All examples are using the Porcupine breakout board to break out the GPIO
and PMOD connector. The SPI devices used can be found here
(http://www.maximintegrated.com/en/design/design-technology/fpga-design-resources/pmod-compatible-plug-in-peripheral-modules.html) -
Each Program is set to use pin 54 for SS, 55 for MOSI, 56 for MISO, and 57
for CLK in software. This corresponds with the PMOD pins on the Porcupine
breakout board, and correctly follows the PMOD SPI standard. To translate
the pin numbers written on the porcupine breakout board into what they are
called in software, simply add 54 (ex. pin 0 on the Porcupine board is pin 54
in the GPIO/SPI library).
System requirements:
- Parallella board Gen 1.1 or later
- Parallella Official Ubuntu
- Parallella Porcupine Board (or some way to break out IO pins)
Download required libraries:
NOTE: As of 11/26/14 the current Parallella master repository does not have
the updated SPI library that patches the bug when communicating with SPI
devices that read on the second clock edge. Until these changes get
incorporated into the master repo, these example programs will not work.
Instead, please use my updated version, which can be found here
Compiling Code (assuming ProgramName.cpp is in the same directory as the
parallella-utils you downlaoded earlier)
$ ./build.sh
See comments at the beginning of each example for explanation on what
each program does, what perepheral it is using, and how to connect it. -
Program must be run with root shell to access IO pins, run with:
$ sudo ./[ProgramName]
Feel free to email me with any questions
(c) Aaron Wisner (aaronwisner@gmail.com)
December 1, 2014