# Pegasus
Pegasus Is A Tool Wich Has 9 Functions. Pegasus Uses Discord as C2.

# Disclaimer
> Information and code provided on this repository are for educational purposes only. The creator is no way responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused due to the misusage of the information. Everything you do, you are doing at your own risk and responsibility.

# Features
### Pegasus malware can do plenty of things, like:
- Handle Multiple PCs
- Take Screenshots Anytime You Want
- Browse Files on Target PC
- Upload & Download Files From Target PC
- Execute Files
- Run CMD Commands
- BlueScreen Target PC

# Setup

### Create a Discord Server For Controlling The Malware & a Bot

1. Change Line 7 , Add Your Server ID Ex.(guild_id = "9298909203489822930")
2. Then Change Line 138, Add Your Bot Token
3. Complie To Exe
4. Then Send It To Victim
# VirusTotal

> Don't Upload The C2 To Virus Total
<a href="https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/68afaf09fa5c04ad2b30306c027efb355e0aa801e3b4f9d0699c4e13e20619c7/detection">đŸ“ŒVirusTotal Detection</a>