machine(parsed_command)
diff --git a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/regex_command_parser.py b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/regex_command_parser.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 88777e44d..b1abff2a2
--- a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/regex_command_parser.py
+++ b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/regex_command_parser.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
import itertools
import re
@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ def get_possible_sub_commands(type: str) -> str:
f"{verb('follow')} them {prep('toLocPrep')} the {Configuration.pick(configuration, 'location', ['room'])}"
- f"{verb('guide')} them {prep('toLocPrep')} the {Configuration.pick(configuration, 'location', ['room'])}"
+ f"{verb('guide')} them {prep('toLocPrep')} the {Configuration.pick(configuration, 'location', ['room', 'loc'])}"
elif type == "foundObj":
@@ -400,6 +401,7 @@ def gpsr_parse(matches: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if key_to_check == "verb":
elif key_to_check in [
@@ -409,8 +411,10 @@ def gpsr_parse(matches: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ "personinfo",
+ "pose",
value_to_add = value
@@ -436,10 +440,14 @@ def gpsr_compile_and_parse(config: Configuration, input: str) -> Dict:
object_categories = (
config["object_categories_singular"] + config["object_categories_plural"]
- return parse_result_dict(gpsr_parse(matches), object_categories)
+ return parse_result_dict(
+ gpsr_parse(matches), object_categories, config["room_names"]
+ )
-def parse_result_dict(result: Dict, object_categories: List[str]) -> Dict:
+def parse_result_dict(
+ result: Dict, object_categories: List[str], rooms: List[str]
+) -> Dict:
"""Parses the result dictionary output by the gpsr parse to
handle missing parameters.
@@ -458,6 +466,15 @@ def parse_result_dict(result: Dict, object_categories: List[str]) -> Dict:
del result["command_params"][i]["object"]
+ # Rename location to room if it is a room
+ if "location" in result["command_params"][i]:
+ if result["command_params"][i]["location"] in rooms:
+ result["command_params"][i]["room"] = result["command_params"][i][
+ "location"
+ ]
+ del result["command_params"][i]["location"]
# Update command params based on the previous commands params
if i > 0:
if "location" not in result["command_params"][i]:
@@ -470,7 +487,6 @@ def parse_result_dict(result: Dict, object_categories: List[str]) -> Dict:
result["command_params"][i - 1]["room"] = result["command_params"][
i - 1
- del result["command_params"][i]["room"]
if "name" not in result["command_params"][i]:
if "name" in result["command_params"][i - 1]:
result["command_params"][i]["name"] = result["command_params"][
@@ -481,7 +497,11 @@ def parse_result_dict(result: Dict, object_categories: List[str]) -> Dict:
result["command_params"][i]["object"] = result["command_params"][
i - 1
+ if "object_category" not in result["command_params"][i]:
+ if "object_category" in result["command_params"][i - 1]:
+ result["command_params"][i]["object_category"] = result[
+ "command_params"
+ ][i - 1]["object_category"]
return result
@@ -498,9 +518,9 @@ def reverse_translate_verb_dict(verb: str) -> str:
object_categories = object_categories_singular + object_categories_plural
config: Configuration = {
"person_names": ["guest1", "guest2"],
- "location_names": ["sofa", "piano", "kitchen table"],
+ "location_names": ["sofa", "piano", "kitchen table", "bed"],
"placement_location_names": ["kitchen table"],
- "room_names": ["living room", "kitchen"],
+ "room_names": ["living room", "kitchen", "bedroom"],
"object_names": ["cup", "television"],
"object_categories_plural": ["sticks"],
"object_categories_singular": ["stick"],
@@ -512,38 +532,40 @@ def reverse_translate_verb_dict(verb: str) -> str:
def execute(input: str, object_categories: List[str]):
matches = regex.match(input).groupdict()
- return parse_result_dict(gpsr_parse(matches), object_categories)
+ return parse_result_dict(
+ gpsr_parse(matches), object_categories, config["room_names"]
+ )
- "go to the kitchen then meet guest1 and tell the time",
+ "go to the sofa then find a cup and take it and bring it to me",
- # print(
- # execute(
- # "navigate to the kitchen then find a cup and get it and bring it to the person pointing to the right in the kitchen",
- # object_categories,
- # )
- # )
+ print(
+ execute(
+ "navigate to the kitchen then find a cup and get it and bring it to the person pointing to the right in the kitchen",
+ object_categories,
+ )
+ )
- # print(
- # execute(
- # "navigate to the kitchen then find a cup and get it and bring it to me",
- # object_categories,
- # )
- # )
- # print(
- # execute(
- # "navigate to the kitchen table then find a stick and fetch it and deliver it to guest1 in the living room",
- # object_categories,
- # )
- # )
+ print(
+ execute(
+ "navigate to the kitchen then find a cup and get it and bring it to me",
+ object_categories,
+ )
+ )
+ print(
+ execute(
+ "tell me the pose of the person at the sofa",
+ object_categories,
+ )
+ )
# print(
# execute(
- # "lead the person wearing a red shirt from the sofa to the living room",
+ # "navigate to the kitchen table then find a stick.",
# object_categories,
# )
# )
diff --git a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/state_machine_factory.py b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/state_machine_factory.py
index 2e005919b..74974e0e5 100644
--- a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/state_machine_factory.py
+++ b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/state_machine_factory.py
@@ -1,165 +1,706 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import rospy
import smach
+import smach_ros
from typing import Dict, List
-from lasr_skills import GoToLocation, FindNamedPerson, FindGesturePerson # type: ignore
-from gpsr.states import Talk
+from lasr_skills import (
+ GoToLocation,
+ FindPerson,
+ Guide,
+ HandoverObject,
+ Say,
+ ReceiveObject,
+from lasr_person_following.msg import FollowAction, FollowGoal
-class GPSRStateMachineFactory:
- def __init__(self, parsed_command: Dict):
- """Stores the parsed command, initializes the state count,
- and initalises the state machine.
