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Final Project Proposal

Your assignment this week is to write a detailed proposal for your final project. In proposing your final, try to address each of the following areas. Please produce at least a paragraph which addresses the topics below

Problem / Question

Applications are ultimately just tools. What problem or question does your application attempt to resolve or grapple with? How does your application speak to this problem/question?

The data

Geospatial applications are all about working with data. What datasets would you plan/like to use? If the data you'll be working with isn't already stored in a way that you can use, how will you be storing your data?

Technologies used

Which technologies covered in class (or discovered on your own!) do you plan to use? How do you anticipate using each of these technologies?

Review the APIs/online examples of leaflet, turf, jQuery, underscore (or any library not explicitly covered in class) for functions/uses which you'd like to explore. Briefly describe how you might use them.

Design spec

User experience

At a high level, how do you expect people to use your application?

  • Who are the users?
  • What do they gain from your application' use?
  • Are there any website/application examples in the wild to which you can compare your final?

Layouts and visual design

So far, we've built all our applications with a side bar for representing non-map content and navigation. This is not the only successful design. Extra content could be displayed in a top bar, through modals, through side bars on both sides, and any combination of these as well as a number not mentioned. Try to describe your application's visual layout. Conceptually (no need for extensive CSS here), what will this design require?

Anticipated difficulties

Thinking about weaknesses can be useful. What do you anticipate being most difficult about this project? How will you attempt to cope with these difficulties? For example, asynchronous behavior (ajax, events) are hard to use and think about. Global variables are a strategy for coping with that difficulty by breaking data out of the asynchronous context.

Missing pieces

We've only managed to scratch the surface of the available technologies by which you could construct an application. What use-cases haven't we covered that you think would be useful? What technologies not covered seem exciting to you (you don't necessarily have to fully understand what they're for, this is a chance for you to get help interpreting a technology's purpose/usage).