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Derrick Timmermans edited this page Apr 12, 2021 · 3 revisions

Sentakki has a few options to customize your experience while playing this gamemode, you may have even stumbled upon this section within the option menus

This page will serve as a kind of reference to what each customization option does, and to allow you to find the perfect setup.

Show Kiai Effects

This option allows users to disable some of the effects that appears during kiai time. This includes the visualizer which will be active throughout kiai time, and the ring beat animation which happens everytime a note is hit during kiai time.

Show note start indicators

This option exists for those who want to make the playfield a little bit more readable. This option toggles the appearance of note start indicators at the centre of the playfield.

The indicators are also affected by the ring color set by the user, and also slightly moves if Show Kiai Effects is also enabled.

Snaking in slides

Enabling this option will let SLIDEs perform a snake-in animation. Disabling it will make the whole SLIDE fade in at once.

Doesn't affect the snaking out of slides when missing.

Show detailed judgements

Detailed judgements show additional infomation relating to your timing on top of the Judgement text.

Ring color

This is the option that allows the highest degree of customization, because who doesn't like to use their favorite color wherever they can?

The colors will apply to the ring, visualizer and the note start indicators.

There are three options provided within the dropdown.

Option Description
Default The color will always be white
Difficulty-based color The color will be chosen from a pre-determined pallete based on the difficulty rating of the selected beatmap. This is most similar to pre-DX maimai visuals.
Skin The color will use the [Colours] MenuGlow configuration option within your active skin's skin.ini

Note entry speed

This adjusts the animation speed of TAP notes, HOLD notes and BREAK notes. The animation time is split between the initial fade-in/scale-in and the movement towards the ring.

The small number is meant to be a rough approximation to the speed values of maimai.

Touch note entry speed

This adjusts the animation speed of TOUCH notes and TOUCH HOLD notes. The animation time only applies to the fade-in/scale-in of the notes, the rest of the animation is determined by other factors.

The small number is meant to be a rough approximation to the speed values of maimai.

Lane input mode

This relates to what kinds of inputs the receptor will accept.

Option Description
Button The receptor will only send events to HitObjects if it is clicked by the player.
Sensor The receptor will send events when the player clicks on it, or when it detected a clicked pointer have entered its boundaries. Moving into a new lane while holding will act as if a click have happened on that receptor. This option is used when touchscreen is used, regardless of user preference.
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