This folder contains a collection of useful resources. In particular, resources for coming up with ideas or making stuff.
- Cambridge RPi tutorials (temperature sensor, OS dev, turing machines, image processing, distributed computing)
- Cymplecy (simplesi), wonderful RPi tutorials written by a primary school ICT teacher, lots of good scratch resources
- ScratchGPIO
- ScratchGPIO source
- Ardublock, graphical programming language.
- Temboo, library with wrapper around loads of interesting websites (e.g. Twitter, FB, Gmail, EC2, Twilio, google docs)
- Firmata, sketch for the arduino allowing easy interfacing with computers, e.g. reading analog inputs from a Processing sketch for a pong-like game
- Alchemy - Text analysis (Will has used/recommends it)
- Ingenia - Text analysis
- Twilio - Programmatically send SMS and calls.
MySQL - one of the most widely used SQL databases ORMs: Object Relational Mappings abstract persistence, so rather than having something that generates the SQL to store. You may also want to look into OGMs, very similar to ORMs but use NoSQL datastores instead.
- Temboo : Library with wrapper around loads of interesting websites (e.g. Twitter, FB, Gmail, EC2, Twilio, google docs)
- Yeoman, project scaffolding. If you're making anything web based, you need this (by need, it's very much worth your while checking out).
- Grunt, js task runner, think of it as Make for the frontend
- Gulp, Similar to Grunt, but uses Node streams to pass along file data to modify.
- {less}, CSS preprocessor - makes working with CSS marginally less painful.
- Sass, as above, but an alternative
- Stylus, yes, yet another CSS preprocessor
- HTML5 Boilerplate, Boilerplate for an HTML5 application (includes jQuery and Modernizr).
- jQuery, Like the standard library of js on the web.
- jQuery mobile, UI system optimized for touch interfaces
- jQuery UI, UI widgets for the web
- Twitter Bootstrap, UI framework
- Compass, CSS authoring framework; think of it as a library of prewritten CSS snippets that insulate you from cross-browser quirks, provide you with grips, list styles, and a whole bunch of other aesthetic things
- D3.js, Manipulate the DOM in beautiful ways
Let's buy some of these to evaluate. I (Will) plan to put together little demos demonstrating what is possible with combinations of sensors and outputs to show teachers when they come in to show them what is possible and give them ideas for what might make a successful workshop., vibration motor, interesting form of feedback from sensors., temperature sensor.,
This is the board that David of uses in addition to the Arduino Gemma., Rubber cord that can sense how much it's being stretched., 20 LEDs on a strip that can be cut up and used individually, this would be quite appropriate for sewing, and they're RGB, meaning that you can choose any colour you like., pressure sensitive condutive sheet., Coin cell holder for Gemma board and can be used to take audio inputs, Collection of Electrotextiles that will be useful to evaluate. or, Muscle wire, contracts when you apply a voltage over it, very cool!
These look quite cool, and could probably be used to good effect in a demo to show what is possible with currently available materials/sensors, but they may not be appropriate for using in a workshop due to excessive cost(?)., Accelerometer