+from gpsr.states import Talk, QuestionAnswer, GoFindTheObject, ObjectComparison
+import os
+import rospkg
- Args:
- parsed_command (Dict): parsed command output by the
- command parser.
- """
- self.state_count: int = 0
- self.parsed_command: dict = parsed_command
- self.sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"])
+from geometry_msgs.msg import (
+ Pose,
+ Point,
+ Quaternion,
+ Polygon,
+ PoseWithCovarianceStamped,
- def _increment_state_count(self):
- self.state_count += 1
- return self.state_count
+from lasr_skills import GoToLocation
- def _handle_take_command(self, command_param: Dict):
- raise NotImplementedError("Take command not implemented")
- def _handle_place_command(self, command_param: Dict):
- raise NotImplementedError("Place command not implemented")
- def _handle_deliver_command(self, command_param: Dict):
- raise NotImplementedError("Deliver command not implemented")
- def _handle_bring_command(self, command_param: Dict):
- raise NotImplementedError("Bring command not implemented")
+def increment_state_count() -> int:
+ global STATE_COUNT
+ return STATE_COUNT
- def _handle_go_command(self, command_param: Dict):
- raise NotImplementedError("Go command not implemented")
- def _handle_find_command(self, command_param: Dict):
- raise NotImplementedError("Find command not implemented")
+def get_location_room(location: str) -> str:
+ rooms = rospy.get_param("/gpsr/arena/rooms")
+ for room in rooms:
+ if location in rooms[room]["beacons"]:
+ return room
+ raise ValueError(f"Location {location} not found in the arena")
- def _handle_talk_command(self, command_param: Dict):
- if "gesture" in command_param:
- if not "location" in command_param:
- raise ValueError(
- "Talk command with gesture but no room in command parameters"
- )
- location_param_room = f"/gpsr/arena/rooms/{command_param['location']}"
- self.sm.add(
- f"STATE_{self._increment_state_count()}",
- FindGesturePerson(
- location_param=location_param_room, gesture=command_param["gesture"]
- ),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": f"STATE_{self.state_count + 1}",
- "failed": "failed",
- },
- )
- if "talk" in command_param:
- self.sm.add(
- f"STATE_{self._increment_state_count()}",
- Talk(talk_phrase=command_param["talk"]),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": f"STATE_{self.state_count + 1}",
- "failed": "failed",
- },
+def get_current_pose() -> Pose:
+ pose = rospy.wait_for_message("/amcl_pose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped)
+ return pose.pose.pose
+def get_location_pose(location: str, person: bool) -> Pose:
+ location_room = get_location_room(location)
+ if person:
+ location_pose: Dict = rospy.get_param(
+ f"/gpsr/arena/rooms/{location_room}/beacons/{location}/person_detection_pose"
+ )
+ else:
+ location_pose: Dict = rospy.get_param(
+ f"/gpsr/arena/rooms/{location_room}/beacons/{location}/object_detection_pose"
+ )
+ return Pose(
+ position=Point(**location_pose["position"]),
+ orientation=Quaternion(**location_pose["orientation"]),
+ )
+def get_room_pose(room: str) -> Pose:
+ location_pose: Dict = rospy.get_param(f"/gpsr/arena/rooms/{room}/pose")
+ return Pose(
+ position=Point(**location_pose["position"]),
+ orientation=Quaternion(**location_pose["orientation"]),
+ )
+def get_person_detection_poses(room: str) -> List[Pose]:
+ poses = []
+ for pose in rospy.get_param(f"/gpsr/arena/rooms/{room}/people_search_poses"):
+ poses.append(
+ Pose(
+ position=Point(**pose["position"]),
+ orientation=Quaternion(**pose["orientation"]),
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- "Talk command received with no text or gesture in command parameters"
+ )
+ return poses
+def get_room_polygon(room: str) -> Polygon:
+ return Polygon(
+ [Point(**p) for p in rospy.get_param(f"/gpsr/arena/rooms/{room}/room_polygon")]
+ )
+def get_person_detection_polygon(location: str) -> Polygon:
+ location_room = get_location_room(location)
+ return Polygon(
+ [
+ Point(**p)
+ for p in rospy.get_param(
+ f"/gpsr/arena/rooms/{location_room}/beacons/{location}/person_detection_polygon"
+ ]
+ )
- def _handle_answer_command(self, command_param: Dict):
- raise NotImplementedError("Answer command not implemented")
- def _handle_meet_command(self, command_param: Dict):
- raise NotImplementedError("Meet command not implemented")
- def _handle_tell_command(self, command_param: Dict):
- raise NotImplementedError("Tell command not implemented")
- def _handle_greet_command(self, command_param: Dict):
- if "name" in command_param:
- location_param_room = f"/gpsr/arena/rooms/{command_param['location']}"
- location_param_pose = f"{location_param_room}/pose"
- self.sm.add(
- f"STATE_{self._increment_state_count()}",
- GoToLocation(location_param=location_param_pose),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": f"STATE_{self.state_count + 1}",
- "failed": "failed",
- },
+def get_object_detection_polygon(location: str) -> Polygon:
+ location_room = get_location_room(location)
+ return Polygon(
+ [
+ Point(**p)
+ for p in rospy.get_param(
+ f"/gpsr/arena/rooms/{location_room}/beacons/{location}/object_detection_polygon"
- self.sm.add(
- f"STATE_{self._increment_state_count()}",
- FindNamedPerson(
- name=command_param["name"],
- location_param=location_param_room,
- ),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": f"STATE_{self.state_count + 1}",
- "failed": "failed",
- },
+ ]
+ )
+def greet(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine) -> None:
+ if "room" in command_param:
+ waypoints: List[Pose] = get_person_detection_poses(command_param["room"])
+ polygon: Polygon = get_room_polygon(command_param["room"])
+ elif "location" in command_param:
+ waypoints: List[Pose] = [get_location_pose(command_param["location"], True)]
+ polygon: Polygon = get_person_detection_polygon(command_param["location"])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Greet command received with no room or location in command parameters"
+ )
+ if "name" in command_param:
+ criteria = "name"
+ criteria_value = command_param["name"]
+ elif "clothes" in command_param:
+ criteria = "clothes"
+ criteria_value = command_param["clothes"]
+ elif "gesture" in command_param:
+ criteria = "gesture"
+ criteria_value = command_param["gesture"]
+ elif "pose" in command_param:
+ criteria = "pose"
