Please note that these guidelines are very likely to evolve depending your questions, remarks and contributions.
To start contributing, just fork and clone the PropertiesFramework repository. You may refer to this article for further information: Fork A Repo.
Before you begin making changes, it may be a good idea to make sure that all the already existing unit tests actually pass on your machine.
When you are done with your changes, you can push them to your fork and submit a pull request. Please refer to this article for further information: Using pull requests.
Consistency, consistency, consistency: The most important point to consider is to maintain the consistency in terms of naming and behavior. Consistent naming particularly applies to protected and public classes, methods, constants, etc. This will help the users find their way in the framework and help them know what to expect.
Few dependencies: Keeping the number of dependencies to third-party libraries as low as possible will ease the integration of the framework in real world projects and reduces the risk of licensing problems.
Code style and formatting: There are no strict rules for now. If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, you may use the defaults settings, with the exception on the imports (see right below).
Imports: Please use individual import statements instead of wildcard imports.
Public vs Protected vs Private: Please use public and protected only when really necessary. When in doubt, just use private. It is easier to make something protected or public later when needed, but much harder to make something private again in case the implementation of a class changes.
Documentation: All public and protected classes, methods, constants, etc., should be commented with JavaDoc.
Tests: Wherever possible, please add JUnit tests related to your changes. For GUI tests in the propertiesframework-swing module, Fest-Swing or AssertJ Swing may be used in the near future.
Sonar checks: For now, static code analysis will be performed using SonarQube before releasing the PropertiesFramework. The set of rules will be made available in the near future, so that contributors can perform the checks on their own code.
Copyright header: All Java files and text-based resource files should have the copyright header.