In 2012, the Center for socio-political data (CDSP) set up the ELIPSS (Longitudinal Online Survey for the Social Sciences) Panel, an online survey instrument addressed to the academic community. It is a probability panel based on a sample of around 2,600 respondents who every month complete online questionnaires designed by social science research teams.
ELIPSS has a yearly core questionnaire (the Annual survey) to update sociodemographic data on panelists. Then, each month a new research survey is collected on a specific topic. The monthly survey can be cross-sectional (one-shot, for instance: fertility and birth control) or an additional wave of a longtudinal project (ex. Digital practices (wave 9)).
- Data files are shared with the research community based on:
- annual survey only
- longitudinal survey + data extracted from annual survey
- cross-sectional survey + data extracted from annual survey
We want to represent the organisation at high level: studyUnit, Group (of studyUnit), ResourcePackage...?
Gp: Group SU: StudyUnit RP: Resource Package
ELIPSS Panel (Gp)
- Metadata package (RP) Reusable concepts, conceptual variables, represented variables, code lists for all surveys in ELIPSS Panel...
- Annual survey (Gp)
Reusable metadata (RP) Reusable concepts, conceptual variables, represented variables, code lists for all annual surveys...
Annual survey 2013 (SU)
Annual survey 2023
- Longitudinal survey (Gp)
- Digital practices (Gp)
Reusable concepts, conceptual variables, represented variables, code lists for each waves of the same longitudinal project...
- Digital practices 2013 - Wave 1 (SU)
- ...
- Digital practices 2023 - Wave 9 (SU)
- Digital practices (Gp)
Reusable concepts, conceptual variables, represented variables, code lists for each waves of the same longitudinal project...
- Cross-sectional surveys (Gp)
- Year 2013 (GP)
- Fertility and birth control (SU)
- Metadata package Reusable concepts, conceptual variables, represented variables, code lists for each cross-sectional survey...
- Fertility and birth control (SU)
- Year 2013 (GP)