This is a ImageNet Example for classification task.
I suggest you use conda to create a environment and use pip to install packges.(Because pip is faster than conda especially use this mirror
git clone
pip install torch torchvision -i
pip install tensorboard
pip install PyYAML
config is at config.yaml, They are commonly used configurations, such as lr or batch_szie. There are some important config need to be explanded.
Because imagenet has 1000 classes, when your task has 2 classes, you need to fix last fc layer. But if the fc is 2, you can't load imagenet pretrain models. So you need to fix fc layer after load imagenet checkpoint.max_epoch
Your training will stop when epoch reach max_epoch or iteration reach max_iteration. So you should make both of them a lager number to avoid stopping early.- lr just follow this formula, and
represents the lowest lr.
lr = args.base_lr * (args.lr_decay_factor ** (epoch // args.lr_decay_epoch))
controls how many iterations to test.
In config, there are two text file represented train_set and test_set. In text file, One line represents one sample. They format as follows:
path_to_image/example.txt label
The tpye of label is int, for example, if it's a Binary classification problem, then label is 0 or 1.
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--resume PATH] [-e] [--save SAVE]
PyTorch ImageNet Training
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
path to config file.
--resume PATH path to latest checkpoint (default: none)
-e, --evaluate evaluate model on validation set
--save SAVE save_dir
tips: you may need to use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
. Because the default device is cuda:0
sample example:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICE=2,3 python -c config.yaml --save save_test
If you want to use Tensorboard:
tesorboard --logdir=. --port=8090 --blind_all
If you want to add your Net, such as Resnet. You need to do followings:
- Add in ./net
- In, us
to set interface. if you don't konw about this, just do this link do: - modify
, addfrom xxx import xxx
- modify confi: arch to the net name
If your --save is save_test, there will be a file called report.txt be created.
iter train_loss train_acc test_loss test_acc lr
1000 0.5406224970574622 87.31268310546875 0.4301627216339111 86.00000762939453 0.1
2000 0.48305593270888514 87.4562759399414 0.41288787841796876 86.00000762939453 0.1
This informaion will help you to choose checkpoints.
I will very appreciate if this repository helps your training. GL&HF.