+ criteria_value = command_param["pose"]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Greet command received with no name, clothes, gesture, or pose in command parameters"
+ )
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ FindPerson(
+ waypoints=waypoints,
+ polygon=polygon,
+ criteria=criteria,
+ criteria_value=criteria_value,
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+def talk(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine) -> None:
+ """
+ This combines talk and tell as they use the same verb.
+ Talk:
+ - Say a given response
+ - Say a given response to a person in a given gesture at a given location.
+ Tell:
+ People
+ Need additional find person skill, then handle the following commands here
+ - Tell me the name of the person at a given room or location.
+ - Tell me the pose of the person at a given room or location.
+ - Tell me the gesture of the person at a given room or location.
+ Objects
+ This can all be a single skill that takes img_msg, runs inference, outputs object name
+ - Tell me what is the biggest object at a given placement location
+ - Tell me what is the largest object at a given placement location
+ - Tell me what is the smallest object at a given placement location
+ - Tell me what is the heaviest object at a given placement location
+ - Tell me what is the lightest object at a given placement location
+ - Tell me what is the thinnest object at a given placement location
+ - Tell me what is the biggest object in a given category at a given placement location
+ - Tell me what is the largest object in a given category at a given placement location
+ - Tell me what is the smallest object in a given category at a given placement location
+ - Tell me what is the heaviest object in a given category at a given placement location
+ - Tell me what is the lightest object in a given category at a given placement location
+ - Tell me what is the thinnest object at in a given category a given placement location
+ """
+ if "gesture" in command_param or "pose" in command_param or "name" in command_param:
+ find(command_param, sm)
+ # go back to the start, and report
+ if "talk" in command_param:
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ Talk(command_param["talk"]),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "succeeded", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+ elif "object_category" in command_param:
+ if not "location" in command_param:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Tell command with object but no room in command parameters"
- elif "clothes" in command_param:
- raise NotImplementedError("Greet command with clothes not implemented")
+ location_param_room = f"/gpsr/arena/rooms/{command_param['location']}"
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ GoToLocation(location_param=f"{location_param_room}/pose"),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ # TODO: combine the weight list within
+ # TODO: add speak out the result
+ weight_list = rospy.get_param("/Object_list/Object")
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ ObjectComparison(
+ filter=command_param["object_category"],
+ operation_label="weight",
+ weight=weight_list,
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ ObjectComparison(
+ filter=command_param["object_category"],
+ operation_label="size", # need the relation between command and operation
+ weight=weight_list,
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ elif "personinfo" in command_param:
+ # personinfo: pose, gesture, name
+ pass
+def guide(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine) -> None:
+ """
+ Guide commands can be of the following form:
+ - Guide a person in front of the robot to a given room.
+ - Guide a named person from a start location to a destination room or location.
+ - Guide a person in a given gesture from a given start location to a destination room or location.
+ - Guide a person in a given pose from a given start location to a destination room or location.
+ - Guide a person in a given set of clothes from a given start location to a destination room or location.
+ """
+ find_person = False
+ if "start" not in command_param:
+ pass
+ elif "name" in command_param:
+ criteria = "name"
+ criteria_value = command_param["name"]
+ find_person = True
+ elif "clothes" in command_param:
+ criteria = "clothes"
+ criteria_value = command_param["clothes"]
+ find_person = True
+ elif "gesture" in command_param:
+ criteria = "gesture"
+ criteria_value = command_param["gesture"]
+ find_person = True
+ elif "pose" in command_param:
+ criteria = "pose"
+ criteria_value = command_param["pose"]
+ find_person = True
+ else:
+ location_pose = get_room_pose(command_param["room"])
+ location_name = command_param["room"]
+ if find_person:
+ start_loc = command_param["start"]
+ start_pose = get_location_pose(start_loc, person=True)
+ room = get_location_room(start_loc)
+ polygon: Polygon = get_room_polygon(room)
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ FindPerson(
+ waypoints=[start_pose],
+ polygon=polygon,
+ criteria=criteria,
+ criteria_value=criteria_value,
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ try:
+ location_pose = get_location_pose(command_param["end"], person=True)
+ location_name = command_param["end"]
+ except KeyError:
+ location_pose = get_room_pose(command_param["end"])
+ location_name = command_param["end"]
+ else:
+ if "room" in command_param:
+ location_pose = get_room_pose(command_param["room"])
+ location_name = command_param["room"]
+ elif "location" in command_param:
+ location_pose = get_location_pose(command_param["location"], True)
+ location_name = command_param["location"]
raise ValueError(
- "Greet command received with no name or clothes in command parameters"
+ "Guide command received with no room or location in command parameters"
+ )
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ Guide(location_name=location_name, location_pose=location_pose),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "succeeded", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+def deliver(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine) -> None:
+ """
+ The possible deliver commands are:
+ - deliver an object the robot aleady has to me
+ - deliver an object the robot already has to a person in a given gesture in a given room.
