Supports API Versions V3 and up. V1 and V2 ARE NOT and WILL NOT be supported
using SharpQuark;
using SharpQuark.Token;
// Get network information, this contains various metadata for the network which can be used in your client to
// show information about the network before the user logs in
var netInfo = await NetworkInformation.GetNetwork("https://equinox.lightquark.network");
// To log in or make any other API calls we need to get the access and refresh tokens, which can be done in two
// different ways. For example with email and password:
var tokens = await TokenCredential.Login("email", "password", netInfo);
// Or alternatively stored tokens can be used to get the TokenCredential directly, for example from strings:
var tokens2 = new TokenCredential((AccessToken)Token.From("access token"), (RefreshToken)Token.From("refresh token"));
// Another alternative is to register a new account, since that also returns tokens
var tokens3 = await TokenCredential.Register("email", "password", "username", netInfo);
// With TokenCredential and NetworkInformation we can actually create the Lightquark instance
var lq = new Lightquark(tokens, netInfo);
// To get data about the logged in user
var userMe = await lq.UserMe();
Console.WriteLine(userMe.Username); // Test_User
// To get data about a specific user
var userById = await lq.UserById(new UserId("62b3515989cdb45c9e06e010"));
Console.WriteLine($"{userById.Status?.Type} {userById.Status?.Content}"); // Playing Stardew Valley
// Get a channel
var speakySpeaky = await lq.ChannelById(new ChannelId("643aa2e550c913775aec2057"));
// Messages will be automatically populated and sorted, lets get the content of the latest message
// Getting the same channel again will not make an API call, instead the already known channel is returned
var speakySpeaky2 = await lq.ChannelById(new ChannelId("643aa2e550c913775aec2057"));