This section explains how users can vote using their MKR.
Voting in On-Chain Polls can be done using MKR in the voters wallet, or MKR the voter has deposited in the Maker Protocol Governance Contract.
Voting on an Executive Proposal can only be done by a user that has deposited MKR in the Maker Protocol Governance Contract.
Voting takes place on Ethereum mainnet, and the transaction fees will depend on the congestion of the Ethereum blockchain. On-Chain Poll votes can be batched and submitted in a single transaction.
MKR holders may also delegate their MKR and allow the delegate to vote on their behalf. More information on delegation can be found here.
Historic note: Previously, the voting portal offered linked wallet voting which allowed users to separate voting power from ownership power of the MKR tokens deposited. This structure is no longer supported for new users. However, the voting portal still supports functionality for users with existing linked wallet contracts.
Page last reviewed: 2022-10-31
Next review due: 2023-10-31