Xblock to provide carousel of multimedia instructional content including images, video, documents. This xBlock currently supports three web hosted media formats in a unified media carousel for course content presentation. This Xblock also provides a way to integrate instructional media with a separate workspace that could be used for hands-on activities.
- Images- Any web hosted image in a format supported by the HTML
tag (jpg, png, gif)
- Youtube Videos- Any YouTube hosted video.
- Documents- Web hosted documents are rendered though Google Doc Viewer and can in and supported format. (pdf, doc, xls, ppt)
<img src="http://met-content.bu.edu/etr2/content/images/Slide1.JPG" />
<img src="http://met-content.bu.edu/etr2/content/images/Slide2.JPG" />
<img src="http://met-content.bu.edu/etr2/content/images/Slide3.JPG" />
<video src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uHeNryKUWk" />
<doc src="https://www.bu.edu/met-eti/files/2013/03/Final_VirtualLaboratoriesForLearning.pdf" />
- Add support for mp4 webm videos, other providers
- Add support for html tags
- Add support for the documents uploaded to the studio static folder
- Add support for mozilla-pdf.js
- Replace xml etree with lxml