+ - deliver an object the robot already has to a person in a given pose in a given room.
+ - deliver an object the robot already has to a person with a given name in a given room.
+ """
+ if "room" in command_param:
+ waypoints: List[Pose] = get_person_detection_poses(command_param["room"])
+ polygon: Polygon = get_room_polygon(command_param["room"])
+ if "name" in command_param:
+ criteria = "name"
+ criteria_value = command_param["name"]
+ elif "gesture" in command_param:
+ criteria = "gesture"
+ criteria_value = command_param["gesture"]
+ elif "pose" in command_param:
+ criteria = "pose"
+ criteria_value = command_param["pose"]
+ else:
+ criteria = None
+ waypoints = [get_current_pose()]
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ FindPerson(
+ waypoints=waypoints,
+ polygon=polygon,
+ criteria=criteria,
+ criteria_value=criteria_value,
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ if "object" in command_param:
+ object_name = command_param["object"]
+ elif "object_category" in command_param:
+ object_name = command_param["object_category"]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Deliver command received with no object or object category in command parameters"
+ )
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ HandoverObject(object_name=object_name),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+def place(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine) -> None:
+ if "location" in command_param:
+ location_pose = get_location_pose(command_param["location"], False)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Place command received with no location in command parameters"
+ )
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ GoToLocation(location=location_pose),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ if "object" in command_param:
+ object_name = command_param["object"]
+ elif "object_category" in command_param:
+ object_name = command_param["object_category"]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Place command received with no object or object category in command parameters"
+ )
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ HandoverObject(object_name=object_name),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ Say(text=f"Please place the object on the {command_param['location']}"),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ "preempted": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+def take(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine) -> None:
+ if "object" in command_param:
+ criteria = "object"
+ criteria_value = command_param["object"]
+ elif "object_category" in command_param:
+ criteria = "object_category"
+ criteria_value = command_param["object_category"]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Take command received with no object or object category in command parameters"
+ )
+ if "location" in command_param:
+ location_pose = get_location_pose(command_param["location"], False)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Take command received with no location in command parameters")
+ # TODO: this should use find, to find the object at the location
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ GoToLocation(location=location_pose),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ Say(
+ text=f"Please pick up the {criteria_value} on the {command_param['location']} for me."
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ "preempted": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ ReceiveObject(object_name=criteria_value),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+def answer(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine) -> None:
+ data_root = os.path.join(rospkg.RosPack().get_path("gpsr"), "data")
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ QuestionAnswer(
+ index_path=os.path.join(data_root, "questions.index"),
+ txt_path=os.path.join(data_root, "questions.txt"),
+ xml_path=os.path.join(data_root, "questions.xml"),
+ k=1,
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+def go(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine, person: bool) -> None:
+ """
+ The possible GO commands are:
+ - Go to a location or room and then...
+ Person is used to denote whether the robot should go to the location's person
+ pose or object pose.
+ """
+ if "location" in command_param:
+ target_pose = get_location_pose(command_param["location"], person)
+ elif "room" in command_param:
+ target_pose = get_room_pose(command_param["room"])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Go command received with no location or room in command parameters"
+ )
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ GoToLocation(location=target_pose),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+def bring(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine) -> None:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Bring command not implemented")
+def find(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine) -> None:
+ """
+ find a object in the given room
+ """
+ if "object_category" in command_param:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Find command not implemented")
+ if not "location" in command_param:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "find command with object but no room in command parameters"
+ location_param_room = f"/gpsr/arena/rooms/{command_param['location']}"
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ GoFindTheObject(
+ location_param=location_param_room,
+ filter=command_param["object_category"],
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ elif "gesture" in command_param:
+ greet(command_param, sm)
+def meet(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine) -> None:
+ """
+ Meet commands can be of the following form:
+ - Meet a person at a location and execute another command.
+ - Meet a person in a room and execute another command.
+ - Meet a person in a rooom then find them in another room.
