Time | Activity |
5 MIN | 🔭 Class Overview |
5 MIN | 🏆 Learning Objectives |
20 MIN | 📚 Project Due Diligence |
10 MIN | 🗣️ Look at the Industry |
30 MIN | 🔥 Validate Your Biz |
10 MIN | 🛏️ BREAK |
60 MIN | 🚜 MVP's and More |
- MIN | 💪 Q&A + Wrap Up |
- Review course syllabus and high level understand of SPD 1.5
By the end of this class, you should be able to...
- Identify key selling points and killer features of your projects
- Communicate the value of your project through written media and reflect upon it
- Externally validate your project with users and change based upon feedback
Regardless of your final project group size (could be just you, could be a couple friends), utilize the following concepts we've learned to assign roles and ensure everything gets set up properly.
Jump into team based breakout rooms and make documents that capture the following information:
- Stakeholders
- Feature Owners (everybody must own something!)
- Product Timeline with Dates (research > requirements > UX + development > launch > analyize and pivot)
- Issue Tracking (Kanban board tools such as Trello, Asana, etc.)
- A painless product requirements doc
- Start a repository and outline a great README file
- Create an engineering ticket outline that will be used across the project
As a class, review the original Dropbox YC application.
Now let's look at some legendary pitch decks.
Perhaps this pitch deck tool can help you get started with forming a solid pitch.
Time to get back together with your project groups!
Review what makes a great pitch deck and start working on yours!
Next, before you build anything substantial, write a short 100-to-300 word blog post that summarizes the key points of your project and share it around Make School!
Use the pitch deck as a loose outline and capture the best selling points from your due diligence documents.
Start by sharing it in the #spd-jr.
Once you've posted your content, take some time to give feedback on another group's final project! You must generate value to receive value. 😉
As you collect feedback that validates the project, watch for falling rocks!
Does any of the feedback warrant further investigation due to bad signals?
Use your product timeline document and other things done during the due diligence phase as a roadmap to MVP and get started while you wait for feedback!
Everytime you hit a milestone such as basic UX working, API's functional, etc. get more validation! You may be surprised to hear what your potential customers have to say about your product.