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296 lines (231 loc) · 9.4 KB


Copyright 2016 Douglas P. Fields, Jr.
symbolics at

Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA-4.0

Artificial Intelligence (ang)band

A roguelike game where the player is an Artificial Intelligence residing in a core quantum computer, usually attached to a drone (robot) or possibly running several drones.

Infrastructure Notes

  • Unity 5.4.0f3
  • Arcadia (Unity/Clojure interop)
  • ClojureCLR 1.7.0

To install: (This assumes use of a Mac)

  • Install Unity 5.4.0f3 on Mac (.1 might work, .2 probably doesn't)
  • Clone the repo with Aiband
  • Run the script to install Arcadia
  • Open the project in Unity 3D
  • Open an Arcadia REPL
  • If the hooks have come unset, using the REPL add them back with this code:
(require '[arcadia.core :refer :all])
(require '[minimal.core :refer :all :reload true])
(in-ns 'minimal.core)
  • Run the game in Unity player or export the game and run stand-alone


Use Nostrand to debug the pure Clojure parts of the game, as such:

AdmiralA:~/src/unity/arcadia-2/Assets$ ~/src/clojure/nostrand-new/bin/Release/nos repl
Nostrand (master/7fbd60b Mon Nov 28 20:55:59 EST 2016)
Mono 4.6.1 (mono-4.6.0-branch-c8sr0/ef43c15 Mon Oct  3 14:46:20 EDT 2016)
Clojure 1.7.0-master-SNAPSHOT
user> (require ['investigate.monads :reload true])
user> (require ['aiband.level :reload true])
user> (in-ns 'aiband.level)
#<Namespace aiband.level>
aiband.level> (def gs (assoc investigate.monads/test-game-state :level (create-empty-level-from-string level-map-string))) 
aiband.level> (first ((ɣ•add-doors 3) (assoc gs :rng 2)))
[98 39]
[67 36]
[93 39]

In Unity, use the usual Arcadia REPL and whatever text editor you want. I have been using Joseph Parker's Sublime Text 3 Clojure settings and Arcadia REPL. Note that there is one minor bug in the syntax coloring for that, relating to #_(form) syntax - include whitespace after the matching closing paren else coloring is wrong.

Next Steps

  1. Modify display to highlight the tile (if not unknown) over which the pointer is, as it moves, to make it very clear which tile the description box is showing.
  2. Add GPLv3 with Attribution license once I figure out how to do that.
  3. Modify all create methods to use a random seed or a partially created game state, in a monadic way.
  4. Rewrite all game state updates in a monadic style. This will make my life much easier and allow my Haskell skills to be reused.
  5. Implement pick up items:
    1. Get one or all the items in current location (to test getting)
    2. Pop up a menu for which item to get if multiple are there
  6. Implement doors as terrain that can be changed, including a 2D-vector diff which lists all changed entries so that Unity can redraw them efficiently.

Code naming conventions

  • State monadic functions start with µ• and operate on the specific data type
  • State monadic functions that operate on the base game state start with ɣ•
    • Hence, some functions can have µ• and ɣ• versions (Monad and Game versions) where the ɣ• version simply zooms into the necessary part of the game state and then calls the µ• version.
  • » is used as zoom or with-state-field but creates the monad function with all the remaining arguments. (And in the future may be able to do a nested zoom?)

Monad function names

Here is a way to translate from Haskell lens/state monad stuff to Clojure language.

  • Clojure -> Haskell
  • fetch-val -> use
  • with-state-field -> zoom
  • set-val -> .=
  • ??? -> uses

Unity Configuration


  • Resources - Unity prefabs are here, which can be used with Resources/Load



Took a texture and split it into 32x32 sprites.

  • Slice by Grid Size: 32x32
  • Pivot: Bottom Left

Pixels per unit is 100. Combine this with a Prefab with an X/Y scale of 3.2 and the texture will take up exactly 1x1 Unity square.

2D Sorting Layers

  • Terrain - lowest
  • Items - items on top of terrain
  • Mobs - "Mobile Objects" a.k.a. monsters, on top of tiems
  • Player - not sure what this layer could be used for
  • GUI - For the GUI overlay

Miscellaneous Notes

Unity Canvas and Camera

To make the Canvas and the Camera in the Scene Editor the same size:

  • In Canvas inspector, set the "Render Mode" of Canvas to Screen Space - Camera
  • Drag the Main Camera from your scene to the Render Camera
  • Set the Sorting Layer to the highest one (see GUI Sorting Layer above)
  • Make whatever other settings you want.

Arcadia Issues

Don't hook :awake. Per Ramsey Nasser, "we do funky things with awake that might get in the way of user code." Hook :start instead.

