Given a non-empty array of numbers, a0, a1, a2, … , an-1, where 0 ≤ ai < 231.
Find the maximum result of ai XOR aj, where 0 ≤ i, j < n.
Could you do this in O(n) runtime?
Input: [3, 10, 5, 25, 2, 8]
Output: 28
Explanation: The maximum result is 5 ^ 25 = 28.
- Trie, 具体实现如下:
简单来说,就是先找到最高位的1,然后如何选择呢?因为对于异或来说,要想最终结果最大,那么尽可能要找两个数,使他们每一个 bit 之间都互不相同,这样他们异或的结果中的“1”越多,自然结果就越大。那么如何找到“尽可能每位不同”的数字呢?很简单,因为我们已经构建好了 trie,先找到最高位1的那个分支,例如图中的第一层右半边有1,那么我们就以这个分支为基准,找“与其相反”的 bit 是否在同一层,以此类推。找得到相反的bit,就选它,找不到,就保持不变,继续往下遍历。
class TrieNode {
HashMap<Character, TrieNode> children = new HashMap<Character, TrieNode>();
public TrieNode() {
class Solution {
public int findMaximumXOR(int[] nums) {
int L = nums[0];
for (int num: nums) L = Math.max(L, num);
// here N means the longest length of number digit.
L = (Integer.toBinaryString(L)).length();
// zero padding
int n = nums.length, bitmask = 1<<L;
String[] strNums = new String[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
strNums[i] = Integer.toBinaryString(bitmask | nums[i]);
// construct the trie
TrieNode trie = new TrieNode();
int max_ = 0;
for (String num: strNums) {
TrieNode node = trie, xorNode = trie;
int cur_ = 0;
for (Character bit : num.toCharArray()) {
// insert new num in trie
if (node.children.containsKey(bit)) {
// different number may have the same "0" or "1" in the same position,
// like "00101" and "11101" -> "101" is same
node = node.children.get(bit);
else {
TrieNode newNode = new TrieNode();
node.children.put(bit, newNode);
node = newNode;
// compute the maxXOR
// using selection policy
Character oppo = bit == '1' ? '0' : '1';
if (xorNode.children.containsKey(oppo)) {
cur_ = (cur_ << 1) | 1;
xorNode = xorNode.children.get(oppo);
else {
cur_ = cur_ << 1;
xorNode = xorNode.children.get(bit);
max_ = Math.max(max_, cur_);
return max_;