Releases: MHSanaei/3x-ui
New option - Reality
Reality Support TCP - HTTP - gRPC
Don't forget to switch your X-ray core to 1.8.0
thanks to @FranzKafkaYu
http header bug fixed
most important of them
Add subscription link
Add h3 option in ALPN
Add new REST API features
Add refresh,count,download for xray log
Separate Telegram Username
Reset traffics for all clients
What's Changed
new option - ban ir ip - ban ir domain
new option - enable firewall + open port + update geo files (server menu)
new option - speedtest + google recaptcha (server menu)
Add favicon
fixed - multi domain ssl path in (server menu)
translate improve
shadowsocks base64 + new methods
improve base packages required
Update design
Add version and log
Default tls version 1.0-1.2
[Bulk client] add option: without random email
[infoModal] better display
Fix TLS-ALPN + allowInsecure
Remove ugly-bugy qrCode footer
[tgbot] fix client search
Enable fallback in xtls as well
Fix input-group darck-theme
[tgbot] fix admins input
[tgbot] fix exhausted report
Bump from 1.53.0 to 1.54.0
v1.0.9 old design - the last update
alpn TLS bug fixed
alpn added to XTLS
SNI added to TLS
dark theme design
allow insecure added
show numbers of Clients (enabled-disabled)
export link improve
this version is the last version with the old design
xtls bug fixed
trojan type bug fixed