+ """
+ greet(command_param, sm)
- def _handle_count_command(self, command_params: Dict):
- raise NotImplementedError("Count command not implemented")
- def _handle_follow_command(self, command_params: Dict):
- raise NotImplementedError("Follow command not implemented")
- def _handle_guide_command(self, command_params: Dict):
- raise NotImplementedError("Guide command not implemented")
- def build_state_machine(self) -> smach.StateMachine:
- with self.sm:
- command_verbs: List[str] = self.parsed_command["commands"]
- command_params: List[Dict] = self.parsed_command["command_params"]
- for command_verb, command_param in zip(command_verbs, command_params):
- if command_verb == "take":
- self._handle_take_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "place":
- self._handle_place_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "deliver":
- self._handle_deliver_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "bring":
- self._handle_bring_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "go":
- self._handle_go_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "find":
- self._handle_find_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "talk":
- self._handle_talk_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "answer":
- self._handle_answer_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "meet":
- self._handle_meet_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "tell":
- self._handle_tell_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "greet":
- self._handle_greet_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "count":
- self._handle_count_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "follow":
- self._handle_follow_command(command_param)
- elif command_verb == "guide":
- self._handle_guide_command(command_param)
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"Invalid command verb: {command_verb}")
- self.sm.add(
- f"STATE_{self.state_count+1}",
- Talk(talk_phrase="I have completed the task."),
- transitions={"succeeded": "succeeded", "failed": "failed"},
+def count(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine) -> None:
+ """
+ count the number of a category of objects at a given placement location
+ """
+ # TODO
+ raise NotImplementedError("Count command not implemented")
+ if "object_category" in command_param:
+ if not "location" in command_param:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Count command with object but no room in command parameters"
+ location_param_room = f"/gpsr/arena/rooms/{command_param['location']}"
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ GoToLocation(location_param=f"{location_param_room}/pose"),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ # TODO: combine the weight list within
+ weight_list = rospy.get_param("/Object_list/Object")
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ ObjectComparison(
+ filter=command_param["object_category"],
+ operation_label="count",
+ weight=weight_list,
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+def follow(command_param: Dict, sm: smach.StateMachine) -> None:
+ sm.add(
+ f"STATE_{increment_state_count()}",
+ smach_ros.SimpleActionState(
+ "/follow_person",
+ FollowAction,
+ goal=FollowGoal(),
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": f"STATE_{STATE_COUNT + 1}",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ "preempted": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+def build_state_machine(parsed_command: Dict) -> smach.StateMachine:
+ """Constructs the parameterized state machine for the GPSR task,
+ given the parsed command.
+ Args:
+ parsed_command (Dict): parsed command.
+ Returns:
+ smach.StateMachine: paramaterized state machine ready to be executed.
+ """
+ command_verbs: List[str] = parsed_command["commands"]
+ command_params: List[Dict] = parsed_command["command_params"]
+ sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"])
+ with sm:
+ for index, (command_verb, command_param) in enumerate(
+ zip(command_verbs, command_params)
+ ):
+ if command_verb == "greet":
+ greet(command_param, sm)
+ elif command_verb == "talk":
+ talk(command_param, sm)
+ elif command_verb == "guide":
+ guide(command_param, sm)
+ elif command_verb == "deliver":
+ deliver(command_param, sm)
+ elif command_verb == "place":
+ place(command_param, sm)
+ elif command_verb == "take":
+ take(command_param, sm)
+ elif command_verb == "answer":
+ answer(command_param, sm)
+ elif command_verb == "go":
+ person = not any(
+ [
+ param in ["object", "object_category"]
+ for param in command_params[index:]
+ ]
+ )
+ go(command_param, sm, person)
+ elif command_verb == "bring":
+ bring(command_param, sm)
+ elif command_verb == "find":
+ find(command_param, sm)
+ elif command_verb == "meet":
+ meet(command_param, sm)
+ elif command_verb == "count":
+ count(command_param, sm)
+ elif command_verb == "follow":
+ follow(command_param, sm)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognised command verb: {command_verb}")
- return self.sm
+ rospy.loginfo(f"State machine: {sm}")
+ return sm
diff --git a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/__init__.py b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/__init__.py
index 84504f968..b0af86fd2 100644
--- a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/__init__.py
+++ b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
from .talk import Talk
from .command_similarity_matcher import CommandSimilarityMatcher
from .command_parser import ParseCommand, CommandParserStateMachine
+from .question_answer import QuestionAnswer
+from .go_find_the_object import GoFindTheObject
+from .object_comparison import ObjectComparison
diff --git a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/command_parser.py b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/command_parser.py
index f0345bdcb..d572655bf 100644
--- a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/command_parser.py
+++ b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/command_parser.py
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def __init__(
data_config (Configuration): Configuration object containing the regex patterns
n_vecs_per_txt_file (int, optional): number of vectors in each gpsr txt
- file. Defaults to 100.
+ file. Defaults to 1177943.
total_txt_files (int, optional): total number of gpsr txt files. Defaults to 10.
smach.StateMachine.__init__(self, outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"])
diff --git a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/go_find_the_object.py b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/go_find_the_object.py
index 99f365db8..9256005db 100755
--- a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/go_find_the_object.py
+++ b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/go_find_the_object.py
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-from go_to_location import GoToLocation
import smach
-from lasr_skills import Detect3D
+from lasr_skills import Detect3D, GoToLocation
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
from typing import List, Union
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, Point, Quaternion
from lasr_skills import Say, PlayMotion
+import rospy
location = rospy.get_param("/start") -> python dict
@@ -14,7 +14,20 @@
-class Go_find_the_object(smach.StateMachine):
+class GoFindTheObject(smach.StateMachine):
+ class GetLocation(smach.State):
+ def __init__(self):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["location_index", "waypoints"],
+ output_keys=["location"],
+ )
+ def execute(self, userdata):
+ userdata.location = userdata.waypoints[userdata.location_index]
+ return "succeeded"
class check_objects(smach.State):
def __init__(self):
@@ -86,146 +99,200 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
def __init__(
- area_polygon: Polygon,
depth_topic: str = "/xtion/depth_registered/points",
model: str = "yolov8n-seg.pt",
filter: Union[List[str], None] = None,
- locations: Union[List[dict], None] = None,
+ waypoints: Union[List[Pose], None] = None,
+ locations: Union[str, None] = None,
confidence: float = 0.5,
nms: float = 0.3,
motions: Union[List[str], None] = None,
smach.StateMachine.__init__(self, outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"])
+ if waypoints is None and locations is None:
+ raise ValueError("Either waypoints or location_param must be provided")
+ if waypoints is None:
+ waypoints_to_iterate: List[Pose] = []
+ room = rospy.get_param(locations)
+ beacons = room["beacons"]
+ for beacon in beacons:
+ waypoint = Pose(
+ position=Point(**beacons[beacon]["near_pose"]["position"]),
+ orientation=Quaternion(
+ **beacons[beacon]["near_pose"]["orientation"]
+ ),
+ )
+ waypoints_to_iterate.append(waypoint)
+ else:
+ waypoints_to_iterate: List[Pose] = waypoints
+ if motions is None:
+ motions = ["look_down", "look_down_left", "look_down_right"]
say_object_found = Say("I found the object here!")
