This log lists the architectural decisions for Tavros.
- ADR-0000 - Prefer Proven FOSS Components with Optional Support for Licensed Derivatives
- ADR-0001 - Apache Camel as the Default Integration Framework
- ADR-0002 - Spring Boot as the Base Application Framework
- ADR-0003 - DataSonnet as the Default Data Transformation Language
- ADR-0004 - OpenTracing for In-Process Tracing API
- ADR-0005 - Kubernetes as the Computing Platform
- ADR-0006 - Kops to Provision a Kubernetes Cluster
- ADR-0007 - Flux to Provide Platform GitOps
- ADR-0008 - Kubeseal to Securely Manage Secrets in GitOps
- ADR-0009 - Keycloak for Indetity and Access Management
- ADR-0010 - Kong as Kubernetes Ingress and API gateway
- ADR-0011 - PostgreSQL as the Platform's Default Database
- ADR-0012 - Gitea for a Lightweight Git Server
- ADR-0013 - Kuma for Service Mesh
- ADR-0014 - Jenkins for Continuous Integration
- ADR-0015 - Sonarqube for Application Static Code Analysis
- ADR-0016 - Elastic Cloud for Observability Data Aggregation and Visualization
- ADR-0017 - Jaeger for Tracing with Elasticsearch Backend
- ADR-0018 - Nexus Repository Manager for Artifact Management
- ADR-0019 - Prefer Daemonsets Over Sidecars
- ADR-0020 - Spring Cloud Config for Application Configuration Management
- ADR-0021 - Prefer Kong Enterprise Edition
- ADR-0022 - Use Ansible as the Provisioning Engine
- ADR-0023 - Helm and Operators for Component Installation and Management
- ADR-0024 - Use Ansible Collection to Structure and Package Ansible Code
- ADR-0025 - Setup Sandbox and Production Kuma Meshes and Kong Ingress Controllers
- ADR-0026 - Setup Sandbox and Production Keycloak Realms
- ADR-0027 - cert-manager for Certificate Management
- ADR-0028 - Use Markdown Architectural Decision Records
- ADR-0029 - Tavros as a Single Tenant Platform
For new ADRs, please use as basis. More information on MADR is available at General information about architectural decision records is available at