+ ))}
+ );
-export default Positions;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default Positions;
diff --git a/prompts/prompts-JIM.md b/prompts/prompts-JIM.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3450733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prompts/prompts-JIM.md
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+## Figma -> Builder.io
+## Copilot
+# Prompt 1
+Act as a Senior Frontend developer. I want to create an action link that when the user press over the button "Ver proceso" the page will navigate to a new URL positions/{positionID} where we need to show #file:InterviewStage.tsx page
+# Prompt 2
+/fix Module '"react-router-dom"' has no exported member 'useHistory'.
+# Prompt 3
+complete the InterviewProcessProp types with the following object
+{ "positionName": "Senior Full-Stack Engineer", "interviewFlow": { "id": 1, "description": "Standard development interview process", "interviewSteps": [ { "id": 1, "interviewFlowId": 1, "interviewTypeId": 1, "name": "Initial Screening", "orderIndex": 1 }, { "id": 2, "interviewFlowId": 1, "interviewTypeId": 2, "name": "Technical Interview", "orderIndex": 2 }, { "id": 3, "interviewFlowId": 1, "interviewTypeId": 3, "name": "Manager Interview", "orderIndex": 2 } ] } }
+and for Candidates with
+{ "fullName": "John Doe", "currentInterviewStep": "Technical Interview", "averageScore": 5 }
+# Prompt 4
+I want to pass as a prop the candidates that correspond to each interviewStep, since each candidate as a prop where is located in the process
+# Prompt 5
+Each candidate card should be placed in the corresponding phase and show their full name and average score.
+And should be dragable to another interviewStep
+# Prompt 6
+after each drop I want to do a PUT /candidate/:id where the candidate should change the interview process. and after the put do a GET again to have a refresh window with all the changes
+# Prompt 7
+and I need to send the applicationId
+# Prompt 8
+the currentInterviewStep for the PUT needs to be the ID of the newStep
+# Prompt 9
+Add an arrow to the left of the title to return to the list of positions.
+# Prompt 10
+improve components to be mobile #file:InterviewProcess.tsx #file:InterviewStage.tsx #file:Candidate.tsx
+# Prompt 11
+I want to use icons from fas fa-arrow-left
+# Several prompts with /fix from copilot.