- say_object_not_found = Say("the object is not here")
+ say_object_not_found = Say("The object is not here")
with self:
- state = 0
+ waypoint_iterator = smach.Iterator(
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ it=lambda: range(len(waypoints_to_iterate)),
+ it_label="location_index",
+ input_keys=["waypoints"],
+ output_keys=["cumulated_result"],
+ exhausted_outcome="failed",
+ )
- # Outer loop iterates over locations
- for i, location in enumerate(locations):
- pose = Pose(
- position=Point(**location["pose"]["position"]),
- orientation=Quaternion(**location["pose"]["orientation"]),
+ with waypoint_iterator:
+ container_sm = smach.StateMachine(
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed", "continue"],
+ input_keys=["location_index", "waypoints"],
+ output_keys=["cumulated_result"],
- # Add the initial state for going to this location
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- f"LOCATION_{i}",
- GoToLocation(pose),
- transitions={
- "succeeded": f"LOOK_AROUND_{state}",
- "aborted": "failed",
- "preempted": "failed",
- },
- )
+ with container_sm:
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.GetLocation(),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "GO_TO_LOCATION", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
- # Inner loop iterates over motions
- for index, direction in enumerate(motions):
- print(direction)
- # Add a state to perform the current motion
- f"LOOK_AROUND_{state}",
- PlayMotion(motion_name=direction),
+ GoToLocation(),
- "succeeded": f"DETECT_OBJECTS_3D_{state}",
- "aborted": f"DETECT_OBJECTS_3D_{state}",
- "preempted": "failed",
+ "succeeded": "INNER_ITERATOR",
+ "failed": "failed",
- # Add a state to detect 3D objects after performing the motion
+ inner_iterator = smach.Iterator(
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed", "continue"],
+ it=lambda: range(len(motions)),
+ it_label="motion_index",
+ input_keys=["waypoints", "location_index"],
+ output_keys=["cumulated_result"],
+ exhausted_outcome="succeeded",
+ )
+ with inner_iterator:
+ inner_container_sm = smach.StateMachine(
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed", "continue"],
+ input_keys=["motion_index", "location_index", "waypoints"],
+ output_keys=["cumulated_result"],
+ )
+ with inner_container_sm:
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ PlayMotion(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "DETECT_OBJECTS_3D",
+ "aborted": "DETECT_OBJECTS_3D",
+ "preempted": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ Detect3D(
+ depth_topic=depth_topic,
+ model=model,
+ filter=filter,
+ confidence=confidence,
+ nms=nms,
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "RESULT",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.check_objects(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "SAVE_RESULT",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.cumulate_result(),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "continue",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ inner_iterator.set_contained_state(
+ inner_container_sm,
+ loop_outcomes=["continue"],
+ )
- f"DETECT_OBJECTS_3D_{state}",
- Detect3D(
- depth_topic=depth_topic,
- model=model,
- filter=filter,
- confidence=confidence,
- nms=nms,
- ),
+ inner_iterator,
+ {"succeeded": "CHECK_RESULT", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.detection_result(),
- "succeeded": f"RESULT_{state}",
+ "object_found": "SAY_OBJECT_FOUND",
+ "object_not_found": "SAY_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND",
"failed": "failed",
- # Add a state to check objects
- f"RESULT_{state}",
- self.check_objects(),
+ say_object_found,
- "succeeded": f"SAVE_RESULT_{state}",
- "failed": "failed",
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ "preempted": "failed",
- f"SAVE_RESULT_{state}",
- self.cumulate_result(),
+ say_object_not_found,
- "succeeded": (
- f"LOOK_AROUND_{state+1}"
- if index != (len(motions) - 1)
- else f"CHECK_RESULT_{i}"
- ),
- "failed": "failed",
+ "succeeded": "continue",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ "preempted": "failed",
- state += 1
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- f"CHECK_RESULT_{i}",
- self.detection_result(),
- transitions={
- "object_found": f"SAY_OBJECT_FOUND_{i}",
- "object_not_found": f"SAY_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_{i}",
- "failed": "failed",
- },
- )
- # Add states to handle object found or not found results
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- say_object_found,
- transitions={
- "succeeded": (
- f"LOCATION_{i+1}"
- if i != len(locations) - 1
- else "succeeded"
- ),
- "aborted": "failed",
- "preempted": "failed",
- },
- )
- smach.StateMachine.add(
- say_object_not_found,
