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LibreHealth EHR Setup for Windows

Last Updated: November 19th, 2018

Note: Read the instructions carefully, as failure to follow the steps may require the entire setup process to be restarted. If you are having trouble, see the FAQ section for ways to contact us and common setup errors.



  • Fork the repository.

  • Clone the fork to your local machine with git bash.

git clone

LibreHealth EHR will be cloned into a directory named lh-ehr. Note this location for further use.



  • Downloaded the latest version (recommended) from the library hyperlinked above.

  • Includes the following required applications: Apache Web Server, PHP, MySQL.

  • Make sure it is downloaded to the C:\xampp\ directory to give XAMPP write permissions.


Proceed after you have unpacked and met the requirements.

  1. Move the lh-ehr project folder to C:\xampp\htdocs\.

  2. Navigate to C:\xampp\php\. Open the Configuration Settings file called php with a text editor or notepad.

  3. Change the following in the file using Ctrl + F to locate the variables. Some of the variables shown appear multiple times. Do not change any values above Line 170 (blank line).

max_execution_time = 600
max_input_time = 600
max_input_vars = 3000
memory_limit = 512M
post_max_size = 32M
upload_max_filesize = 32M
session.gc_maxlifetime = 14400
short_open_tag = On
display_errors = Off
upload_tmp_dir is set to a correct default value that will work on your system
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE
  1. Save the file and close it.

  2. Launch XAMPP Control Panel. You can find it in C:\xampp\ or with Windows Search.

  3. Click the Start button next to Apache and MySQL. Make sure that Apache is linked to Ports 80,443 and that MySQL is linked to Port 3306.

  4. Use your browser to navigate to localhost/phpmyadmin. Click on the Variables tab and set sql mode to "" (blank).

  5. Restart Apache Web Server by clicking Stop and then clicking Start again on the XAMPP Control Panel.

  6. Use your browser to navigate to localhost/lh-ehr/setup.php. Make sure there are no undefined index errors. If there are, check that you have changed the php settings file correctly and are using a supported PHP version of XAMPP.

  7. Leave default as the SITE ID: and click continue.

  8. Make sure no more undefined index errors show up and that all statuses are labeled ready. Click continue.

  9. Select Have setup create the database and click continue.

  10. Enter a MySQL Server Password. Record this information. Setup an Initial User Password, which you will need to access EHR. Record this information.

Create Credentials

  1. If the above steps have been followed with clarity, click continue through the rest of setup and eventually the EHR login page will appear.

Setup Complete

  1. Congratulations! You have successfully setup the LibreHealth EHR Developer Environment. It is recommended to bookmark the Login Page for easy access. Login with the username admin and password that you set up to access EHR.

Additional Information

Setting up Access Control

phpGACL access controls are installed and configured automatically during LibreHealth EHR setup. It can be administered within LibreHealth EHR in the admin -> acl menu. This is a very powerful access control software.

Learn more about phpGACL here. It is recommended to read the phpGACL manual in the /lh-ehr/Documentation/ file, the online documentation at LibreHealth, and the comments in the /lh-ehr/library/ file.

Patient Documents Capability

In order to take full advantage of the patient documents capability you must make sure that the configuration settings in php file include file_uploads = On and that upload_max_filesize is appropriate for your use and that upload_tmp_dir is set to the correct value that will work on your system.

Updating the Project

Be sure to back up your LibreHealthEHR installation and database before updating!

Login to EHR. There should be an orange button at the bottom right which you can hover over to reveal two options. Click the </> button that appears. Follow the instructions to update EHR.


Q. I am getting a table doesn't exist error!

This is because MySQL versions 5.7 and above have strict mode on default which needs to be disabled. This can be resolved by making sure Step #7 is fufilled.

Q. I am getting an Internal Server Error when trying to run portal dashboard!

Open the Apache configuration file and uncomment this line by removing the #:

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

Search for

AllowOverride None

and change it to

AllowOverride All

Q. I am getting a Check that mysqld is running error when opening up EHR!

mysqld is a daemon that runs silently and can be invoked to start a mySQL server on your computer. If the credentials that lh-ehr uses to access the mySQL server are incorrect, then mysqld will not initiate the server, resulting in this error. This may have occured if you tried to sync your fork to the upstream repository. It will have reverted the database password in sqlconf.php in C:\xampp\htdocs\lh-ehr\library\.

Change the following line to include your own password inside the single quotes.

$pass    = 'libreehr';

Restart Apache Web Server and MySQL.

Q. How do I get back to the Login Page once I close out?

You can go to localhost/lh-ehr and it will redirect you to the login page.

Q. I need help! How do I contact someone?

Feel free to drop by the LibreHealth Online Chat or the LibreHealth Support Forum!