- Set up a kind cluster
kind create cluster
- Install the kwasm-operator and annotate all nodes for kwasm
helm repo add kwasm http://kwasm.sh/kwasm-operator/
helm install -n kwasm --create-namespace kwasm-operator kwasm/kwasm-operator
kubectl annotate node --all kwasm.sh/kwasm-node=true
- Deploy the Helm chart. Choose one of the provided value files:
deploys the 4 bookinfo components as is from the Istio examplechart/values.mixed.yaml
deploys the productinfo dashboard and the ratings service from the Istio image and the details and reviews service as wasm moduleschart/values.spin.yaml
deploys all 4 services as wasm modules
helm upgrade --install bookinfo ./chart -f chart/values.istio.yaml
The same command with a different values file can be used to switch between the different combinations.
- (Create an image pull secret for pulling the wasm images)
Should not be necessary any more, but in case we have set the package visibility to private again, you can try creating an image pull secret:
kubectl create secret docker-registry ghcr --docker-server=ghcr.io --docker-username="$GITHUB_USERNAME" --docker-password="$GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN" --docker-email="ignore@me.com"