- transitions={
- "succeeded": (
- f"LOCATION_{i+1}"
- if i != len(locations) - 1
- else "succeeded"
- ),
- "aborted": "failed",
- "preempted": "failed",
- },
+ waypoint_iterator.set_contained_state(
+ "CONTAINER_STATE", container_sm, loop_outcomes=["continue"]
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ waypoint_iterator,
+ {"succeeded": "succeeded", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+# if __name__ == "__main__":
+# import rospy
+# from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import rospy
- from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
- location_list = list()
- for i in range(3):
- location = rospy.get_param(f"/LOCATION_{i}")
- location_list.append(location)
- motion = ["look_down", "look_down_left", "look_down_right"]
- rospy.init_node("test_find_object")
- sm = Go_find_the_object(
- Polygon(), filter=["cup"], locations=location_list, motions=motion
- )
- sm.userdata.pcl_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(
- "/xtion/depth_registered/points", PointCloud2
- )
- sm.execute()
+# location_list = list()
+# for i in range(3):
+# location = rospy.get_param(f"/LOCATION_{i}")
+# location_list.append(location)
+# rospy.init_node("test_find_object")
+# sm = GoFindTheObject(
+# Polygon(), filter=["cup"], locations=location_list, motions=motion
+# )
+# sm.userdata.pcl_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(
+# "/xtion/depth_registered/points", PointCloud2
+# )
+# sm.execute()
diff --git a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/object_comparison.py b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/object_comparison.py
index 579c34a16..e169bfb6c 100755
--- a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/object_comparison.py
+++ b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/object_comparison.py
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import smach
-from lasr_skills import Detect3DInArea
+from lasr_skills import Detect3DInArea, Say
from lasr_skills import Detect3D
from lasr_skills import Detect
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
from typing import List, Union, Dict
+import rospy
class ObjectComparison(smach.StateMachine):
@@ -18,34 +19,21 @@ def __init__(self, area_polygon: Polygon):
def count_types(self, detections):
- """
- Count the number of different object types in detections.
- :param detections: List of detection tuples (object_type, position)
- :return: Dictionary with object types as keys and counts as values
- """
object_counts = {}
for detection in detections:
object_type = detection.name
- if len(object_counts.keys()) == 0:
- object_counts[object_type] = 1
+ if object_type in object_counts:
+ object_counts[object_type] += 1
- if object_type in object_counts.keys():
- object_counts[object_type] += 1
- else:
- object_counts[object_type] = 1
+ object_counts[object_type] = 1
return object_counts
def execute(self, userdata):
- print(userdata.detections_3d)
filtered_detections = userdata.detections_3d
- rospy.loginfo(type(filtered_detections.detected_objects[0]))
object_counts = self.count_types(filtered_detections.detected_objects)
- print(object_counts)
userdata.object_dict = object_counts
- userdata.detections_types = object_counts.keys()
+ userdata.detections_types = list(object_counts.keys())
return "succeeded"
class CountCategory(smach.State):
@@ -72,10 +60,8 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
category_counts = {
key: value for key, value in counts.items() if value != 0
- print("finished counting")
- print(category_counts)
userdata.category_dict = category_counts
- userdata.detections_categories = category_counts.keys()
+ userdata.detections_categories = list(category_counts.keys())
return "succeeded"
class ObjectWeight(smach.State):
@@ -89,19 +75,12 @@ def __init__(self, object_weight: Union[List[dict], None] = None):
self.object_weight = object_weight
def get_weight(self, detections, average_weights):
- """
- rank the weight of a list of objects.
- :param detections: List of detection tuples (object_type, position)
- :return: a list of the weight rank of object in a category(max->min)
- """
weight_dict = {}
for category, items in average_weights.items():
for i in detections:
if i in items:
weight = items[i]
weight_dict[i] = weight
return weight_dict
def execute(self, userdata):
@@ -112,7 +91,6 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
weights_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True
userdata.sorted_weights = sorted_weights
- print(sorted_weights)
return "succeeded"
class ObjectSize(smach.State):
@@ -125,12 +103,6 @@ def __init__(self):
def property_size_calculation(self, detections, result):
- """
- calculate the size of a list of objects using bounding box.
