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TeleFrame addon interface

The addon interface is provided for easy implementation of extensions without having to deal with too many internals of the TeleFrame code. For example to control a hardware extension like LED's and buttons or whatever.

If the addon is used, you can listen to events from TeleFrame and execute your own code when the event was fired. It is also possible to send input commands to control the TeleFrame.

If someone wants to implement more complex scenarios, all required objects of TeleFrame are also available when they are needed. For example, it would be possible to run TeleFrame without an internet connection and provide an addon that updates the images from a locally available drive.

A useful addon would be for example to switch an LED when new images arrive or display a notifications on the TeleFrame screen. The newImageLED addon is available as an example. With the webRemote demo addon there is also a more advanced example available, which you can clone. See Installing existing addons.


How does it work

An addon can register and listen to events from TeleFrame - for example newIndex, imageDeleted, and counting and then execute its own code in the context of the TeleFrame main process and also send input events like prev, next to the renderer process to change te current image.

Addons run within the main process of TeleFrame and communicate with the renderer process via IPC.

How TeleFrame addons loads

At the start of TeleFrame addons are loaded like node modules using require('addons/<addonFolder>').

Therefore it is required that an addon provide an addons/<addonFolder>/index.js to be able to load.

Addons can have their own GIT repository and also a packages.json to install additional needed node packages without affecting the TeleFrame installation.


To create an addon a function or class interface is available. Whichever you prefer.

An addon function gets a preconfigured interface object to access the required methods and properties, which can be used.

A class derived from AddonBase itself has the required methods and properties.

Below you will find skeletons that can be used as starting point for coding your addons addon/<myAddon>/index.js. Skeletons are available to use the function interface or the class interface.

Class AddonBase

The base class from which addons are inherited. If you use the function interface, a preconfigured object of this class is created automatically.


  • constructor(config)


    Name Type Description
    addonConfig {Object} configuration object for the addon
  • registerListener(eventName, callbacks)

    Register listeners for events sent from the TeleFrame renderer


    Name Type Description
    eventName {string|Array} name or array of names for the event to listen to
    callbacks {Function|Array} function/array of functions to execute when the event was fired
    once {boolean} The callbacks are only executed on the first occurrence of the event

    Available listeners that can be registered

    Click to show/hide the events
    Name Description
    renderer-ready Renderer was initialized
    images-loaded Fired only once when the images object was initialized
    teleFrame-ready Fired only once when TeleFrame has initialized the objects.
    Arguments: prepared and running TeleFrame objects { config, sceen, imageWatchdog, bot, voiceReply, scheduler} CAUTION: If you use these objects, you should really know what you are doing!
    starImage Request to star an image.
    Argument: currentImageIndex
    unstarImage Request to unstar an image.
    Argument: currentImageIndex
    deleteImage Request to delete an image.
    Argument: currentImageIndex
    imageDeleted Notification that an image has been deleted.
    Argument: currentImageIndex
    removeImageUnseen Request to remove the unseen status of all images
    imageUnseenRemoved Notification that the unseen status of all images has been removed
    newImage New image notification
    paused Notification that the pause status has changed.
    Argument: paused true
    muted Notification that the mute status has changed.
    Argument: paused true
    screenOn Notification that the screenOn status has changed.
    Argument: screenOn true
    recordStarted Notification that a recording started
    recordStopped Notification that a recording stopped
    recordError Notification that a recording failed
    changingActiveImage Notification before changing the current image.
    Argument: currentImageIndex, fadeTime (ms)
    changedActiveImage Notification that the current image has been changed.
    Argument: currentImageIndex (ms)
  • sendEvent(eventName, ...args)

    Send an input event to the TeleFrame renderer


    Name Type Description
    eventName {string} name of the event to send to the TeleFrame renderer
    args {Array} optional arguments to send

    Available Input events that can be sent

    Click to show/hide the events
    Name Description
    next Show the next image/video
    Argument: optional fadeTime (ms)
    previous Show the previous image/video
    Argument: optional fadeTime (ms)
    pause Enter pause mode
    play Ends pause mode
    playPause Toggle play/pause
    newest Show the newest image and terminate notification
    delete Delete an image/video
    star Toggle starring status of an image/video
    mute Toggle mute status
    reboot Reboot the system
    shutdown Shutdown the system
    askConfirm Executes the confirm button of a question dialogue
    askCancel Executes the cancel button of a question dialogue
    messageBox Send info to the renderer.
    Argument: config object for sweetalert2. Requires to define 'title' or 'html' { title: 'info to display' }
    imagesUpdated Send the updated images array to the renderer.
    Argument: the updated images object
    reloadRenderer Restart the renderer


  • .config A copy of the configuration options for the addon.

