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File metadata and controls

116 lines (112 loc) · 17.6 KB

Some example props that can be gotten from players.

Name Real name Desc
X m_vecOrigin X coordinate
Y m_vecOrigin Y coordinate
Z m_vecOrigin[2] Z coordinate (WARNING is the position of players feet? not head height)
weapon_name - Name of active weapon
ammo m_iClip1 Ammo in active weapon's clip
velocity_X m_vecVelocity[0] X Velocity
velocity_Y m_vecVelocity[1] Y Velocity
velocity_Z m_vecVelocity[2] Z Velocity
viewangle_yaw m_angEyeAngles[1] Yaw or "how many degrees the player is looking in the right-left direction"
viewangle_pitch m_angEyeAngles[0] Pitch or "how many degrees the player is looking in the up-down direction"
ducked m_bDucked Is player ducked
scoped m_bIsScoped Is player scoped
health m_iHealth Players health
in_buy_zone m_bInBuyZone Is player in buy zone
flash_duration m_flFlashDuration How many seconds the player is blind for. Big value = very blind :D. 0 = not blind
balance m_iAccount Players current balance
ping m_iPing Players ping or "latency"
score m_iScore Score
deaths m_iDeaths Deaths
kills m_iKills Kills
assists m_iAssists Assists
mvps m_iMVPs MVPs
armor m_iArmor Armor value
silencer_on m_bSilencerOn Player has silencer on
place_name m_szLastPlaceName Human reader place name like "ramp" or "palace"
total_enemies_flashed m_iMatchStats_EnemiesFlashed_Total Total number of enemies flashed during the entire game so far
total_util_damage m_iMatchStats_UtilityDamage_Total Total number of utiliy during the entire game so far
total_cash_earned m_iMatchStats_CashEarned_Total Total cash earned curing the entire game so far
total_objective_total m_iMatchStats_Objective_Total ?
total_headshots m_iMatchStats_HeadShotKills_Total Total number of headshot kills during the entire game so far
total_assists m_iMatchStats_Assists_Total Total number of assists duiring the entire game so far
total_deaths m_iMatchStats_Deaths_Total Total number of deaths during the game so far
total_live_time m_iMatchStats_LiveTime_Total Total time alive during the demo so far
total_kill_reward m_iMatchStats_KillReward_Total Total money got as kill-reward during the demo so far
total_equipment_value m_iMatchStats_EquipmentValue_Total Total
total_damage m_iMatchStats_Damage_Total Total damage during entire game so far
3ks m_iMatchStats_3k_Total Total number of rounds with 3 kills during the game so far
4ks m_iMatchStats_4k_Total Total number of rounds with 4 kills during the game so far
5ks m_iMatchStats_5k_Total Total number of rounds with 5 kills during the game so far
total_kills m_iMatchStats_Kills_Total Total kills during entire game so far
is_auto_muted m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute Is player reported enough to be automatically muted
friendly_honors m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly number of "friendly" honors
teacher_honors m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher number of "teacher" honors
leader_honors m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader number of "leader" honors
public_level m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel ?
active_coin_rank m_nActiveCoinRank ?
cash_spent_this_round m_iCashSpentThisRound Cash spent this round
total_cash_spent m_iTotalCashSpent total cash spent during entire game? (not so far)
controlled_by_player m_iControlledByPlayer Something related to bot controlling? I guess not used normally anymore
controlled_player m_iControlledPlayer Something related to bot controlling? I guess not used normally anymore
controlling_bot m_bControllingBot Something related to bot controlling? I guess not used normally anymore
lifetime_start m_iLifetimeStart When did the player spawn last time (measured as seconds since demo started)
lifetime_end m_iLifetimeEnd When did the player die last time (measured as seconds since demo started) -1 if the player is currently alive
connected m_bConnected Is the player currently connected
holding_look_weapon m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon player is holding the key that starts animation for looking at weapon
looking_at_weapon m_bIsLookingAtWeapon Player is currently looking at his weapon
headshots_this_round m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots Number of headshots this round
concurrent_killed m_nLastConcurrentKilled ?
freeze_end_eq_val m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue Equipment value at end of freeze time
round_start_eq_val m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue Equipment value at start of round
equipment_value m_unCurrentEquipmentValue ?
flash_alpha m_flFlashMaxAlpha max aplha value of flash
has_helmet m_bHasHelmet Player has helmet
has_heavy_armor m_bHasHeavyArmor Player has heavy armor
detected_enemy_sensor m_flDetectedByEnemySensorTime ?
is_rescuing m_bIsRescuing Is currently rescuing hostage
molotov_dmg_time m_fMolotovDamageTime ?
molotov_use_time m_fMolotovUseTime ?
moved_since_spawn m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn Has the player moved since spawn
resume_zoom m_bResumeZoom ?
is_walking m_bIsWalking Is the player currently walking
is_defusing m_bIsDefusing Is the player currently defusing
has_defuser m_bHasDefuser Does the player currently have a defuse kit
in_buy_zone m_bInBuyZone Is the player in a buy zone
in_bomb_zone m_bInBombZone Is the player currently in a bomb zone
granade_counter m_iThrowGrenadeCounter ? maybe number of grandes thrown this round?
last_made_noise_time m_flLastMadeNoiseTime Seconds since start of demo when the player made his last noise
spotted m_bSpotted comming soon
move_type movetype ?
move_collide movecollide ?
elasticity m_flElasticity ?
team_num m_iTeamNum Team number
velocity_modifier m_flVelocityModifier ?
next_think_tick m_nNextThinkTick I think this is what tick the client thinks the server is at
friction m_flFriction ?
on_target m_fOnTarget ?
vec_view_offset0 m_vecViewOffset[0] ?
vec_view_offset1 m_vecViewOffset[1] ?
is_wearing_suit m_bWearingSuit ?
jump_time_msecs m_nJumpTimeMsecs ?
duck_time_msecs m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs ?
in_duck_jump m_bInDuckJump ?
last_duck_time m_flLastDuckTime Seconds since demo started when the player last ducked
is_ducking m_bDucking is between not ducked and ducked?
round m_totalRoundsPlayed How many rounds have been played
is_freeze_period m_bFreezePeriod
ct_losses_in_a_row m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses
t_losses_in_a_row m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses
is_match_started m_bHasMatchStarted
game_start_time m_flGameStartTime
warmup_period_start m_fWarmupPeriodStart
is_warmup_period m_bWarmupPeriod
round_start_time m_fRoundStartTime
warmup_period_end m_fWarmupPeriodEnd
bomb_planted m_bBombPlanted
match_start_time m_fMatchStartTime
total_rounds_played m_totalRoundsPlayed

Parser also allows you to use the "real names". Just make sure you add _X _Y and potentially _Z to the vector prop names. Like so: m_vecOrigin -> m_vecOrigin_X for x coordinate.