New ideas, thought about needed features will be store in this file.
Initial core
- Work on distributions and HMM (Hidden Markov model)
- Integration with s2 library
- Integration with btree library
- Integration with viterbi library
- Integration with ch library
- Integration with go.geojson library
REST server side (and store it in folder cmd/)
Front-end integrated with server-side. Probably via Mapbox.Replaced with Maplibre and Maptiler due Mapbox changed license -
More screenshots in README
Migrate to Fiber v2
Migrate to new version of CH ( v1.7.5
Swagger docs (autogen) - #10
Snake case for JSON's
Stabilization of core (need many tests as possible)
Rewrite front-end in VueJS or Svelte framework (+ update installation instruction) [AS SEPARATE REPOSITORY + design Figma]
gRPC server side
- generate protobuf structure DELAYED
- Map matching service
- Isochrones service
- gRPC docs (autogen)
Some kind of wiki
Cool logo :) PR's are welcome, haha
Contributing guidelines
Think about: Add option for REST to provide GPS points without timestamp ???
Think about: Add sort for provided GPS points to avoid client's mistake ???
REST server side (and store it in folder cmd/)
- Service bringing MVT tiles of graph
- Need to integrate some good heuristics into FindShortestPath() function. Current implementation based on "nearest edge" for choosing source and target vertices.
Front-end shortest path builder (like current map match, but just different colors? don't know)
Front-end isochrones
- Benchmarks and tests
- Horizon itself
- Roadmap itself
- Front-end improvements