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Warm Up

Grab a coffee, click on one of them, and start your day with solving one. If they are not challenging for you, skip them.

# Title Provider Solution Difficulty
0001 Number Line Jumps HackerRank Java 🌀
0002 Drawing Book HackerRank Java 🌀
0003 Breaking The Records HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0004 Cats And Mouse HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0005 The Hurdle Race HackerRank Java 🌀
0006 Find The Point HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0007 Diagonal Difference HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0008 Migratory Birds HackerRank Python 🌀
0009 Subarray Division HackerRank Java 🌀
0010 Climbing The Leaderboard HackerRank Java --
0011 Angry Professor HackerRank Java 🌀
0012 Divisible Sum Pairs HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0013 Designer PDF Viewer HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0014 Save The Prisoner HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0015 Two Sum LeetCode Java 🌀
0016 Add Two Numbers LeetCode Java 🌀
0017 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0018 Valid Parentheses LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0019 Palindrome Number LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0020 Longest Common Prefix LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0021 Merge Sorted Array LeetCode Python 🌀
0022 First Reverse CoderByte Kotlin 🌀
0023 First Factorial CoderByte Kotlin 🌀
0024 Maximum Subarray LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0025 Time Needed to Buy Tickets LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0026 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0027 Remove Element LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0028 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0029 Merge Two Sorted Lists LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0030 Third Maximum Number LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0031 Climbing Stairs LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0032 Halloween Sale HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0033 Implement StrStr LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0034 Plus One LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0035 Word Pattern LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0036 Single Number LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0037 Ugly Number LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0038 Product of Array Except Self LeetCode Kotlin 🎯
0039 Extra Long Factorials HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0040 Largest Substring Between Two Equal Characters LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0041 Reverse Integer LeetCode Kotlin 🎯
0042 Median of Two Sorted Arrays LeetCode Kotlin --
0043 Reformat the String LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0044 Divisor Game LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0045 Pow LeetCode Kotlin --
0046 Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0047 Equalize the Array HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0048 Viral Advertising HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0049 Circular Array Rotation HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0050 Find Digits HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0051 Repeated String HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0052 Valid Palindrome LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0053 Caesar Cipher HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0054 Flipping an Image LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0055 Funny String HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0056 Shortest Distance to a Character LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0057 Check Whether Two Strings are Almost Equivalent LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0058 Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0059 Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0060 Append and Delete HackerRank Kotlin --
0061 Pangrams HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0062 HackerRank in a String HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0063 Longest Uncommon Subsequence I LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0064 Move Zeroes LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0065 Check If All 1's Are at Least Length K Places Away LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0066 Beautiful Days at the Movies HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0067 Cut the sticks HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0068 Library Fine HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0069 Jumping on the Clouds HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0070 Sherlock and Array HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0071 Missing Numbers HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0072 Mark and Toys HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0073 Grid Challenge HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0074 The Love-Letter Mystery HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0075 Closest Numbers HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0076 Bill Division HackerRank Java 🌀
0077 Find the Median HackerRank Kotlin 🌀
0078 Thousand Separator LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0079 Count Largest Group LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0080 Count Number of Pairs With Absolute Difference K LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0081 Number of 1 Bits LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0082 Find the Difference of Two Arrays LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0083 Contains Duplicate LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0084 Assign Cookies LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0085 Kth Distinct String in an Array LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0086 Consecutive Characters LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0087 Duplicate Zeros LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0088 Majority Element LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0089 Three Consecutive Odds LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0090 Capitalize the Title LeetCode Kotlin 🌀
0091 Min Stack LeetCode Kotlin 🌀