- :param detections: List of detection tuples (object_type, position)
- :return: a list of the size of each object in a category
- """
area = dict()
for i in detections:
for object in result.detected_objects:
@@ -139,7 +111,7 @@ def property_size_calculation(self, detections, result):
return area
def execute(self, userdata):
- detections_types = userdata.object_dict.keys()
+ detections_types = list(userdata.object_dict.keys())
area_dict = self.property_size_calculation(
detections_types, userdata.detections_3d
@@ -147,25 +119,79 @@ def execute(self, userdata):
area_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True
userdata.sorted_size = sorted_size
- print(sorted_size)
return "succeeded"
+ class DecideOperation(smach.State):
+ def __init__(self):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["do_count", "do_weight", "do_size", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["operation_label"],
+ )
+ def execute(self, userdata):
+ if userdata.operation_label == "count":
+ return "do_count"
+ elif userdata.operation_label == "weight":
+ return "do_weight"
+ elif userdata.operation_label == "size":
+ return "do_size"
+ else:
+ return "failed"
+ class SayResult(smach.State):
+ def __init__(self):
+ smach.State.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=[
+ "operation_label",
+ "detections_types",
+ "detections_categories",
+ "sorted_size",
+ "sorted_weights",
+ ],
+ output_keys=["say_text"],
+ )
+ def execute(self, userdata):
+ try:
+ if userdata.operation_label == "count":
+ object_count = len(userdata.detections_categories)
+ userdata.say_text = f"There are {object_count} objects"
+ elif userdata.operation_label == "weight":
+ heaviest_object = userdata.sorted_weights[0][0]
+ userdata.say_text = f"The heaviest object is {heaviest_object}"
+ elif userdata.operation_label == "size":
+ biggest_object = userdata.sorted_size[0][0]
+ userdata.say_text = f"The biggest object is {biggest_object}"
+ else:
+ return "failed"
+ return "succeeded"
+ except Exception as e:
+ rospy.logerr(str(e))
+ return "failed"
def __init__(
area_polygon: Polygon,
+ operation_label: str,
depth_topic: str = "/xtion/depth_registered/points",
model: str = "yolov8n-seg.pt",
filter: Union[List[str], None] = None,
confidence: float = 0.5,
nms: float = 0.3,
- object: Union[List[dict], None] = None,
+ object_weight: Union[List[dict], None] = None,
outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
- output_keys=["detections_3d", "object_dict"],
+ output_keys=["detections_3d", "object_dict", "say_text"],
+ # Set the operation label in the userdata
+ self.userdata.operation_label = operation_label
with self:
@@ -176,7 +202,18 @@ def __init__(
- transitions={"succeeded": "COUNTOBJECTS", "failed": "failed"},
+ transitions={"succeeded": "DECIDE_OPERATION", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.DecideOperation(),
+ transitions={
+ "do_count": "COUNTOBJECTS",
+ "do_weight": "GETWEIGHT",
+ "do_size": "GETSIZE",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
@@ -184,33 +221,49 @@ def __init__(
transitions={"succeeded": "COUNTCATEGORY", "failed": "failed"},
- self.CountCategory(object_weight=object),
- transitions={"succeeded": "GETWEIGHT", "failed": "failed"},
+ self.CountCategory(object_weight=object_weight),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "SAY_RESULT", "failed": "failed"},
- self.ObjectWeight(object_weight=object),
- transitions={"succeeded": "GETSIZE", "failed": "failed"},
+ self.ObjectWeight(object_weight=object_weight),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "SAY_RESULT", "failed": "failed"},
+ transitions={"succeeded": "SAY_RESULT", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ self.SayResult(),
+ transitions={"succeeded": "SAY", "failed": "failed"},
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ "SAY",
+ Say(),
transitions={"succeeded": "succeeded", "failed": "failed"},
+ remapping={"text": "say_text"},
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import rospy
- from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
+# if __name__ == "__main__":
+# import rospy
+# from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
- rospy.init_node("test_object_comparison")
- weight = rospy.get_param("/Object_list/Object")
+# rospy.init_node("test_object_comparison")
+# weight = rospy.get_param("/Object_list/Object")
- polygon = Polygon([[-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]])
- sm = ObjectComparison(Polygon(), filter=["bottle", "cup", "cola"], object=weight)
- sm.userdata.pcl_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(
- "/xtion/depth_registered/points", PointCloud2
- )
- sm.execute()
+# polygon = Polygon([[-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]])
+# sm = ObjectComparison(Polygon(), filter=["bottle", "cup", "cola"], object=weight)
+# sm.userdata.pcl_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(
+# "/xtion/depth_registered/points", PointCloud2
+# )
+# sm.execute()
diff --git a/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/question_answer.py b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/question_answer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6bcb19df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/gpsr/src/gpsr/states/question_answer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import smach
+from lasr_skills import AskAndListen, XmlQuestionAnswer, Say
+class QuestionAnswer(smach.StateMachine):
+ def __init__(self, index_path: str, txt_path: str, xml_path: str, k: int = 1):
+ smach.StateMachine.__init__(
+ self,
+ outcomes=["succeeded", "failed"],
+ input_keys=["query_sentence"],
+ output_keys=["closest_answers"],
+ )
+ with self:
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ AskAndListen(
+ tts_phrase="I hear you have a question for me. What is it?"
+ ),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "XML_QUESTION_ANSWER",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ XmlQuestionAnswer(index_path, txt_path, xml_path, k),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "SAY_ANSWER",
+ "failed": "failed",
+ },
+ remapping={
+ "query_sentence": "transcribed_speech",
+ },
+ )
+ smach.StateMachine.add(
+ Say(format_str="The answer to your question is: {}"),
+ transitions={
+ "succeeded": "succeeded",
+ "aborted": "failed",
+ "preempted": "failed",
+ },
+ remapping={"placeholders": "closest_answers"},
+ )
diff --git a/tasks/receptionist/src/receptionist/states/get_name_and_drink.py b/tasks/receptionist/src/receptionist/states/get_name_and_drink.py
index 4afb63975..b20bd862e 100644
--- a/tasks/receptionist/src/receptionist/states/get_name_and_drink.py
+++ b/tasks/receptionist/src/receptionist/states/get_name_and_drink.py
@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ def __init__(
guest_id: str,
param_key: str = "/receptionist/priors",
outcomes=["succeeded", "failed", "failed_name", "failed_drink"],
diff --git a/tasks/receptionist/src/receptionist/states/local_speech_recognition.py b/tasks/receptionist/src/receptionist/states/local_speech_recognition.py
index 867dba845..5f79f4d83 100644
--- a/tasks/receptionist/src/receptionist/states/local_speech_recognition.py
+++ b/tasks/receptionist/src/receptionist/states/local_speech_recognition.py
@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ def handle_drink(sentence_list, last_resort):
result = handle_similar_sound(sentence_list, available_drinks, 0)
print(f"drink (sound): {result}")
if result != "unknown":
if result in available_single_drinks:
print(f"final attempt drink: {result}")