Contributions are welcome, and are accepted via pull requests. Please review these guidelines before submitting any pull requests.
- As much as possible, try to follow the existing format of markdown and code.
- Don't forget to document your connector before submitting pull requests.
- Make sure that 100% of your code is covered by tests.
- install Docker on you host machine
$ git clone
$ docker image build -t labs64/netlicensing-gateway .
... and start your local container using Docker or Docker Compose
$ docker container run -d -it --publish 8080:8080 --name netlicensing-gateway labs64/netlicensing-gateway
Application can be accessed at localhost:8080
To enable access to Tomcat admin console, run Docker container with the following command:
$ docker container run -d -it -v $(pwd)/dockerfiles/conf/tomcat-users.xml:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml --publish 8080:8080 --name netlicensing-gateway labs64/netlicensing-gateway
Additionally to the main NetLicensing Gateway instance, Docker Compose includes various helper tools needed for local testing and eCommerce connectors development:
- Ngrok - expose local NetLicensing Gateway endpoints as public URLs, to allow eCommerce fulfilment webhook tests.
$ docker-compose up -d
The ngrok monitoring endpoint can be accessed at localhost:4040
$ docker-compose down
To verify whether your local development environment is up and running open following URLs in your browser:
- gateway: http://localhost:8080/gateway/monitoring
- ngrok: https://[ngrok-subdomain] (Note:
will be different upon every environment start)
NOTE: Database available in the Development
mode only (see POM profile and web.xml configuration).
You can access H2 web console with your web browser at localhost:8082 with the following settings:
- User Name:
- Password:
... or access port 9092 with an external SQL client.