Django project, where you can add books to your own library/ list. How to fill your list:
- import books using external api (google books api) - you just have to choose title, author or ISBN to be searched.
- create them yourself with validation included.
Data are stored in postgres db. Whole project is build on docker.
Project is available on heroku, click here.
For project to run, you need secrets from env file:
cp app/env.template app/.env
All variables to be filled are in app/.env
To run app:
$ make build
To recreate docker image:
$ make recreate
In order to run migrations:
$ make migrate
To create super user in a running container:
$ make super
To check logs for app:
$ make logs_app
To check logs for database:
$ make logs_db
To find stylistic errors:
$ make lint
When container is running, documentation generated by swagger is available. But when it comes to rest there is only one endpoint.