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Releases: MagmaGuy/EliteMobs


25 Jan 05:57
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v7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-15 Pre-release

EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-15

  • [New] Improved the Elite Durability system by no longer breaking items when their durability reaches the limit, instead the items will become unusable until repaired
  • [New] Added the Custom Loot Table class, which now manages all custom loot across the entire plugin. This unifies the Custom Boss unique loot, Treasure Chest drops and quest rewards.
    • [New] Since Custom Loot Table now exists, all loot formats are now valid across all config files. Documentation will be updated with the new preferred way of writing custom loot.
    • [New] Vanilla items, custom elite items, flat currency amounts and scrap / upgrade items can now drop from custom bosses, treasure chests and quest rewards using the same system
  • [New] Treasure Chests no longer use a weighed probability system to determine drops, instead each entry has a chance to drop equal to the chance on the drop. This means that several items might drop, or none might drop.
  • [New] Added /em quest reset to reset a player's quests
  • [New] Custom kill objectives now handle phase bosses by always looking for the filename of the boss file for the first phase. Consequently, custom kill objectives should always have first phase of a boss as the boss to kill. Quest tracking now also tracks bosses with phases correctly by scanning the filename of their first phase.
  • [Hotfix] Fixed critical issue where drop rates would always become 100% for loot where permissions weren't required
  • [Fix] Fixed error associated to summoning Snoopy
  • [Fix] Fixed double display of quests players can turn in
  • [Fix] Fixed issue where quests would not start autotracking correctly when accepted
  • [Fix] Fixed error related to disabling wormholes
  • [Fix] Fixed error when the zombie necronomicon power tried to spawn bosses in a zone that prevents spawning
  • [Fix] Fixed issue where players could turn in quests through the /em menu instead of turning them in at the correct npc
  • [Tweak] The Elite Durability system now applies uniformly regardless of the context of the damage
  • [Tweak] Quests you can turn in now appear before other quests

EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-14

20 Jan 23:22
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EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-14

  • [New] Accepting new quests now automatically tracks them by default. Configurable.
  • [Fix] Fixed NPE related to the blaze water damage prevention
  • [Fix] Fixed issue where custom models were getting copied to the worldedit / fawe schematics folder through the imports system on top of the correct Model Engine folder
  • [Fix] Partially fixed compatibility with the latest Model Engine version, full compatibility is not possible at this time. Use R2.2.0 for now if possible.
  • [Fix] Fixed issue related to spawn messages trying to run even though the boss was removed by the time it was meant to spawn
  • [Fix] Typo fix for the beast master boss
  • [Fix] NPE error fix for wormhole world protection
  • [Fix] Fixed issue that lead to quest text overflowing out of the page
  • [Fix] Fixed issue that was causing schematic-based minidungeons to be reported as not installed and prevented wormhole worlds associated to them to not work correctly
  • [Tweak] Currency placeholder now rounds to two decimal points
  • [Removal] Replaced the debug placeholder for permission missing from quests, now only messages admins with a more specific and helpful message

EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-13

15 Jan 14:20
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EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-13

  • [New] Added wormhole dungeon worlds to the dungeon packager, allowing both schematic-based and world-based dungeons to have a separate world to be used as a teleport destination using wormholes to be used to create special arenas and other areas
  • [New] Pitch, yaw and teleport point vector offset can now be set for world-based minidungeons
  • [New] Announcement Priority 0 now sends death messages to players who damaged the boss during combat, if any
  • [New] Wormholes can now be distributed through the imports system
  • [Fix] Fixed quest tracking for kill quests
  • [Fix] Fixed quest tracking for fetch quests
  • [Fix] Fixed CME error when tracking quests
  • [Fix] Fixed error when the database had no data to fetch
  • [Fix] Fixed wormholes spawning too many particles
  • [Fix] Missing custom models will now correctly not be applied to custom bosses
  • [Tweak] Further slowed down regional bosses when not in combat to reduce constant over the top wandering

EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-11

12 Jan 11:45
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EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-11

  • [New] Rewrote the core of wormholes.
    • [Fix] Fixes the massive FPS drops from runaway armor stand generation issues
    • [Fix] Fixes rare doubling up of particles
    • [Tweak] Increases the performance of Wormholes
  • [New] Added the isocahedron portal type, looks like a tabletop 20-sided die. Use of a scale of about 2 is recommended for better visuals.
  • [New] Moved the default wormhole locations to new spot in the Adventurer's Map, a dedicated building for dungeons
  • [New] Added sizeMultiplier config field to the wormholes config, allows admins to set the multiplier for the size of the portal. Automatically adjusts all relevant values.
  • [Tweak] Increased the scan frequency of wormholes
  • [Tweak] Reduced the distance at which wormholes detect player presence.

EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-12

13 Jan 14:46
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EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-12

  • [New] Moved wormholes to async, massively lowering the performance impact
  • [New] Improvements to quest tracking
    • [New] Quest tracking now leads to Wormholes if a Wormhole exists in the world the player is in that leads to the world where quest objectives can be completed
    • [New] Quest tracking now tells players which world to go to if no valid quest objectives are on their world and no wormholes in the player's world lead there
    • [New] Quest tracking now warns players that no valid quest destinations have been found
    • [Tweak] Improvements to the quest tracking compass in terms of accuracy and smoothness
    • [Tweak] Abandoning a quest now makes tracking that quest stop
    • [Tweak] Changed dungeon wormhole generation settings to reallow teleportation via the EM menu to work correctly
  • [Refactor] Improvements the event registration
  • [Refactor] Sonarlint improvements

EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-9

10 Jan 05:53
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EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-9

  • [New] Lowered loot lockout threshold to 10 levels below the player's equipped gear to adjust for the increased amount of dungeons and to lower exploitability. This value is now configurable in ItemSettings.yml
  • [New] Added default wormhole to go to the Adventurer's Guild
  • [New] Wormholes can now teleport to dungeons teleport points, as long as the dungeons are installed
  • [New] Added wormholes to all dungeons in the basement of the AG building
  • [New] Added particle color customization options for Wormholes
  • [New] Added text displays to Wormholes
  • [Tweak] Increased wormhole teleportation cooldown to 5 seconds
  • [Fix] Fixed the crystal wormhole style


10 Jan 19:49
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v7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-10 Pre-release

EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-10

  • [Fix] Hotfix of an error related to Wormholes

EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-8

08 Jan 02:42
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EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-8

  • [New] Added wormholes! A quick and easy way to teleport players from portal A to portal B and from portal B to portal A!
  • [Fix] Fixed error that would trigger when bosses tried to damage players after being dead, bosses can no longer do that
  • [Fix] Action events can no longer happen in disabled worlds
  • [Fix] Fixed bug which would cause on spawn commands to not run
  • [Refactor] Minor Sonarlint improvements

EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-7

01 Jan 20:09
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EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-7

  • [New] Added the exports folder
    • [New] Exports folder now packages resource packs for admins. This hooks up to Model Engine to get the files, and aggregates the resource packs in the exports folder in a non-destructive way, meaning you can safely update existing resource packs if you place an existing one in the exports folder
    • [New] Added SHA1 texture pack calculation and optional overriding, updates the server-side data for you. All that is left to be done to apply Custom Models via resource packs is uploading the resource pack at a location of your choice.
    • [New] Added the command /em generateresourcepack for generating the resource pack
    • [New] Added the command /em updateresourcepack for automatically updating the SHA1 code of the texture pack based on the zipped resource pack in the exports folder, still requires a restart for it to be applied
    • [New] Importing dungeons with custom models will now autosuggest generating the resource pack to any online players with elitemobs.*
  • [Fix] Reloading elitemobs now correctly unregisters timed and action events
  • [Fix] Fixed error associated to the knockback invulnerability power
  • [Fix] Fixed a database error which would trigger when a new player logged in and out extremely quickly
  • [Refactor] Minor Sonarlint improvements

EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-6

31 Dec 19:19
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EliteMobs 7.3.12-SNAPSHOT-6

  • [New] Added the Primis Adventure to the setup menu
  • [New] Added ModelEngine as a valid folder for the imports. Files in the ModelEngine will be moved to the blueprints folder of ModelEngine when imported and automatically reload ModelEngine to register the files and generate the texture pack.
  • [New] Goats can now be valid elites (though they're not very good)
  • [New] Llamas can now be valid elites
  • [New] Elites with fire resistance are no longer set on fire when exposed to the sun
  • [New] Added attack_melee and attack_ranged specific animations, will override the attack animation when present
  • [New] Bosses with Custom Models now display their nametags correctly
  • [New] Loading Lair / Minidungeon / Adventure worlds through EliteMobs now defaults their difficulty to hard
  • [Tweak] Improvements to the stay angry mechanic
  • [Fix] Fixed the aggro range for passive entities
  • [Refactor] Minor Sonarlint improvements