Main Camera

Game is currently designed to be played in a 16x9 window.

Camera is located at (8, 4.5) and shows a view 16x9.

Bottom left part of screen is game coordinate (0,0) and top right is (16,9).

Updating Unity Transform

You must set the transform.position to a whole new Vec3 (v3 x y z) rather than just setting individual fields of the existing one.


To see all hookable things in Arcadia/Unity:

user=> (use 'arcadia.core)

user=> hook-types
 :awake AwakeHook
 :fixed-update FixedUpdateHook
 :late-update LateUpdateHook
 :on-animator-ik OnAnimatorIKHook
 :on-animator-move OnAnimatorMoveHook
 :on-application-focus OnApplicationFocusHook
 :on-application-pause OnApplicationPauseHook
 :on-application-quit OnApplicationQuitHook
 :on-audio-filter-read OnAudioFilterReadHook
 :on-became-invisible OnBecameInvisibleHook
 :on-became-visible OnBecameVisibleHook
 :on-begin-drag OnBeginDragHook
 :on-cancel OnCancelHook
 :on-collision-enter OnCollisionEnterHook
 :on-collision-enter2d OnCollisionEnter2DHook
 :on-collision-exit OnCollisionExitHook
 :on-collision-exit2d OnCollisionExit2DHook
 :on-collision-stay OnCollisionStayHook
 :on-collision-stay2d OnCollisionStay2DHook
 :on-connected-to-server OnConnectedToServerHook
 :on-controller-collider-hit OnControllerColliderHitHook
 :on-deselect OnDeselectHook
 :on-destroy OnDestroyHook
 :on-disable OnDisableHook
 :on-disconnected-from-server OnDisconnectedFromServerHook
 :on-drag OnDragHook
 :on-draw-gizmos OnDrawGizmosHook
 :on-draw-gizmos-selected OnDrawGizmosSelectedHook
 :on-drop OnDropHook
 :on-enable OnEnableHook
 :on-end-drag OnEndDragHook
 :on-failed-to-connect OnFailedToConnectHook
 :on-failed-to-connect-to-master-server OnFailedToConnectToMasterServerHook
 :on-gui OnGUIHook
 :on-initialize-potential-drag OnInitializePotentialDragHook
 :on-joint-break OnJointBreakHook
 :on-level-was-loaded OnLevelWasLoadedHook
 :on-master-server-event OnMasterServerEventHook
 :on-mouse-down OnMouseDownHook
 :on-mouse-drag OnMouseDragHook
 :on-mouse-enter OnMouseEnterHook
 :on-mouse-exit OnMouseExitHook
 :on-mouse-over OnMouseOverHook
 :on-mouse-up OnMouseUpHook
 :on-mouse-up-as-button OnMouseUpAsButtonHook
 :on-move OnMoveHook
 :on-network-instantiate OnNetworkInstantiateHook
 :on-particle-collision OnParticleCollisionHook
 :on-player-connected OnPlayerConnectedHook
 :on-player-disconnected OnPlayerDisconnectedHook
 :on-pointer-click OnPointerClickHook
 :on-pointer-down OnPointerDownHook
 :on-pointer-enter OnPointerEnterHook
 :on-pointer-exit OnPointerExitHook
 :on-pointer-up OnPointerUpHook
 :on-post-render OnPostRenderHook
 :on-pre-cull OnPreCullHook
 :on-pre-render OnPreRenderHook
 :on-render-image OnRenderImageHook
 :on-render-object OnRenderObjectHook
 :on-scroll OnScrollHook
 :on-select OnSelectHook
 :on-serialize-network-view OnSerializeNetworkViewHook
 :on-server-initialized OnServerInitializedHook
 :on-submit OnSubmitHook
 :on-trigger-enter OnTriggerEnterHook
 :on-trigger-enter2d OnTriggerEnter2DHook
 :on-trigger-exit OnTriggerExitHook
 :on-trigger-exit2d OnTriggerExit2DHook
 :on-trigger-stay OnTriggerStayHook
 :on-trigger-stay2d OnTriggerStay2DHook
 :on-update-selected OnUpdateSelectedHook
 :on-validate OnValidateHook
 :on-will-render-object OnWillRenderObjectHook
 :reset ResetHook
 :start StartHook
 :update UpdateHook

What namespaces Arcadia sees:

user=> (require 'arcadia.internal.editor-interop)

user=> (arcadia.internal.editor-interop/all-user-namespaces-symbols)
(aiband.core minimal.core)


Software and resources:


  • Ramsey Nasser for creating Arcadia and help with ClojureCLR, Unity and Arcadia
  • Joseph Parker for help with ClojureCLR, Unity and Arcadia