- hw2-3-userDAO.py script modifié
- hw2-3.4a405a23b442.zip application blog fournie par MongoDB
We have removed two pymongo statements from userDAO.py
and marked the area where you need to work with XXX. You should not need to touch any other code. The pymongo statements that you are going to add will add a new user upon sign-up and validate a login by retrieving the right user document.
Validation du login:
class UserDAO:
def validate_login(self, username, password):
# XXX HW 2.3 Students Work Here
user = self.users.find_one( { '_id': username})
Ajout d'un utilisateur:
def add_user(self, username, password, email):
# XXX HW 2.3 Students work here
self.users.insert( user)
(venv) course-m101p/hw2-3 $ python validate.py
Welcome to the HW 2.3 validation tester
Trying to create a test user aqOmuEl
Found the test user aqOmuEl in the users collection
User creation successful.
Trying to login for test user aqOmuEl
User login successful.
Validation Code is jkfds9834j98fnm39njf0920fn2
--> jkfds9834j98fnm39njf0920fn2