100 Hours Of Golang
Started off with History, Need and Introduction of Golang
Learnt Programming Fundamentals, Inputs, and Outputs
along with Conditionals
Learnt Arrays, both 1-Dimensional and 2-Dimensional
Worked with Slices and creating custom functions
Used Recursion
Worked with maps in Golang and used buffio and os
libraries and explored some of their functions
Explored IDE and setup learning and development
environements, and bagged more learning resources
Navigate through documentation, Read out specs and seek
help using avaialable forums and documentation
Keywords, Operators, Statements, Scopes and Declaration of Variables
Types, zero values, creating own types and fmt package
(Printf, Sprintf, Fprintf)
Practice Excercises of topics covered in hour 9 and 10
along with a small graded quiz for the same
Went through How Computers Work - the binary and history to
look at what Golang is the way it is and revised
Numeral Systems to convert numbers to binary
Bool, int and string data types of Golang (via. Golang Specs)
Practised topics covered in Hour 12 and Hour 13 and
attended a quiz for the same