  • .logger The logger object supports the methods .info, .warn and .error to output messages and supports multiple arguments.

    exmaple write log output

// function interface'Info from addon');
interface.logger.warn('Warning from addon');
interface.logger.error('Error from addon');
// class interface'Info from addon');
this.logger.warn('Warning from addon');
this.logger.error('Error from addon');
  • .images The images array from TeleFrame.

    WARNING: This is the same object that is used by TeleFrame. Changes also affect the TeleFrame images object!

Skeleton for the function interface

click to show/hide the code
 * Listen to all available events and output to the logger
 * @param  {object} interface   object inherited from class AddonBase to register and send events
const MyExampleAddonFunction = (interface) => {
  // register event listeners to do something awesome
  //interface.registerListener('newImage', () =>'New image arrived.'));

  // send an input event

if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
  module.exports = MyExampleAddonFunction;

Skeleton for the class interface

click to show/hide the code
const {AddonBase} = require('${__dirname}/../../js/addonInterface');

class MyExampleAddonClass  extends AddonBase {
  constructor(config) {

    // register event listeners to do something awesome
    //this.registerListener('newImage', () =>'New image arrived.'));

    // send an input event

if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
  module.exports = MyExampleAddonClass;

Configure addons

To enable and disable addons and set simple configuration options, the command-line tool ~/TeleFrame/tools/ is available.

Click to show/hide syntax
Usage: <command> [addonDir] [...arguments]


  enable  <addondir>  - enables the addon for the specified directory
  disable <addondir> - disables the addon for the specified directory.
                       This command does not remove the config
  remove  <addondir>  - disables the addon for the specified directory and
                       remove the config.
  config <addondir> <key> <value> -

    <key>     - of the configuration option to change
    <value>   - new value for option.key.
              <value> can be a number, boolean or quoted string
  status             - list addons of 'TeleFrame/addons' and the enabled status
  help, --help, -h   - outputs this page

Example addon configurations

Suppose the addon addons/newImageLED was installed.

# enable addon
~/TeleFrame/tools/ enable newImageLED

# configure an option.
# For the <value> can be a number, boolean or quoted string.
# If more complex values are required e.g. an object, use an editor for configuration
~/TeleFrame/tools/ config newImageLED newLedPin 27

# disable addon
~/TeleFrame/tools/ disable newImageLED

Addon examples

The following two addons examples should show what is possible and to illustrate the process. These examples are not useful in normal operation.

To try an addon, copy the example addon folder from examples one level up to addons. See Example walkthrough.

After that you can change the index.js in the folder and do your own experiments.

Event monitoring example

This addon listens for all available events and logs them.

The example is available in both class and function versions. Please use only the class or function version at the same time, otherwise you will go crazy with all the log entries:-)

Auto control example

This addon takes control of TeleFrame. Activate 'pause' and randomly send the commands 'next'|'previous' for 5-10 images. Return control for 17-23 seconds and then start again.

The example is available in both class and function versions. Please use only the class or function version at the same time, otherwise you'll go crazy if the images change all the time:-)

New image notification LED

This addon switches an LED when new images arriveand can be used in normal operation, but there are better solutions to implement it if a GPIO package is also installed.

See addon documentation: TeleFrame addon - New image notification led

This example is only delivered using the function interface.

Walkthrough to install an addon example

To install the functionExampleMonitor, copy the folder addons/examples/functionExampleMonitor to TeleFrame/addons and call tools/ enable functionExampleMonitor.

cd ~/TeleFrame
cp -R addons/examples/functionExampleMonitor addons/functionExampleMonitor
tools/ enable functionExampleMonitor

Then Restart TeleFrame.

Installing existing addons from github

Navigate to the folder TeleFrame/addons and execute git clone<user>/<addon-repo>. If the addon requires installation, change to the new addon directory and execute npm install.

While the addon interface was developed, the addon TeleFrame-webRemote was created for testing and demonstration purposes. TeleFrame-webRemote presents a more advanced example which make direct use of some objects of TeleFrame.


To install the TeleFrame-webRemote addon.

cd ~/TeleFrame/addons
git clone
cd TeleFrame-webRemote
npm install
../../tools/ enable TeleFrame-webRemote